Cloth Blazer badge circa 1960


Centenary Booklet
Part 1




Part 2








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Photo Gallery

Part Two..cont

1925 - 1930

Name Ernest Beard.

Headteacher: Mr. Revill.

“Mr. Revill was a portly gentleman and he was also balding. He wore a pince-nez on the end of his nose which shook when he was angry. He also taught Sunday School classes which he made very interesting by using his geographical knowledge in the lessons. He lived in the stone house next to the infant playground.”


Name J. Basnett

Headteacher Mr. Revill.

“I started school in September 1928 in Miss Johnson’s class where the infants received a drink of Horlicks, warm in the winter. The Headmaster Mr. Revill lived in the Schoolhouse with his mother as I remember. The other teachers were Miss Dickson, Miss Walker, Miss Hayes and Mr. Roberts.

My brother and sister were pupils there in 1924 and 1926. My sister was one of the four girls to win the school’s swimming trophy. My brother received a scholarship to Macclesfield Grammar School.

I think we received a very good education in the three R’s which for the time was very good.

The original school must have been where the playground is as before it was tarmaced in the early thirties there were foundations we played on.

As my father had a milk round I saw a lot of old Marple, the building of the Baths, Brindley Estate for slum clearance from Stone Row, the cinema, many things that made Marple a more modern village.

All Saints' Girls 1928