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http://www.marplecivicsociety.org.uk/News.htmlI personally think the new green sign at the top of the steps rather OTT and would prefer it to be taken down (as shown in the photo on the above link). I don't mind the new sign on the main building. However, I also think the new frames that have appeared on the perimeter of the car park opposite Archers to perhaps be a little too much. I think these frames are designed to show temporary signs (special offers etc.). Anyone else agree/disagree?
Some people don't like change ,but they will use it when it opens next week if it had been a Waitrose or booths not a word would have been uttered .
So ASDA have erected signs without planning permission, have they? Quelle surprise!Didn't someone say "Be careful what you wish for" when all the cheers went up about ASDA coming to Marple? Thin end of the wedge and all that.
Latest objections Re Asda from civic society on there website ,
And on bus shelters .it will be ready for the 13 April .
Adverts appearing on the Manchester Evening News twitter feed confirm the 13th at 10am.
Poster at Romiley station confirms Asda Marple opens Monday 13th April at 10am.
There's a rumour that might be a tad early.
The new manager at ASDA Marple is still Peter .
Quite right admin but be careful that you don't object to much because I think in time ASDA will support Marple memorial park they do a lot of local charity suport .even Compstall cricket clubs had suport from them.
The sign was removed and defaced by vandals last night and it is currently in the park. I told the contractors who were in the Asda car park this morning where it was and they said that they would report it. I think it was probably done by the the same people who defaced our WWI display, which I will post about separately.The Friends of the Park have objected to the sign in that location and would encourage anyone who likes the park entrance as it is to do so too. However, we do not condone its removal by others. We prefer to use the planning process to persuade Asda that it is intrusive and unnecessary and would like them to remove it themselves. Or as the situation is now, not to refit it.They certainly should not have installed it before the planning application is approved because they are not replacing an existing Co-Op sign in this location.