Brabyns Preparatory School -Nurture. Engage. Achieve.

Child Boards

No New Posts Local Issues

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Discuss local issues you are concerned about or interested in, share your views and opinions on local matters. Bring items to the attention of the Marple Community.

20644 Posts
1613 Topics

Last post by admin
in Hawk Green Reading Room ...
on October 23, 2023, 08:15:17 AM

No New Posts Local Elections and Council Matters

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: This board, first set-up to cover the 2016 local elections, was "re-badged" to cover subsequent elections each year until May 2022. It was also a good place to segregate threads about local council issues and other topics topics that we wanted our local councillors to contribute to. Unfortunately they stopped doing that.

2205 Posts
82 Topics

Last post by GM
in Re: Candidates' views on...
on May 06, 2022, 05:14:51 PM

No New Posts Morris Homes Development of Hibbert Lane

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Marple Sixth Form College has agreed to sell the Hibbert Lane site to Morris Homes for residential development. Morris Homes say that they are proposing to build 94 homes (approx.) providing a broad spectrum from 1 bedroom to 4 bedroom houses to respond to the local housing needs. This board give the opportunity for residents to share thier thoughts and information on these plans as they develop.

115 Posts
3 Topics

Last post by mikes
in Unplanned tree removal
on June 11, 2019, 02:19:29 PM

No New Posts Marple Sixth Form College Plans & Improvements

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: A board covering Marple Sixth Form College's plans for development and improvement of the college's facilities. These include the sale of land on Hibbert Lane to Morris Homes to fund a multi-million pound investment in new and refurbished facilities on their Buxton Lane campus.

36 Posts
5 Topics

Last post by Dave
in Re: Marple Sixth Form Co...
on November 12, 2016, 01:08:27 PM

No New Posts Hazel Grove Elections May 2015

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: This board is set up for discussing the forthcoming general election and specifically the seat of Hazel Grove, which includes the Marple Area. With Sir Andrew Stunell OBE, incumbent since 1997, retiring it's likely that Hazel grove will be much more tightly contest than it has been in the recent past. Please let's try have a healthy exchange and try to understand the points of view of others as well as promoting your own. Rather than a political slanging match let's try to be positive about our prospective candidates to be our new local MP!

779 Posts
24 Topics

Last post by Duke Fame
in Re: Election expenses
on May 03, 2017, 06:01:31 PM

No New Posts Revealing Oldknow's Legacy Project

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: In September 2013 an award of £1.5 million was agreed for "Revealing Oldknow's Legacy: Mellor Mill and the Peak Forest Canal in Marple." This board brings together any posts about the project(s) being organised by Mellor Archaeological Trust and Canal and River Trust.

102 Posts
31 Topics

Last post by admin
in Lime Kilns meeting with ...
on July 30, 2018, 01:09:10 PM

No New Posts Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: This board has been created for ongoing discussions about the proposed development of the Chadwick Street Car Park and Post Office sorting office site by Kirkland Developments.

620 Posts
10 Topics

Last post by Dave
in Re: Chadwick Street / As...
on May 04, 2016, 03:00:32 PM

No New Posts Sale of Hibbert Lane Campus to Supermarket Chain

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: There have been rumours on this forum since 2005 that the Hibbert Lane College site is to be “sold to Tesco”. Until recently the rumours have been vigorously denied but they are now known to be true and CAMSFC have confirmed that they are considering bids from two supermarket chains and expect their Board of Governors to choose between them in October 2011. This section of the forum is for local people to have their say and all related threads will be moved here.

5311 Posts
127 Topics

Last post by amazon
in Re: Asda
on October 04, 2015, 08:13:30 PM

No New Posts Marple Primary Schools Transition

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: This board is for information and discussion about the proposals to expand Rose Hill Primary School and to close The Dale and Peacefield Primary that were agreed by the Council in January 2009.

137 Posts
8 Topics

Last post by My login is Henrietta
in Re: Marple Childcare at ...
on July 17, 2020, 02:02:57 AM

No New Posts Miscellaneous

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Anything that doesn't fit into the other categories can be posted here. If there's enough interest in a particular topic, then a new section can be created just for that.

5915 Posts
1186 Topics

Last post by admin
in Blythe House Hospicecare...
on February 22, 2023, 12:21:55 PM

No New Posts Recommended Businesses & Services

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Are you looking for a good plumber, plasterer or electrician? Ask other members for their recommendations here. Alternatively, use this section if you’d like to recommend a good service you've received. Negative posts or anyone blowing their own trumpet will be removed.

1308 Posts
288 Topics

Last post by Nick Heath
in Re: Car aircon repairs
on July 25, 2022, 03:36:15 PM

No New Posts Recommended Pubs & Restaurants

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: If you've had a good meal, excellent service, a fun quiz or just a great pint in one of our local establishments, then tell us all about it. Alternatively, if you're seeking a recommendation before trying somewhere local, then ask here. Negative posts will be removed.

1326 Posts
160 Topics

Last post by andrewbowden
in Re: Hare and Hounds, Doo...
on November 01, 2019, 09:06:46 AM

No New Posts Local Crime and Disturbance Log

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: A suggestion that we should have a local "Crime Log", a place where visitors can report incidents of crime, disturbance and unruly behaviour in the area has been supported by several users of the forum. This is not intended as an alternative to reporting crime to the police and if you are a victim of crime or assault we encourage you to report it to the police. Click here for details of how.

1096 Posts
241 Topics

Last post by royal_marple
in Re: High Visibility Patr...
on March 14, 2022, 10:53:55 PM

No New Posts Marple Festivals

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: The events and postings from Marple Festivals.

280 Posts
99 Topics

Last post by andrewbowden
in Re: Marple Food and Drin...
on September 29, 2021, 09:12:00 AM

No New Posts Marple Childrens Orthopaedic Hospital "Treetops"

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: We've had a lot of interest in the childrens hospital "Treetops" over the years so all messages have been moved to this section so they are easier to find.

71 Posts
12 Topics

Last post by admin
in Re: Marple Childrens Ort...
on June 21, 2024, 07:15:33 AM

No New Posts Old Friends & Contacts

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Use this forum to try and make contact with old school friends, neighbours or colleagues from the past. If you're organising a school reunion, post the details here.

150 Posts
49 Topics

Last post by Wanderer
in Looking for past mates f...
on July 15, 2019, 11:20:52 AM

No New Posts Family Ties

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Use this forum to try and contact lost relatives and share genealogical information. If an internet search on your family name has brought you to Marple, leave a message here.

255 Posts
83 Topics

Last post by dearsley
in Re: Family tree
on March 29, 2022, 03:59:34 PM

No New Posts Marple Ex-Pats

ARCHIVED 31/10/2022: Former Marple-ites seem to have moved to every corner of the globe. Many of them still take an interest on what goes on in the old home town. If you're one of these but don't feel able to contribute much to the local issues, then use this forum to tell us about what you're up to now. Lets find out who's our most distant ex-pat?

44 Posts
15 Topics

Last post by Lemckay
in Looking for Ronald or Go...
on August 29, 2021, 05:58:14 PM

No New Posts System Announcements

ARCHIVED 08/11/2022: This area is for system announcements and only an administrator can create new topics here. This area can only be viewed by visitors and Registered Members may respond to the topics posted if they wish.

131 Posts
21 Topics

Last post by Lily
in Re: SERVERS MOVING [2 - ...
on December 07, 2016, 09:17:41 PM

The boards in this category have been archived. Visitors can read them but no replies or new posts, sorry.