Jethroh, I take your point about the large number of objections to the planning application, compared with the relatively small number of supporting responses. But that is a different issue. The fact remains that MIA wrote 'the majority of people in Marple oppose that development.' They do not have any evidence to support that claim.
Now that planning permission has been applied for, it is effectively the first time the public have been given the platform to express their actual responses. MIA & the 'YES' campaign cannot do anymore now.
Given that this is the first opportunity the public has had to effectively vote for or against,there is a significant majority against.
Maybe everyone has been underestimating the well educated folk of Marple.
The people of Marple may not have been influenced by MIA scaremongering or corporate dream picture promised by Walmart.
Have the people of Marple waited for the correct time & place to voice their opinion i.e. when the planning application is submitted

We will see.