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Author Topic: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application  (Read 23347 times)

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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2012, 10:50:39 PM »
Can I ask a question(s).........  MIA have posted fliers tonight to houses around the college, My question is... who wrote it? It states 'Megastore'   which its not. States children will no longer be able to play out? WHY? House prices have dropped by 20% around the college.... But what about Chadwick Street? Why are MIA only trying to block Asda but are quite happy for the Chadwick Street Development? All the points they make out could be easily be argued for Chadwick Street, so why don't they try to block that one also? Why will the Library, swimming pool and post office close because of Asda? The Bold lettering at the end of the flier explain alot! 'All so that an American company can make even more profit'  Will anyone answer these questions?

Totally agree Tina. Even some MIA supporters have asked these very questions.


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2012, 09:46:16 PM »
Can I ask a question(s).........  MIA have posted fliers tonight to houses around the college, My question is... who wrote it? It states 'Megastore'   which its not. States children will no longer be able to play out? WHY? House prices have dropped by 20% around the college.... But what about Chadwick Street? Why are MIA only trying to block Asda but are quite happy for the Chadwick Street Development? All the points they make out could be easily be argued for Chadwick Street, so why don't they try to block that one also? Why will the Library, swimming pool and post office close because of Asda? The Bold lettering at the end of the flier explain alot! 'All so that an American company can make even more profit'  Will anyone answer these questions?


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2012, 04:21:24 PM »
Yes, it's depressing that a well-respected local organisation should produce such a poor letter - as others have said, full of vague unsubstantiated assertions, like 'There would be correspondingly negative social impacts within the community.'     ::)

However, we can take some comfort from the fact that this sort of letter may not cut much ice with the planners.  MCS would have been better advised to adopt a more intelligent and balanced approach, acknowledging the importance of the college's aspirations, and the valuable contribution it makes to the community, blah blah blah, but arguing that there may be better ways of achieving their objectives - that sort of thing.   As it is, they have just thrown the kitchen sink at it, and the result is a bit of a rant, and not at all persuasive.

As for this: 'Our patron Andrew Stunell MP has made clear that he supports the society’s objection to the proposal.' - words fail me (for once  ;))

Good posting Dave . Like you say not considered the college only publicity for the society .hope no one goes


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2012, 11:46:53 AM »
Yes, it's depressing that a well-respected local organisation should produce such a poor letter - as others have said, full of vague unsubstantiated assertions, like 'There would be correspondingly negative social impacts within the community.'     ::)

However, we can take some comfort from the fact that this sort of letter may not cut much ice with the planners.  MCS would have been better advised to adopt a more intelligent and balanced approach, acknowledging the importance of the college's aspirations, and the valuable contribution it makes to the community, blah blah blah, but arguing that there may be better ways of achieving their objectives - that sort of thing.   As it is, they have just thrown the kitchen sink at it, and the result is a bit of a rant, and not at all persuasive.

As for this: 'Our patron Andrew Stunell MP has made clear that he supports the society’s objection to the proposal.' - words fail me (for once  ;))

the rover

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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2012, 11:24:14 AM »
It is exactly as you say non evidenced - just bald assertion throughout.

Two aspects in relation to the CAMSFC/ASDA no campaigners that I endlessly find curious is;

1/ Their permanent reference to the traffic issue whereupon they completely ignore the same issue in relation to Trinity Street. It is as if this scheme will create no extra traffic whatsoever.

2/ Their constant refusal to even acknowledge the existence of the College and the benefits it brings to the community as a whole.

It is really quite amazing! What is equally amazing is that they call themselves ...The Marple Civic Society.

I have Civic pride, I am societal and I live in Marple and I say to the "Civic Society"...please,please don't represent me.   

In fact it begs a question, if anybody from MCS is listening - "Who actually do you represent" AND furthermore who says you do ?

Good post! I too state that you do not represent me or anybody that I know and who gave you the right to say you do? Has the whole of Marple voted you in to do this, the same goes for MIA?????

I hate people who assume that they know what other people think and proceed to state this publically.


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2012, 10:32:22 AM »
It is exactly as you say non evidenced - just bald assertion throughout.

Two aspects in relation to the CAMSFC/ASDA no campaigners that I endlessly find curious is;

1/ Their permanent reference to the traffic issue whereupon they completely ignore the same issue in relation to Trinity Street. It is as if this scheme will create no extra traffic whatsoever.

2/ Their constant refusal to even acknowledge the existence of the College and the benefits it brings to the community as a whole.

It is really quite amazing! What is equally amazing is that they call themselves ...The Marple Civic Society.

I have Civic pride, I am societal and I live in Marple and I say to the "Civic Society"...please,please don't represent me.   

In fact it begs a question, if anybody from MCS is listening - "Who actually do you represent" AND furthermore who says you do ?


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2012, 09:32:52 AM »
I agree re lack of concern for the college. Also they have made many claims with no evidence to back them up.


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2012, 07:51:47 AM »
I've read the letter, and I find it astonishing that an organisation which professes to be 'concerned about all aspects of our town, surrounding villages and countryside' should be so lacking in concern about the educational facilities available to our young people.  They should be ashamed of themselves! 

I too have read the letter and I find it absolutely unbelievable that they seem to have no concern whatsoever for the future of the college. They don't seem very civic nor societal.


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2012, 10:51:25 PM »
I've read the letter, and I find it astonishing that an organisation which professes to be 'concerned about all aspects of our town, surrounding villages and countryside' should be so lacking in concern about the educational facilities available to our young people.  They should be ashamed of themselves! 


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2012, 07:34:02 PM »
Just picked up from Marple Civic Society that "An extraordinary meeting is being arranged for the ASDA planning application to go before Marple Area Committee.  The meeting will take place sometime between 16th January and 27th February 2013.  SMBC will notify respondees to the planning application by post." Further details will be posted as they become available.

Also, Marple Civic Society have published their objections to the Asda proposals.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2012, 03:28:55 PM »
We've been round this topic so many times - people's shopping habits, the merits and demerits of the Co-op, the possible impact of a new supermarket on the independent traders - that there is nothing left to be said on the issue, and we are now just repeating ourselves.
Let's face it, we simply don't know what will happen if a new supermarket arrives, and looking at what has happened elsewhere doesn't help because the experience in other places has been so variable.   

So why don't we agree to differ, wait and see what happens, and instead of fretting about shops and supermarkets, focus on what really matters - the educational facilities provided for our young people in the 21st century.  That is far more important than agonising about whether this or that shop might possibly be affected by a new supermarket, isn't it?


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2012, 12:39:59 PM »
If the Co-op wasn't so expensive and was better run there wouldn't be such a need for an Asda. There is nothing wrong with extra choice for the people of Marple. Most people shop outside of Marple now for their main shop and Littlewoods etc still survive. In addition, all those against Asda won't go there so will continue using the local shops and Co op.

Duke, you are being the same as the MIA people who claimed the Co-op was great, not expensive etc. I would have more respect if you admitted that it wasn't the cheapest and that those on a low income WOULD benefit from a cheaper store in Marple but you feel it is outweighed by the traffic etc. Not just dismissing the logical counter argument. Oh and I support Asda yet am not overweight by any means!

Duke Fame

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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2012, 10:53:01 AM »
For the same reason that some of us choose to use some if these shops rather than the Co-op.

THe co-op is within the cenral area, I cannot see people, having felt the need to go to Asda and walk around the aisles to then waddle to Marple, at best they will get into their MPVs and drive from the free car park to pay to park and then buy the things they specifically left off the Asda list.


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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2012, 08:21:03 AM »
For the same reason that some of us choose to use some if these shops rather than the Co-op.

Duke Fame

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Re: Camsfc/Asda - supprting the planning application
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2012, 12:08:45 AM »
In what way would that planned Asda result in the subsequent disappearance of things we love about Marple - Food+Drink Festival, Christmas Cracker etc.

Utterly ridiculous.

I actually want the bloody store now, and it's all thanks to MIA and some of the absolute tosh they and their supporters spout.

I will, however, carry on supporting my local shops, just as I do now.. nothing will really change..  (apart from a new college building)

Littlewoods & White's butchers won't suffer

Claudios pattiserie won't suffer nor All things Nice.. I will actually use these stores MORE than I do now.. because it will enable me to stay in Marple instead of travelling to Tesco to 'do a big shop'


Why would you use White & Littlewoods when you can get factory butchered stuff from Asda, dipped in blood to look 'fresh' and then wrapped in celephane wrap?

Why would you go to the greengrocers when you can get Asparagus imported from peru and ripened in the warehouse?

Why would you go to Archers when you can buy centrally prepared and pasturised dough warmed up in the store oven?

Why would you get cheese from All things.. when you can get a plastic chedder in Asda

Why, having driven your car the 160 mtrs to Asda would you waddle your overweight masses to the little shops in the traditional town centre.

On the other  hand, why would you need Asda when you have the above shops and if you really need the mass produced option, why do you currently drive a 20 mile round trip to Tesco for a big sho pwhen you can currently walk to Co-op or the above shops (or is it a case of liziness)