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Author Topic: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths  (Read 28809 times)

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2012, 06:07:06 PM »
And just what would that false information be !  No information posted by myself or indeed any other MIA member is false.  The swimming baths and the roundabout was brought to MIA attention by staff who had attended a meeting at the college Fact not Fiction.   So now Dave my old mucker ! list what's false and I will provide where that information came from.  Please stop just putting wild remarks on just to point score, you are becoming boring !

"Posted" being the operative word. What people have been told on Market St to encourage them to sign the petition is entirely another matter.

Miss Marple

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2012, 05:57:13 PM »
you have to credit MIA of bringing the issue to the attention of may Marple residents who wouldn't have been aware of it otherwise.

Agreed.  But it's unfortunate that bringing it to people's attention has gone hand in hand, at times, with giving them false information. 
And just what would that false information be !  No information posted by myself or indeed any other MIA member is false.  The swimming baths and the roundabout was brought to MIA attention by staff who had attended a meeting at the college Fact not Fiction.   So now Dave my old mucker ! list what's false and I will provide where that information came from.  Please stop just putting wild remarks on just to point score, you are becoming boring !


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2012, 04:10:10 PM »

Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

As with many of your comments, this shows astounding ignorance, prejudice and an unpleasant disposition. Putting you straight would be easy but you may learn something if you did a little research of your own.


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2012, 04:48:04 PM »
you have to credit MIA of bringing the issue to the attention of may Marple residents who wouldn't have been aware of it otherwise.

Agreed.  But it's unfortunate that bringing it to people's attention has gone hand in hand, at times, with giving them false information. 


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2012, 04:10:58 PM »
I think, whether you agree with them or not, you have to credit MIA of bringing the issue to the attention of may Marple residents who wouldn't have been aware of it otherwise.

I agree entirely Steptoe about the public awareness, I think that they've done a great job there. I just wish they'd keep out of the other aspects of the issue, which they obviously know nothing about and also that they would stop pretending that they are informed as they know little more than the rest of us and also that they have any influence with anybody that counts as they obviously don't.     

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2012, 03:23:05 PM »
I think, whether you agree with them or not, you have to credit MIA of bringing the issue to the attention of may Marple residents who wouldn't have been aware of it otherwise.


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2012, 10:29:14 AM »
Dear Mrs O

MIA are a complete irrelevance as to whether ASDA comes to town or not. The days when ASDA and its ilk were welcome in Cities,Towns and Villages without any opposition are long gone. ASDA of course are used to such "campaigns" they are victorious, veterans of hundreds of them. They know that once a Supermarket is built it is a "fait de complit" and that even the biggest "NO" diehard will walk through their supermarket doors eventually.

ASDA are not interested in public opinion they are interested in money. MIA - bless em, can delude themselves all they want, they can march from Jon 'O' Groats to Lands End (many wish they would) and deliver a petition with a million votes, they can put up 10,000 posters  if they wish. None of these actions will hold any sway with either ASDA or for that matter SMBC. The only people who will be influenced by MIA will be local Councillors fearful of being unelected and we already know how they have reacted  - by caving in and rendering themselves impotent. 

All MIA have acheived as has been said many times on this website is to completely scupper the Local Area Committee from having any kind of input into the decision making process of ASDA setting up shop on Hibbert Lane. 

Well done MIA... This has really helped the local community of Marple.   


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2012, 08:22:31 PM »
Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

This is quite offensive, as well as a 'chav' comment on another post. Sounds like a Daily mail type of mindset.

Lots of people in council houses work actually. Lots of people were given them in the 1950s when it was quite acceptable and at one time 1/3 of the population lived in them.

They aren't 'given for nowt', people pay rent. Many vunerable groups such as people with disabilities are housed in them and unable to work.

Comments like the above fuel the idea that those against the Supermarket are merely snobs and shouldn't be acceptable on this website.
JMC,The above comments are Dukes and are not typical of MIA supporters.Many people who live in social housing do not want an Asda at the bottom of their garden or in front of their property.The housing around the site on Hibbert Lane is mostly Social or Ex social,Council or local authority,call it what you like.A lot of these people do not want it.

But I bet they will use it when it comes .....


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2012, 06:52:54 PM »
Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

This is quite offensive, as well as a 'chav' comment on another post. Sounds like a Daily mail type of mindset.

Lots of people in council houses work actually. Lots of people were given them in the 1950s when it was quite acceptable and at one time 1/3 of the population lived in them.

They aren't 'given for nowt', people pay rent. Many vunerable groups such as people with disabilities are housed in them and unable to work.

Comments like the above fuel the idea that those against the Supermarket are merely snobs and shouldn't be acceptable on this website.
JMC,The above comments are Dukes and are not typical of MIA supporters.Many people who live in social housing do not want an Asda at the bottom of their garden or in front of their property.The housing around the site on Hibbert Lane is mostly Social or Ex social,Council or local authority,call it what you like.A lot of these people do not want it.

Duke Fame

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2012, 02:28:20 PM »
Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

This is quite offensive, as well as a 'chav' comment on another post. Sounds like a Daily mail type of mindset.

Lots of people in council houses work actually. Lots of people were given them in the 1950s when it was quite acceptable and at one time 1/3 of the population lived in them.

They aren't 'given for nowt', people pay rent. Many vunerable groups such as people with disabilities are housed in them and unable to work.

Comments like the above fuel the idea that those against the Supermarket are merely snobs and shouldn't be acceptable on this website.

There are some who get their housing paid for. I support social housing for those genuinely unable to participate in the economy, everyone else should pay market rate for their rent and their heating.


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2012, 01:25:38 PM »
Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

This is quite offensive, as well as a 'chav' comment on another post. Sounds like a Daily mail type of mindset.

Lots of people in council houses work actually. Lots of people were given them in the 1950s when it was quite acceptable and at one time 1/3 of the population lived in them.

They aren't 'given for nowt', people pay rent. Many vunerable groups such as people with disabilities are housed in them and unable to work.

Comments like the above fuel the idea that those against the Supermarket are merely snobs and shouldn't be acceptable on this website.

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2012, 09:26:13 AM »
I know that SMBC have been installing Solar Panels on some council houses/bungalows and are going to observe the bills over a year to see if there is enough of a saving to make it worth while installing them on all council houses/bungalows in Marple. Some have been installed on Edwards Way & Carver Road and probably some other council houses in areas in Marple that I don't visit.

Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

Duke Fame, tha caring sharing face of conservatism  ;D

Duke Fame

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2012, 04:04:30 PM »
I know that SMBC have been installing Solar Panels on some council houses/bungalows and are going to observe the bills over a year to see if there is enough of a saving to make it worth while installing them on all council houses/bungalows in Marple. Some have been installed on Edwards Way & Carver Road and probably some other council houses in areas in Marple that I don't visit.

Jeez, so you get a house given for nowt and free heating. We wonder why nobody bothers working anymore!

the rover

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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2012, 03:23:36 PM »
I know that SMBC have been installing Solar Panels on some council houses/bungalows and are going to observe the bills over a year to see if there is enough of a saving to make it worth while installing them on all council houses/bungalows in Marple. Some have been installed on Edwards Way & Carver Road and probably some other council houses in areas in Marple that I don't visit.


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Re: Roundabout to demolish swimming baths
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2012, 01:58:15 PM »
Has nobody else who is commenting on this subject not noticed that the baths have just had Solar Panels installed all over the rear roof, I don't think that SMBC would waste that money if the baths were going to be demolised, then again this is SMBC we are talking about!

Besides the small car park did you know that you can also park in the parking area right at the back of the baths building, the permit parking does not start until near to the steps at the car park end of the baths.

Solar panels on a lot of the blocks of flats they have have a Run round Overton loads of the roofs round that area . Could be a deal they have going .