Helen Roscoe Yoga in Marple

Author Topic: Marple Shops V Asda  (Read 52739 times)

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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #103 on: March 15, 2012, 11:57:23 AM »
Good shops selling a quality product that consumers value will remain solvent.

Duke Fame

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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #102 on: March 15, 2012, 10:25:16 AM »
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? support the No campaign

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 

* Duke's post partially edited by Howard *

that seems a very strange argumnet.

It's also unlikely, the retailers are not going to see higher footfall from a supermarket on hte Hibbert Lane site. That is why even the shops that may not directly lose out to Asda in terms of trade will object.


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #101 on: March 13, 2012, 03:33:58 PM »
That depends if the rest of us stop using shops that are trying to prevent us getting a more useful supermarket.   Should I be giving my money to a shop that is displaying a poster I don’t agree with?

Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? 

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #100 on: March 09, 2012, 06:56:08 AM »
The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...

It is indeed, anything for an easy life
why did you sign it !  Come on give people a little more credit than that !
I didn't sign it?

Miss Marple

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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #99 on: March 08, 2012, 09:16:33 PM »
The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...

It is indeed, anything for an easy life
why did you sign it !  Come on give people a little more credit than that !


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #98 on: March 08, 2012, 07:59:30 PM »
The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...

It is indeed, anything for an easy life


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #97 on: March 08, 2012, 05:39:43 PM »
Oh dear Lisa - wait for the flak!! ;D

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #96 on: March 08, 2012, 05:07:38 PM »
<I've removed a number of posts today from his thread as all off topic>


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #95 on: March 08, 2012, 04:59:24 PM »
Agreed. There is the psychological aspect that most people tell you what they think you want to hear, particularly people in customer facing roles. You can see pub landlords especially doing this almost as a job description. If you think you can sell more of something by saying something (whatever you really think) then you'll say it.

The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #94 on: March 08, 2012, 04:54:10 PM »
Quite....likewise a small bunch of people kicking the subject of an alleged supermarket around on this and other forums has equally negligible effect on the ultimate chain of events, like it or not....


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #93 on: March 08, 2012, 04:36:28 PM »
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? 

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 

Agreed. There is the psychological aspect that most people tell you what they think you want to hear, particularly people in customer facing roles. You can see pub landlords especially doing this almost as a job description. If you think you can sell more of something by saying something (whatever you really think) then you'll say it.


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #92 on: March 08, 2012, 04:10:50 PM »
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? 

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 


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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #91 on: March 08, 2012, 12:18:41 PM »
Hello HW,

Sorry that your post has been deleted, I didn't find it insulting - I thought that it was funny!

In response: Within the world of "mirage" operational psychcology (MOP) the term "MOLE" is not used. It is a term that is considered trite and also that it gives a false perception of this shadowy intrigue. MOP have relegated it to the pages of fictitious spy novels - whereas this is the real world. The MOP agent in question is referred to as the "Apparition".This is sometimes shortened to "APP".

The Apparition is always recruited from within the local community and leaves it permanently once planning permission has been granted. It is very likely that the Apparition is someone you know. It is worth taking a few extra seconds to consider that young man in the queue at Littlewoods or the old lady sat in front of you on the bus or perhaps that pretty young girl behind the bar in the Crown. Even the tall, dark, man that passes you in the morning mist of the Memorial Park -carrying a gladstone bag and wearing a top hat. Is he really who you think he is? Any one of these could be the Apparition. Even your own mother - is she really who you think she is ? What about you Dave, or you Miss M, or Duke or Mrs O ?

Are you who we think you are - or are you really The APP from MOP?   



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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #90 on: March 08, 2012, 08:13:43 AM »
What's the point? I shop at many local shops, and no doubt I will continue to do so if/when we get a proper supermarket.  But I don't shop at Littlewoods - no special reason, I'm just happy getting my meat elsewhere.  So it would be a bit weird for me to suddenly walk in out of the blue and strike up a discussion.

As it happens, over the past few months I have had passing conversations about this issue with a number of local shopkeepers.  Opinions seems to vary, just as they do among us other residents.  And as we all agree, in the end this is just so much speculation.  No-one can know for sure how it will pan out - we shall have to wait and see.  Or there again, perhaps we never will!   :)

Miss Marple

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Re: Marple Shops V Asda
« Reply #89 on: March 07, 2012, 11:04:49 PM »
Yes, Littlewoods will do just fine - even better than they already do, because there will be so many more shoppers around that bit of Marple.

Dave my old friend have you actually got out of your armchair and asked John !  You know gone into his shop and debated this issue with him ?   NO !!!  Didn't think you would have done.  Have you decided against playing my game?  Shame I think you would have found it informative and would have given  you insight into what you post/peach   It seems a little  bit like you  can talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.  Now I maybe way off the Mark here, but some how I don't think so  :-*