I Speak for myself here, and no-one else.
I would be more than happy to use a supermarket IF it was A. small and B. Located within the business district of marple, as that area is going to be able to cope with the increased numbers of cars and padestrians. It would also have strong links with both the bus service and be a short walk to the train station. Building it in what is effectively the middle of no-were shopwise seems stupid, as A. the main road simply won't cope (although it looks calm now, your forgetting about the stupid juction by TP, and the bridge near the goyt mill) B. the noise pollution that would be generated by the cars, people etc would be unbareable, After all, the college only generates noise during the day, when most poeple are at work, or shopping etc. The same applies to light pollution. Granted, CO2 emmisions might not change if the supermarket was built in the centre of marple, but the emmisions would, however, be closer to a carbon sink (the park) and would not be as close to peoples homes.
I could also say how the yes campagin can alllow a supermarket that could POTENTUALLY Be the final nail in the coffin for marples village atmosphere (which we are stupidly lucky to have). I could also ask them how they can be affiliated with the various graffiti tags saying "vote tesco" around marple? (although i'm not saying that anyone in the YES campaign is responsible, or are in any way affiliated with the tagging)
Also, were did MIA State that they would impose conditions on what the shop could sell?
M.I.A. Dares because they care 
Disclaimer :
Any oppinions expressed in the above article are those of the writer, and the writer only.
All items mentioned are opinnion unless otherwise stated.
Non of the above post is designed as scaremongering.
Below is taken directly from the MIA page from the heading have your say scroll down to the bottom Daniel and you will see the following:
Marple in Action is NOT against another supermarket opening in Marple, but think that it should:
Be of a suitable size to serve the population of Marple.
Be located in the town centre, where it would be more appropriate and benefit our local shops.
Have conditions imposed so that it can only sell groceries (no flowers, newspapers, stationery, clothes, shoes, electrical goods) so that it doesn't impact on local shops too much.
We feel that there must be better uses of the land that would benefit the whole community of Marple, such as affordable housing for young families or retired people, a community centre and/or health centre, more facilities for the youth of Marple
your question was: Also, were did MIA State that they would impose conditions on what the shop could sell?
The answer is in black and white!
Also the 'yes' group are in no way affiliated to any graffiti what so ever! we do not want this to happen and if you remember when you made a false allegation as to the burning of posters you was corrected by myself that it was not part of the 'yes' group. So please stop trying to stir trouble up! We can not be blamed for a few small minded people who feel free to deface our community.
we are a group of people who have actually stood up and said we don't agree with the statements from MIA, they claim to speak for Marple BUT they are NOT. By speaking to people around Marple not everyone is against a new supermarket and feel that MIA are making statements on their behalf what they do not agree to.