Its very hard to understand how anyone could think the roads of Marple would cope with the additional traffic a Tesco would bring
The A626 is busy all the time (except maybe in the middle of the night) and to say it is only busy at rush hour does not make sense,eveyone knows how backed up that road is FOR HOURS (not just
one hour rush hour) every morning (term time obviously worse) and how busy it is coming into Marple at anytime.
Add in extra traffic visiting the store,HGVs,deliveries all day/prob most of the night and its very hard to believe that Marple will not end up as a grid-locked/even noisier/more polluted town than it already is.
I suggest anyone who says Marple can cope with massive additional traffic tries to leave Marple every morning between 7.30am and 9.30 am and return anytime between 3pm and that for a full year in ALL weathers and then see if you have the same opinion.
The traffic issue is also before you bring in any affect on housing anywhere near the store/on routes towards it,chances of more anti-social behaviour at night in the area .........again imagine yourself in a house near the Hibbert lane site and see how you would feel about it.
If people drive to the proposed Tesco to shop they are not going to walk from Hibbert Lane into Marple to see the smaller shops or cafes etc .....why would they when Tescos will prob have a Cafe ? people very rarely walk anywhere now for any distance and they are not going to think after shopping......."Ohh i'll just walk down this congested un-interesting road to see a few shops or a canal"
The majority will drive to Tesco-shop-drive home,job done.
As far as i can see for people that live in Marple the negatives far outweigh the positives,the only positive is it would give you more choice......why would anyone who lives in Marple think just that was worth all the traffic/housing problems added together with the very probable decline of a community feel with many local independant shops probably being forced to close.