Michelle Reynolds Podiatrist, Marple

Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 797427 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #383 on: July 28, 2011, 01:15:29 PM »
Obviously, those who do not object to these supermarket plans are not adversely affected, perhaps it will not affect the value if their property, perhaps it is far enough away for them not to be worried about the traffic on their road increasing. I presume that that also care very little for maintaining the community they currently live in.
Question to those who do not mind or agree with the plans…. What if it was in your street? What if the 24 hour supermarket was opposite your house, what if the new traffic lights/roundabout was outside your front door?
Isn’t this a case of NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude?
I did not attend the meeting last night, but I understand that the councillors were notably silent – Shouldn’t they be acting on our behalf?


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #382 on: July 28, 2011, 12:50:46 PM »
Spoke to boss, in principle happy about use of equipment etc for noise surveys. My time would be out of hours and therefore free.

However, hes of the opinion noise may not be as much of an issue. It can be conditioned such that deliveries could only happen during hours specified eg 0800-1700h. Daytime levels are quite loud, relatively. I can do a spot check no problem, but if theyre restrcited to daytime deliveries that could be a massive blow to the noise side of things.

Theres also a problem in that I as an individual do not carry anything like the weight of the company i work for, and may get discredited if im not very careful, by highly paid teams of Tesco's consultants. Whether the company would be prepared to do it/underwrite my work as it were remains to be seen, id have to talk to the directors.

This will definitely need a bit more consideration. However, happy to help in this area, and anywhere else. Boss is of the opinion traffic will be the major influence in terms of planning refusal.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #381 on: July 28, 2011, 12:40:55 PM »
There is a data base for all peoples email addresses or phone numbers  Please send me a personal email via this site with your email address on and I will add you the list.  Marple in Action is not about a small group of people ! Marple in Action is YOU and we want you to become involved because we realise that people on this site have a wealth of skills that will help drive this campaign forward.  For example one local resident has got her children's local school behind this campaign due to child safety on the road.  There was another resident at last nights meeting who had information about the concerns of our local fire service to increased traffic ( if you are reading this please post what information you have or send a personal email please )  There is soon to be a MASS demonstration which you will be informed of which will be taking place in August it is so important that we attend to show the college, councillors and which ever supermarket that IT'S NOT HAPPENING !  There is soon to be a bill board drop please let us no if you would allow us to put a bill board on your garden?  Especially is you live near the college  ! 

Jo Scarlett

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #380 on: July 28, 2011, 12:24:30 PM »
Some really intresting points from Ben, so much better to be fully informed.

If Cllr McKay has stood down? do we know if the Governing Body is obliged to have a representative Cllr on their board - what is the legal standing on this?  I still struggle to understand how the college GB can have so much weight in an issue as big as this?


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #379 on: July 28, 2011, 12:19:07 PM »
Hi acoustic man,
I live on Hawk Green, just around the corner from Hibbert Lane. We have bats and a hawk and badgers! Any use?

Yep :)

Not my area of expertise but these are all good lines of enquiry. We could do with organising a list of 'Marple In Action' skills.

I live in hawk green too btw, off goyt avenue.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #378 on: July 28, 2011, 12:18:13 PM »
It seems to me that the College Governors  ... Does anyone know who they are and how they can be reached?

Waiting on the college to give an accurate list of governors, via FOI, as their site seems incorrect, but if anyone can get it from elsewhere, great.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #377 on: July 28, 2011, 12:15:40 PM »
As for the constant sniping at local councillors ... perhaps you should stand for election in their place. Then you can have your home address publicised everywhere, be constantly heckled from one side or another and generally insulted about issues that are not under their control. I may not agree with their politics or everything they do, but I have great respect for those who genuinely attempt to serve in public office.

Very well said, hollins.  I realise that some people have very strong feelings on this issue, but I find it quite sad that some people resort to accusing councillors of 'lying'.   :(

I agree that lying is a strong term.
Having said that, I have had precious few dealings with the members of the local area committee until this issue.  What concerns me is that at both the meeting with Marple In Action, and also at the meeting last night, their initial stance is 'we know very little, there are no facts'.  During the progress of the debate it then invariably emerges that they can indeed quash rumour with. The facts they do know.  We were told at the Marple In Action meeting that they had no knowledge of any actual bids, and solely that three weeks ago they had been told that the college was in discussion with three retailers.  At the meeting last night, we understand that the council has actually seen some Market research indicating that Marple sidings on the whole shop outside the area.  Clearly there has been some misinformation and the initial stance of having no informatio at all is not correct.  The posts from Sky Guy and Miss Marple above clearly evidence that the college has been talking in more detail to the Council than the LAC would have had Marple In Action believe at last week's meeting, when their statement of the facts as they knew them were absolutely scant, and adamant that the first they had heard was three weeks ago, at the end of June. 
There is a general feeling that they are inclined to withhold information as opposed to dealing with the issues.  I appreciate that the Director of Planning was very good, spoke clearly about the stance on the designation of the land and I think we all appreciate that the wider issue is largely beyond his control.  Despite this, I watched the faces of the LAC with interest (Craig aside, who seems to represent our view despite his verbal approach at times, which can be required as people get heated) and I was concerned that when goods points were made with regard to the Tesco at Burnage for example, they grimace and shake their heads in a very negative fashion.  The general feeling is not one of 'we're with you but our powers are limited as follows', it appears me more to me that they are against protestation from the residents, and this breeds a feeling that we are not represented and results in the over-egged accusations of lies. 
They should have come out and put on the table EVERYTHING they did know.  That didn't happen, you have to eke it out of them piece by tiny piece.  Not good, and if nothing else I know where my votes will not be going in the future.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #376 on: July 28, 2011, 12:13:54 PM »
Hi acoustic man,
I live on Hawk Green, just around the corner from Hibbert Lane. We have bats and a hawk and badgers! Any use?

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #375 on: July 28, 2011, 12:13:17 PM »

This post contained copies of two emails sent by Christina Cassidy to her staff earlier this year on April 7 and then on May 9.

I received a request to remove them from Andrew Hubert of Cheadle and Marple College at 1.20pm today (28 July 2011). Andrew provided a copy of the CAMSFC Disclaimer that the he says accompanied the original emails when they were sent out to college staff, which I have pasted below:

CAMSFC DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and any attachments may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information and is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is intended to be addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the College. If you have received this message in error, or you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying or disclose of its contents to any other person is strictly prohibited, please notify the sender immediately, by responding to this message and then deleting it from your system. The College nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan this email.

I have sought advice regarding the legal position on this and have been advised to comply with the college's request. Admin.

Quotations from confidential emails have been removed from this post. Admin

The college have made a concerted effort to conceal information from the public until such time as it is a "done-deal" and too late for our objections to make a difference.

Shame on you CAMSFC  >:(


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #374 on: July 28, 2011, 12:09:06 PM »
It seems to me that the College Governors hold all the cards here. Fourteen people, or thirteen if its correct the Cllr McKay has stood down, hold complete control over the decision to which 'large supermarket' the land is sold to. How crazy is this. It is going to affect the community of Marple forever. We need to find out just who these people are. From the college website and the profiles that are available (for just some of them) they appear to be business people or academics with little if any connection to Marple. Does anyone know who they are and how they can be reached?


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #373 on: July 28, 2011, 12:07:09 PM »

I was at the meeting last night and offered some assistance. Im an acoustic consultant and have done a lot of work in relation to planning applications and noise, including supermarkets.

In terms of this potential application, the Planning Director was being truthful and honest. The problem lies elsewhere.

In terms of planning, the potential owner need to demonstrate that there will be minimal or no impact on local residents, over a number of categories.  Just thinking out loud, at least three issues immediately spring to mind; noise pollution, light pollution and additional traffic.

The main document they use is the Core Strategy.

Its a lengthy document, but basically as was said last night, applications for a different use are opposed. So supermarket at the College site would definitely be refused. The problem is wheterh this is then referred elsewhere.

But all is not lost.

Traffic must be a major contention.

And noise is also likely to be significantly excessive.

In terms of what I can do, i can take measurements at locations around the site, at various times (will depend on proposed opening hours, which are currently unknown, but given the size of the site, its entirely possible that it could be late/24 hour. Noise levels in Marple are currently very quiet at night, particalary after 11pm, at around 30dBLAeq. I also have a lot of data relating to deliveries (the noisiest and hardest to treat) and car parks/traffic. I can undertake calculations to (probably) show that noise levels are excessive, and hence it should easily be blocked on those grounds alone. marple is just not going to get significantly noisier any time soon, so this should be a long term solution.

In terms of the survey, im not proposing to do anything just yet, but see what happens. Legally, im not sure if im allowed on the site, and i doubt the college will be supportive, so id need access to any houses with gardens that back onto the site for an hour or so. Im sure given the level of support someone can do this. i can take measurements on the pavement legally outside the front of other affected houses. I can also calcualte expected traffic noise levels. But the deliveries, at around 70-80dBLAeq, will be significantly higher than existing background, at around 30-40dBLA90.

Also, in terms of the equipment, depending on how work are about this, I may need to hire some equipment. Is there a fund/etc for this whole issue? Very early days yet, just thinking out loud.

Traffic would also be increased exponentially, and the infrastructure is just not suitable.

Tesco/whoever will have planning consultants and presumably acoustic/traffic etc companies working for them. Id also be happy to review any documents.

Noise is dealt with by Stockport Environmental Health by the way. They give guidance to the planning team, based on survey data and reports provided by the applicant. It is also possible to submit a report (i.e. ours) demonstrating that it will be excessive. I know a few people there and theyre decent people. Its there job and perogative to protect residnets from noise, as its them who get called out if/when theres a problem.

Other areas to consider would be light pollution (significant), conservation (any bats round this area?, theyre a protected species, we can force them to get an independent bat survey (!) believe it or not, seen them before), quality of air, right to light (blocking up windows), and privacy (people in car park seeing in to peoples rooms).  Theres probably even more.

Bit busy at work atm, but some food for thought, feel free to ask any questions.

I understand the main issue is the long term (expected) plan of Tescos buying the site and sitting on it. Theres really very little you can do about that, apart from lobbying the college, but i really can see planning permission for any large supermarket ever being granted there. All is not yet lost!

If either of the two ladies who i spoke to want to get in touch please do via the email i gave you last night.



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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #372 on: July 28, 2011, 12:02:54 PM »
Councillor Craig Wright said: "If it is sold to a supermarket it will be an absolute scandal. That land was given to the college to provide further education."

Glad that at least one of our Councillors is speaking up for us, and not sitting on the fence !!

Councillor Craig Wright has been the owner of a local business (Harmony Decor, I believe) before he sold up. Having had several discussions with him I know that he would be one of the most vocal opponents of a new supermarket because of the effect it would have on the local traders. We would definitely have an ally there from the point of view of the impact on local shops.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #371 on: July 28, 2011, 11:52:35 AM »
As for the constant sniping at local councillors ... perhaps you should stand for election in their place. Then you can have your home address publicised everywhere, be constantly heckled from one side or another and generally insulted about issues that are not under their control. I may not agree with their politics or everything they do, but I have great respect for those who genuinely attempt to serve in public office.

Very well said, hollins.  I realise that some people have very strong feelings on this issue, but I find it quite sad that some people resort to accusing councillors of 'lying'.   :(
Agreed about accusing the councillors of lying is wrong, but from my experience of the Marple primary school merger the councillors are very selective of what information they impart to the people who have elected them to their position.
Like all jobs or "position" some people are better at than others. Some people become councillors to help the community and others are in it for the Kudos.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #370 on: July 28, 2011, 11:43:54 AM »
As for the constant sniping at local councillors ... perhaps you should stand for election in their place. Then you can have your home address publicised everywhere, be constantly heckled from one side or another and generally insulted about issues that are not under their control. I may not agree with their politics or everything they do, but I have great respect for those who genuinely attempt to serve in public office.

Very well said, hollins.  I realise that some people have very strong feelings on this issue, but I find it quite sad that some people resort to accusing councillors of 'lying'.   :(


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #369 on: July 28, 2011, 11:40:49 AM »
Our campaign is featured in the Stockport Express.  Don't be shy about adding comments via the Stockport Express website, perhaps pointing people towards this forum.

Glad that at least one of our Councillors is speaking up for us, and not sitting on the fence !!

Residents rally over fears of new superstore

Residents are opposing plans to sell off a plot of college land in Marple – fearing it might be used for a supermarket.

Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College says its Hibbert Lane campus is ‘no longer viable’ following cuts in government funding.

The college says it is considering ‘a number of options’, but neighbours say they believe that may include talks with one or more large supermarket.

Resident Lucille Bartlett said: "We do not want this. We do not need this. We have giant supermarkets in surrounding neighbourhoods as Hazel Grove and Bredbury."

Councillor Craig Wright said: "If it is sold to a supermarket it will be an absolute scandal. That land was given to the college to provide further education."

Residents are setting up a group, called Marple in Action, to bring people and businesses together to oppose any supermarket plan.

Many residents also plan to attend tonight’s meeting of the Marple area committee, which takes place at Marple Library at 6pm, to ask questions about the plans.

Paul Lawrence, director of place development at the council, said they are aware that discussions are taking place in respect about the site.

But as the land is owned by the college, the council does not have any jurisdiction over who it is sold to – although it will have to give planning permission for any development.

The college had been expecting funding for a new building on the Hibbert Lane site, but that was withdrawn last year.

A spokeswoman for the college said: "There are a number of options that are being considered in line with the need to provide a facility which will also become the focal point of the college’s community.

"We would like to stress that no contracts have been signed and that any decision is subject to planning."