I was at the meeting last night and offered some assistance. Im an acoustic consultant and have done a lot of work in relation to planning applications and noise, including supermarkets.
In terms of this potential application, the Planning Director was being truthful and honest. The problem lies elsewhere.
In terms of planning, the potential owner need to demonstrate that there will be minimal or no impact on local residents, over a number of categories. Just thinking out loud, at least three issues immediately spring to mind; noise pollution, light pollution and additional traffic.
The main document they use is the
Core Strategy.
Its a lengthy document, but basically as was said last night, applications for a different use are opposed. So supermarket at the College site would definitely be refused. The problem is wheterh this is then referred elsewhere.
But all is not lost.
Traffic must be a major contention.
And noise is also likely to be significantly excessive.
In terms of what I can do, i can take measurements at locations around the site, at various times (will depend on proposed opening hours, which are currently unknown, but given the size of the site, its entirely possible that it could be late/24 hour. Noise levels in Marple are currently very quiet at night, particalary after 11pm, at around 30dBLAeq. I also have a lot of data relating to deliveries (the noisiest and hardest to treat) and car parks/traffic. I can undertake calculations to (probably) show that noise levels are excessive, and hence it should easily be blocked on those grounds alone. marple is just not going to get significantly noisier any time soon, so this should be a long term solution.
In terms of the survey, im not proposing to do anything just yet, but see what happens. Legally, im not sure if im allowed on the site, and i doubt the college will be supportive, so id need access to any houses with gardens that back onto the site for an hour or so. Im sure given the level of support someone can do this. i can take measurements on the pavement legally outside the front of other affected houses. I can also calcualte expected traffic noise levels. But the deliveries, at around 70-80dBLAeq, will be significantly higher than existing background, at around 30-40dBLA90.
Also, in terms of the equipment, depending on how work are about this, I may need to hire some equipment. Is there a fund/etc for this whole issue? Very early days yet, just thinking out loud.
Traffic would also be increased exponentially, and the infrastructure is just not suitable.
Tesco/whoever will have planning consultants and presumably acoustic/traffic etc companies working for them. Id also be happy to review any documents.
Noise is dealt with by Stockport Environmental Health by the way. They give guidance to the planning team, based on survey data and reports provided by the applicant. It is also possible to submit a report (i.e. ours) demonstrating that it will be excessive. I know a few people there and theyre decent people. Its there job and perogative to protect residnets from noise, as its them who get called out if/when theres a problem.
Other areas to consider would be light pollution (significant), conservation (any bats round this area?, theyre a protected species, we can force them to get an independent bat survey (!) believe it or not, seen them before), quality of air, right to light (blocking up windows), and privacy (people in car park seeing in to peoples rooms). Theres probably even more.
Bit busy at work atm, but some food for thought, feel free to ask any questions.
I understand the main issue is the long term (expected) plan of Tescos buying the site and sitting on it. Theres really very little you can do about that, apart from lobbying the college, but i really can see planning permission for any large supermarket ever being granted there. All is not yet lost!
If either of the two ladies who i spoke to want to get in touch please do via the email i gave you last night.