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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 757093 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #353 on: July 28, 2011, 08:45:11 AM »
I have also today written to the college.

I understand from a source that * the houses behind the baths have received compulsory purchase orders.  These are not given by the college but by the Government.  *

[* unsubstantied accusations have been removed from this post. Admin]

Last night they just wanted us to think that all would be alright as they would not grant planning.  The fact that he would not be dealing with the planning and that it would be dealt with higher up than him was just false hope.

I wonder if anyone who is reading this who lives where the baths is can confirm that they have received such order.

bat man

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #352 on: July 28, 2011, 08:42:50 AM »
What about the employment that would be created,we already have the CO-OP and that hasnt taken away all the local buisiness,also if the funding is not found to develope the college then the further education of a future generation will suffer.There are alot of valued points against a supermarket taking over the site but if they did there would be certain alterations to the road that would need to be considered,these could be funded by the developer,such as the errection of crossing barriers.I dont think this should be dismissed. ;D

Mike Whittaker

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #351 on: July 28, 2011, 07:46:04 AM »
I attended the meeting last night and I am completely opposed to a retail development on the hibbert lane campus. I live on hibbert lane opposite the existing college car park.
I have written a personal letter to the college explaining my lack of support for their actions and I urge every other resident to do the same.

The big issue for me is the sale of the land. Once sold I believe, as someone pointed out at last nights meeting, that it will only be a matter of time before something is built or the site becomes derelict and an eyesore.

The weak point is the college. They thought that we wouldnt bat an eyelid at what they propose to do. It is them who hold the cards at this time. There is still time to persuade the board of governors to "do the right thing" and opt for a different sales ethic.

As I see it we have until October to make a real impact with the college. They are clearly thinking with their hands in their pockets rather than with their heads.

Below is a copy of my letter to the governors, write you own. Hand deliever it, send it to each of the governors and put the ball in their court. Remember a pro forma letter or template letter gets a proforma/template response.

Hopefully they will see sense, they clearly are prepared for any confrontation from members of the public (in the form of legitimate demonstration), as demonstrated by MIA's meeting with them yesterday.

Ridge Danyers College

Dear Governor

I am Michael Whittaker and I am a local resident living on Hibbert lane, Marple. I live opposite the Hibbert Lane campus of Ridge Danyers College.

I am aware that you are currently in negotiations with third parties, specifically supermarket businesses, in regards to the sale of the Hibbert lane Campus. I understand that this sale is to fund the expansion and development of the Buxton Lane Campus. I understand at this time that this is the only option you are looking at to get the monies you require for the expansion project.

I understand the necessity for the development of the educational facilities that you supply, as I was a student of yours some 10 years ago now, but I am deeply disappointed by the way in which you are willing to get the funds.

I believe that ethically and morally the sale of this land, for the reason stated, would not be in keeping with why you were given the land in the first place. I believe this land was given to you to use as a resource for something beneficial for Marple. It was given to you in good faith on the premise of it being used for education.

In selling it to a supermarket chain I believe you are acting in an unethical and immoral way, which will be to your material gain and to the detriment of Marple.

I am completely opposed to the Hibbert lane site becoming a Supermarket or retail site. I feel that this would be detrimental to Marple in a lot of ways. Examples of this include effects on local residents, local businesses and traffic.

To be more specific, I believe that a supermarket will mean increased traffic in the Marple area and Hibbert lane in its immediacy. This will have a direct effect on commuters and I include my wife and myself in that as we commute to Stretford and Didsbury through peak times when the proposed development would be open. I believe that this would be dangerous to the residents of Marple and your own students. It wasn’t that long ago that one of your students was knocked down outside my house by a car. It is already a busy road.

I have two young children under 4 years old. It is already dangerous for them to cross the road. We do not need the extra traffic.

I am also concerned that our volunteer emergency services personnel will be massively hindered in “turning out” to emergency calls from members of the public. If you were not already aware Marple Fire station is staffed by retained fire-fighters on nights and weekends. This dedicated group of people live within our community. Some on or around Hibbert lane, all of them within a Marple boundary set to enable them to attend the station in the case of an emergency within a set period of time. A retail outlet would directly effect this as the peak time for any retail establishment will be at nights and weekends. I can tell you as an ex fire fighter, it is already hard enough work getting to the station in the event of an emergency at these times, it will only be made worse by the inclusion of retail consumer traffic. Literally lives could be put at risk.

I believe that a supermarket, the likes of Tescos, Asda, Sainsburys etc would be detrimental to the already struggling local businesses within the town centre. I believe it will have a direct effect on them including closure of many of them as a supermarket will offer the same or similar products for cheaper prices. This will decay Marple town centre and ruin what is a community business area.
In my case, as a resident, I will be disturbed by HGV movements in relation to deliveries to the proposed site, increased traffic and noise.  I will be disturbed by the environmental lighting used to light the premises or car park. I will be upset by the site of a large supermarket on my front door step. I do not want a supermarket on my front door step.

I fully understand the need to develop the Buxton Lane campus but implore you to see sense and look to sell to the likes of a property developer or similar. Marple does not need a supermarket but it does need housing. I can accept this. The community will accept this. I understand that you may not get the same amount of money from this avenue, but you would retain both my wifes support and mine.
As it stands should your board meet in October as planned and move to agree to this sale I regret you will have lost our support.

I will oppose the plans for retail development should you continue to support this. I will do this by erecting a large sign outside my house, on my land to voice this. I recognise that other residents will also be doing this also. I will also support Marple In Action.
I will oppose your planning application in respect of your expansion of the Buxton Lane campus. I will do this by continuing to follow the planning application process and voicing my views at area committee meetings.

I will support the Marple Hall Academy bid in an effort to increase competition for your college.

I will ensure that my two children do not attend your college, as I did, and instead go to another college\Marple Hall Academy.

I will ensure that given any issue arising from either the expansion of your Buxton lane campus or your students themselves I will be reporting to the relevant authorities. I have previously tolerated littering, abuse, poor driving, illegal parking and damage to my property.

I will personally make life as difficult as possible for Ridge Danyers in respect of any support that you may require in the future.

You need to know that these feelings are echoed by many other residents in Marple. On Wednesday 27th July 2011 an area committee meeting was held at 1800hrs in Marple Memorial Park. So strong was the support, that the venue was not big enough and council committee members were forced to take unprecedented action in speaking on the war memorial to a crowd of around 200 residents of all ages.

 I do not believe that this is a lost cause and again implore you to see sense and do the right thing. You still have the chance to vote no to this course of action in the Board meeting. You still have time to explore other avenues to fund your project.

You alone have the power to keep Marple the community spirited village it has grown into. You alone can take our interests on board and look to fund your new project ethically and with our support.

I wish to remain in Marple as it is a beautiful place to live, it is a great community. You need to realise that you are part of this community and should you choose to do something detrimental then you may find yourself without the community behind you. 

I am willing to meet with you to discuss this further if you deem it necessary. I would like a reply/acknowledgement of my letter in a timely fashion.

Yours Sincerely

Michael Whittaker


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #350 on: July 28, 2011, 04:05:40 AM »
This post contained copies of two emails sent by Christina Cassidy to her staff earlier this year on April 7 and then on May 9.

I received a request to remove them from Andrew Hubert of Cheadle and Marple College at 1.20pm today (28 July 2011). Andrew provided a copy of the CAMSFC Disclaimer that the he says accompanied the original emails when they were sent out to college staff, which I have pasted below:

CAMSFC DISCLAIMER: This e-mail message and any attachments may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information and is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is intended to be addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the College. If you have received this message in error, or you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying or disclose of its contents to any other person is strictly prohibited, please notify the sender immediately, by responding to this message and then deleting it from your system. The College nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan this email.

I have sought advice regarding the legal position on this and have been advised to comply with the college's request. Admin.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #349 on: July 28, 2011, 01:45:37 AM »
Yes we have been burning the midnight oil, but we needed to plan our next course of action which will be mass demonstrations outside the college   Dates and times will be circulated


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #348 on: July 28, 2011, 12:48:45 AM »
And this is how it works.  Manningtree (leafy little town) and their Tesco battle.  This isn't a pessimistic "we're doomed" posting, merely an overview of Tesco/Council tactics, so we're forewarned.

  • March 2007 : Local traders+residents go into action, opposing Tesco development.  Council line is "The new design of the building is ugly and incoherent and contravenes the recommendations of the Essex Design Guide (ECC 1997)"
  • October 2007 : "Stour Community First" action group do leaflet campaign, "Stop the destruction of Manningtree's local community by the Tesco proposals. There can be an alternative to a ghost town, clogged with traffic and controlled by a single retail store".
  • June 2008 : Tesco hold exhibitions to show plans for new store.
  • June 2008 : Community leader refutes claims by Tesco that new supermarket is supported by locals.
  • August 2009 : Tesco banned by ASA from distributing misleading planning leaflet. "results of this extensive, comprehensive telephone survey indicate strongly that there is a clear need and demand for a new food store in Manningtree town centre" based on a telephone survey in 2006 of which 8.6 per cent of those taking part said they believed Manningtree needed a new food store.
  • August 2009 : Residents complain over Tesco secrecy. "We understand they have got commercial interests at heart but the fact the town council has opposed the development already, it seems Tesco are playing their cards close to their chest and not wanting to give the council any leeway."
  • November 2009 : Secret meetings between Tesco and Council branded a disgrace.
  • May 2010 : Council reject plans for new store. The vote saw 11 councillors against the store, and six abstain.
  • December 2010 : Tesco submit new plans
  • March 2011 : Second plan submitted, councillors defer rather than reject outright.
  • 7 July 2011 : Independent experts produce traffic impact report.
  • 18 July 2011 : Venue for planning meeting revised as high attendence expected.
  • 26 July 2011 : Store is approved by council. The plan was approved by five votes to two. There were four abstentions.

Boyd Black

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #347 on: July 28, 2011, 12:33:16 AM »
If ever you needed an indication of how much in touch with the views of Marple residents the council are, the choice of Marple Library for tonight's meeting should give you a clue. To make matters worse, I found their use of the war memorial as a podium disrespectful  :(


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #346 on: July 28, 2011, 12:25:21 AM »
Not able to attend the meeting tonight, so many thanks for all the reports and links published on this forum.

A couple of points/questions:-

1. From a selfish point of view, I live off Buxton Lane opposite the College, one thing that as not been  
   detailed is what the proposed new extension of the college would consist of! Surely there are restrictions
   on what can be built on the existing land at the Buxton Lane campus ?
   The thought of the increased student population and associated cars etc would be a nightmare. Have
   you ever see what it's like on a open evening? You struggle to park outside your own property.

2. Two years now since Peacefield school was closed and nothing built or planned as yet on the land.
    Call me suspicious but is there a link?

3. When Peacefield was rumoured to be closing I sent out many e mails to local councillors and our MP.
    I did not get a response from any Councillor, but I did get a response from our MP.
    To be honest during the Peacefield/Dale closure process the attitude of our council members was lousy.
    With them all being Lib Dem's they all seemed more interested in sticking to the Party line than helping or
    conversing with local community.
    The good thing about this campaign is that it seems to have started relatively early in the process
    before the plan is set in stone.

4.  Regarding the need for a another big supermarket in Marple, it's not needed. We have managed so far
    without and I personally would rather travel 4 miles for a weekly shop & then drive home to the
    relatively nice quiet area I have chose to live in.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #345 on: July 27, 2011, 11:58:29 PM »
Local blogger MarpleLeaf raises some interesting points on his blog following tonight's meeting, and some pictures of the crowds in attendance.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #344 on: July 27, 2011, 11:54:11 PM »
At today's meeting someone queried where the councillors lived, and whether they would be impacted.

Quick plot using Google Maps and the publicly available councillor addresses at Stockport Council website is below.  Click the image for a larger (readable) version.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #343 on: July 27, 2011, 11:39:22 PM »
I am concerned as most people on this forum are but agree we need to have cohesive and structured arguments to respond-simply stating "we do not want it" will not get us anywhere.  Arguments re pollution, traffic and safety for the community as a result, detriment to property prices in the surrounding areas, detriment to the village community etc all need to be considered.

See attached link for likely response from Tesco to any objections we may raise-may be useful to think of replies in the interim!

Apologies to anyone who has already read this or if it is already posted on the forum.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #342 on: July 27, 2011, 11:37:15 PM »
Marple in Action are aware that some people may not have use of the Internet  to gain up to date information so we now have a dedicated phone number 07790419494 whereby concerned residents can leave a message and someone will ring back and take details to add to our mailing list , this number will also be published in the  press  It was also noted that some of our residents with mobility issues   who attended tonights  meeting had difficulty so it is hoped that for the public meeting which is to be held very soon, we will have organised a car pool.  Once again thank you all for your involvement tonight!


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #341 on: July 27, 2011, 11:23:46 PM »
Come of it Dave,There are  probably 2O,OOO who unaware of the Major supermarket threat! It was a small number of us who alerted as many people as we could in less than five days.Not bad going eh?  Duck,take cover Trix!! note to ones self.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #340 on: July 27, 2011, 11:14:31 PM »
I attended the open-air meeting in the park this evening.  Unfortunately I had to leave after an hour, but until that point a senior officer from SMBC Planning Dept was dealing clearly and calmly with the issues.  It would be nice to report that everyone else was clear and calm, but sadly that was not the case   >:(

The planning officer was keen to emphasise that if a planning application for a big supermarket were to be submitted, it would be very unlikely to be approved.

The prevailing mood seemed to be strongly opposed to the idea of a new supermarket in Marple, and the councillors who were present were more or less cornered into agreeing to oppose the idea.  There appeared to be about 300 people there.  That leaves a mere 23,100 residents of Marple who were not present - let's hope their opinions are taken into account as well! 


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #339 on: July 27, 2011, 11:04:53 PM »
Nice work Neil, Thanks for your commitment.