I have been today, and for the likes of me, its hopeless

No problem taking my car up there, but can see at the weekend its going to be chaos ... also, with me vertically challenged ( five foot ) to dispose of anything, you have to throw it over the barrier, that's all well and good if you can get a good swing, but when the barrier comes up height, its difficult ... also, the gap between the waste container and the barrier there is quite a gap .... and my arms were not long enough to drop stuff in, never mind trying to throw it ( are you following me ? ) .. so I had to get the attendant to assist me .
Also ... there is no pedestrian access , I was told by the attendant, no pedestrian access, no high sided vehicles etc ... if they believe someone on foot is disposing of genuine waste, if its quiet they may allow people to walk up, but its unlikely due to health and safety .. but they will have to come down, through the entrance ?? I think its mad not having a walk way up .. they have a red area to walk on at the top, but not on the ramp up to it

The people at the allotments are not happy either, as they would wheel rubbish to the tip previously, and now they are being told they cant do it .
Considering its supposed to be Eco friendly, if you have to have a car to drop waste, then it defeats the object in some ways ?