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Author Topic: Seventeen Windows  (Read 217765 times)

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #151 on: August 29, 2009, 10:59:42 AM »
Re quote from Councillor Bispham

"residents obviously don't fully understand the basic workings of the council. "

That's rather an arrogant remark, I am one of those residents and I do have an understanding of the workings of the council

Mike in Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #150 on: August 28, 2009, 08:34:20 AM »
What an irrelevant response from Cllr Bispham!  Whether the money comes from local council or central government doesn't matter - it's still tax payers cash either way.

Surely the question is whether taxpayers money should be spent in this way?

I agree with the Cllr that going to central government for funding for acceptable projects is perfectly sound and resonable.  But is this an acceptable project?

Or am I completely missing the point... I am joining in this thread rather late after all!


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #149 on: August 28, 2009, 06:09:59 AM »
Here's another of Miss Marple's replies from Marple's Local Councillors.

Quote from: Cllr Bispham Email
A few more thoughts following your e mail. From your comments, residents obviously don't fully understand the basic workings of the council. The council works on an annual budget of around £204 million. This covers all the normal running of the council facilities and is made up of the money from residents council tax and the rate support grant from the government. For the sake of this discussion call it 50/50.
All other projects, big stuff such as Dan Bank, are funded by local councils making a bid for funding from central government. This is money which is collected through general taxation and business rates and is allocated back to councils on proven need.
This money can only be spent on the projects it is allocated for or it goes back.
If the council didn't try for funding for theses projects they would never be done as the council isn't allowed to hold big reserves of cash or increase council tax to fund them.
What is raised from the rates is spent every year, hence the word budget. You budget for the year ahead. It is only right and proper that the council claws this money back from central government and does work on the local infrastructure funding it responsibly, otherwise our residents would lose out to more proactive local authorities.
Regards, Andrew Bispham

And in order for you to put the replies into context, here is Miss Marple's original email to them:
Quote from: Miss Marple Email
Dear Shan Alexander
It has come to light via the Marple Web Site that the council has in exchange for a small piece of garden from seventeen windows undertaken what amounts to a total landscape of the garden at seventeen windows and have also fenced and put a drive in for the owner.  I would have been a little sceptical of the Marple Web site gossip if I had not contacted the planning dept at the town hall who stated that they had undertaken all this work in exchange for a couple of foot of pavement.
As my local councillor  i would like for you to investigate as to just how much has been spent by SMBC in providing the owner of seventeen windows with such an outrages deal.  I would also like you to find out as to who gave / allowed the monstrosity at Seventeen windows to happen.  If yo have not seen the total mess hey have made I suggest that you make it your business to do so as I feel you will be horrified.
The Marple web sight is having comments about it daily and the public anger is growing.  I will print your reply on the web site for other residents to read.  If it is true that a deal has been struck with the owner of Seventeen windows then I feel someones head should roll at the council.

Here's a link to the contact details for Offerton Councillors (scroll down the page to Offerton) one of whom is Dave Goddard, leader of the Council.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #148 on: August 27, 2009, 11:06:49 PM »
I noticed and earlier reply saying that the Marple elected representative do not have a remit as this site is in another ward.

But surely, would they not pass on members concerns to the responsible councillors!


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #147 on: August 27, 2009, 10:59:09 PM »

Tony, who was the councillor?

To get back to the issue of Seventeen Windows. I emailed one of our local councilors with the following;
As you may be aware there is a long running discussion about the work being done at Seventeen Windows.
One of the frequent comments is about the cost, but no one has said what the actual cost is.

Are you, as a local councilor and under the freedom of information, able to find out how much the council is paying to have this work done and put an end to a lot of speculation.

His reply was;

Thank you for your message.  Other than from yourself, I have received no communications either by letter, e-mail or orally from anyone about the work at Seventeen Windows.  Neither I am aware of any discussions about it - long running or otherwise.  I wonder if you are able to say who it is that is frequently commenting or speculating about the cost?
However, I have referred your message with its question in the last sentence to officers of the Council.

He obviously does not read the Marple forum to see what the residents of Marple are talking about.
It will be interesting to see what answers, if any, come back, and when.

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #146 on: August 27, 2009, 01:21:16 PM »
"shakes head "

Its not even finished, nor do you have any actual facts and figures


Sorry think I may have confused you!!  My La La LAAR !!!  is just my voice warming technique in preparation for that good old song THE WALLS OF JERICHO  !!!!!!  (Well FENCES OF MARPLE / OFFERTON ) in this case  ;)


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #145 on: August 26, 2009, 08:47:16 PM »
"shakes head "

Its not even finished, nor do you have any actual facts and figures



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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #144 on: August 26, 2009, 07:56:58 PM »
well you are  certainly a "do er "miss Marple. You spoke to the highways who confirmed the council are paying, and contacted a couple of councillors. Did you become active in the morris dancing issue I know you were invited to? ;D Keep on digging and dont ever lose your sense of humour! I wish I could find mine again, its got lost somewhere along the way from my first post almost six months ago :'(


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #143 on: August 26, 2009, 07:24:42 PM »
Here are Miss Marple's replies from local Councillors:

Quote from: Cllr Baker Email
Many thanks for copying me on this email. I have spoken to Councillor Alexander and she is dealing with the issue. She has asked the relevant officers for a full report which will establish what has actually taken place. The rumour and gossip version seems very unlikely to me, but I retain an open mind until the facts are known.
I would just observe that this site is in the Offerton ward so falls completely outside the remit of the Marple councillors. We had no involvement in the planning (or any other) matters relating to the site.

Quote from: Cllr Alexander Email
Dear Paula,
Thank you for your e-mail. 17 windows comes under Offerton ward and any decisions I assume would have taken at their Area Committee. Having said this I have written to the Deputy Chief Executive that I would like full details of how this came about and who is responsible for errecting such  large fencing that is not very aesthetic for the area.
I will come back to you soon as I get this information. 
I hope this is helpful
Shan Alexander
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #142 on: August 26, 2009, 06:35:59 PM »
Hey its not all over till the fat lady sings and I am well over 10 Stone  :D LA!LA LAAR!!!!  And I bet Sooty two would give Mama Cass or Pavarotti a run for their money LA LA LAAR!!!! ;)


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #141 on: August 26, 2009, 06:31:33 PM »
Just had two replies form Councillor Shan Alexander and Councillor Chris Baker both of whom state that they were going to look into the matter and both remind me that Seventeen windows does come under Offerton.  If I knew how to I would put their replies on the web site but IT is not my strong point.  Both councillor's responded to my email very quickly and have said that they are making enquiries re the work at Seventeen Windows   

 Bit Late Now Its Nearly Finished .


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #140 on: August 26, 2009, 06:08:40 PM »
If I knew how to I would put their replies on the web site but IT is not my strong point.

Forward them to admin@marple-uk.com
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #139 on: August 26, 2009, 05:44:55 PM »
"how would you like it someone started a forum about your house that you had spent a lot of money on" How very childish, This post was about the flora and fauna and natural beauty of the area that has been lost, the building site is secondary! I and no other member of the marple forum will live long enough to see the seventeen windows and Dan Bank area return to its former glory. Long live Leylandii for a quick fix.

Sooty2 I have to disagree with you there, from 17 windows down to the lights at dooley lane  looks so messy, from a very bad road to the verges that are just a litter trap, hopefully they [17 windows owners] will make there property something for everyone in Marple to be hold there heads up for.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Well you certainly got that quote correct Neil, People are holding their heads up quickly followed by a head shake of disbelief :(

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #138 on: August 26, 2009, 05:33:34 PM »
Just had two replies form Councillor Shan Alexander and Councillor Chris Baker both of whom state that they were going to look into the matter and both remind me that Seventeen windows does come under Offerton.  If I knew how to I would put their replies on the web site but IT is not my strong point.  Both councillor's responded to my email very quickly and have said that they are making enquiries re the work at Seventeen Windows   


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #137 on: August 26, 2009, 05:23:54 PM »
He obviously does not read the Marple forum to see what the residents of Marple are talking about.

Well Marple has about 24,000 residents, and about six of them have been talking about it on this thread!  The remaining 23,994 of us are holding our tongues and waiting until the work is finished before we make our minds up.   However, I must say I have been quite shocked by some of the things which have been written here about the pavement widening.  The idea that safeguarding the lives of kids walking to Marple Hall School is a 'waste of money' appalls me.   >:(
                                                                                                                                                                 This forum has  316 members not 24000 and approx 130 of them have never posted. I cant be bothered counting how many people have posted on this subject, but its a lot more than six.