Come on Steve - spill the beans! Where is the mystery railway line?
Good luck actually getting a straight answer
It seems GM was right, although to be fair to Cllr Gribbon, he mentioned last week that he had limited internet access, so maybe that's why he hasn't got back to us? But Cllr Smart's office is not providing any information either, apart from assuring us that 'the Councillors will keep you updated with any news' (which they are not, at the moment).
We really do need a rail link between Marple and Stockport, and it's good that our elected representatives are pressing the government om our behalf - thank you! But as I pointed out before, the letter from Cllrs Gribbon and Smart refers to 'reinstating the Rose Hill to Maple Grove line' 'using existing track'. That makes no sense to me, and I think we're entitled to know exactly what it is that our councillors are asking for, which route they have in mind, and of course, where Maple Grove is.