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Author Topic: Covid19 Information Updates  (Read 26230 times)

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #108 on: October 17, 2021, 07:19:41 PM »
Reading you reply, its amounts to literally locking yourself away forever in fear!.


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #107 on: October 17, 2021, 06:52:00 PM »
So what's your general solution, lock everyone away forever?

Well my solution is to put you in charge as you are clearly an expert

And no my answer is not to lock everyone down forever.  Because it clearly doesn't work, especially with Delta.  Even New Zealand and Australia have finally realised that.

No, my answer is simple common sense.  It's using masks in crowded places.  It's being careful.  It's good ventilation.  It's all the things we are being told to do, but which people aren't doing.  We have a virus raging out of control.  It will never go away totally.  But we're not even trying to minimise it's effects. 

And we have people undermining the simple things we can all do to reduce the spread, reduce the impact on the NHS, and to reduce people dying.  People who don't follow the advice. Including our own government. People who write on forums like this that the advice is basically pointless and rubbish. 

People are dying because we aren't even trying anymore.

People will die every year due to Covid.  That's undeniable.  But the death rates do not need to be this high

Still better people die then wear a mask, eh?


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #106 on: October 17, 2021, 06:22:34 PM »
I wouldn't trust the WHO to organise a proverbial drinks party in a manufacturing facility of said drinks.

Quite simply your confusing the ability of a mask to capture viruses vs using common sense and keeping those you don't know away.

If your so obsessed by wearing your n95 masks, do you throw them away after every single use.

If you had any idea how small the virus is circa 10micron when aerosolised, it shows the utter wastefulness of cloth masks, which even if they captured the virus could never be sterilised effectively at home.

So what's your general solution, lock everyone away forever?


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #105 on: October 17, 2021, 05:57:06 PM »
Cloth masks don't do anything to prevent a virus, other than give some a little more confidence to some.

I believe it's been shown that even cloth masks can help prevent transmission from the mask wearer to others. But I think it's correct that they don't offer any significant protection to the wearer her/himself 

The World Health Organisation is still more than happy to recommend those under 60 wear fabric masks and they know a lot more about this than I do

It depends what you mean by 'still'!  That WHO site is notoriously out of date, and there has been vast amount of research on Covid since some of its pages were published. The one on that link is from last December, 10 months ago.  But other pages on the site are from as far back as May last year, when we really knew very little about Covid - far less than we do now.

Remember the early days of Covid, when some public footpaths were closed because some landowners were so worried about the infection being transmitted via gates and stiles?  And in libraries and bookshops, there was a rule that if you took a book down from a shelf to browse, you were told not to put it back on the shelf, but return it to the desk, so that it could be 'quarantined' for three days! 

Things have moved on a lot since then, thanks mainly to research at the Centre for Disease Control in the USA:

But the good old WHO site is still full of out-of-date stuff about disinfecting surfaces, even though it's now known that the risk of picking up Covid from touching a surface is less than 1 in 10,000!


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #104 on: October 17, 2021, 05:41:45 PM »
I find it rather depressingly innevtiable that the emphasis on mask wearing & hygine has all but fizzled out and yet, surprise surprise, the infection rates are rocketing. Its been absolutely ripping through the local schools over the past month - which is why they have now all had to resort to invoking the old 'bubble' and masks restrictions. Not before time, but not a mutter from central government who seem more interested in attacking GP's.

Current government guidance (or lack of) seems to be designed to make sure that all familes with school age kids will get infected no matter what precautions they try to take. That will no doubt ultimately knock on into other age groups. Happy Christmas Granny.


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #103 on: October 17, 2021, 04:44:10 PM »
Cloth masks don't do anything to prevent a virus, other than give some a little more confidence to some.

Perhaps you would like to back that up with some evidence because I haven't seen any that cloth masks do nothing.

Not as effective as medical grade masks, yes.  Not effective at all?  No.

The World Health Organisation is still more than happy to recommend those under 60 wear fabric masks and they know a lot more about this than I do


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #102 on: October 17, 2021, 04:15:22 PM »
Cloth masks don't do anything to prevent a virus, other than give some a little more confidence to some.

If as you say it's highest amongst parents of school age kids, you can assume the grandparents are catching it from the grandkids.

If a 50yr old parent, the grandparents are likely to be in the late 80 bracket or above.


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #101 on: October 17, 2021, 03:49:29 PM »
Is there any way to get figures identifying the adult vs school age for some comparison ?.

Just seems strange that the positive numbers continue to rise, especially in Marple with a population circa 23k unless it's being skewed by the college students?.

The data is available publicly only on a borough level.  There is a heatmap on

Cases are highest in the school age groups, then the 40-49s - parent age.

It's also now increasingly hiting the 90+ group in Stockport.

Still given how few people of all age groups are now wearing masks or taking any precautions, shouldn't surprise anytime that rates are shooting up. 


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2021, 02:39:07 PM »
Is there any way to get figures identifying the adult vs school age for some comparison ?.

Just seems strange that the positive numbers continue to rise, especially in Marple with a population circa 23k unless it's being skewed by the college students?.

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2021, 01:59:37 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 15th October. Last Friday's figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen again and is now at 572.2 (544.9) per 100,000, and remains well above the national average of 397.6 (341.1). New cases are up at 239.9 (228.4) per day. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 10th October have risen to 53 (43).

Vaccinations of a first dose have reached 222,465 (222,344) which is 85.9% (85.9%) of the entire 18+ population. 82.2% (82.1%) of the 18+ population have now received two doses.
The area data is as follows, giving rates of infection per 100,000 over the last five weeks:

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 304.6 / 1184.4 / 879.9/ 659.9/710.7
Marple and Hawk Green:   471.3 / 1060.4 / 1262.4/ 505.0/370.3
Marple and Rose Hill: 548.8 / 589.9 / 864.3/ 686.0/740.8
High Lane:  279.2 / 192.0 / 401.4/ 296.7/453.8
Romiley and Compstall: 427.5 / 518.2 / 583.0/ 660.7/855.0

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #98 on: October 09, 2021, 02:33:34 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 8th October. Last Friday's figures in brackets.

The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen again and is now at 544.9 (510.9) per 100,000, and remains well above the national average of 341.1 (356.5). New cases are up at 228.4 (214.1) per day. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 26th September have risen to 43 (31).

Vaccinations of a first dose have reached 222,344 (221,062) which is 85.9% (85.8%) of the entire 18+ population. 82.1% (81.8%) of the 18+ population have now received two doses.  The booster programme for the high risk groups (clinically extremely vulnerable, housebound and care home groups) has begun via surgeries.
The area data was welcomed by some people last week so here is a further update, with the latest figure last. These are rates of infection per 100,000 over the last four weeks:

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 304.6 / 1184.4 / 879.9/ 659.9
Marple and Hawk Green:   471.3 / 1060.4 / 1262.4/ 505.0
Marple and Rose Hill: 548.8 / 589.9 / 864.3/ 686.0
High Lane:  279.2 / 192.0 / 401.4/ 296.7
Romiley and Compstall: 427.5 / 518.2 / 583.0/ 660.7

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #97 on: October 01, 2021, 09:54:25 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 1st October. Last Friday's figures in brackets.
The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen and is now at 510.9 (457) per 100,000, close to its highest rate so far, and remains above the national average of 356.5 (312.6). New cases are up at 214.1 (192) per day. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 26th September have fallen to 31 (33).

Vaccinations of a first dose have reached 221,062 (220,726) which is 85.8% (85.7%) of the entire 18+ population. 81.8% (81.6% ) of the 18+ population have now received two doses.
The area data has drawn attention due to recent high infection rates. Here are the area rates of infection per 100,000 over the last three weeks, with this week’s the last one:

Marple Bridge and Mellor: 304.6 / 1184.4 / 879.9
Marple and Hawk Green:   471.3 / 1060.4 / 1262.4
Marple and Rose Hill: 548.8 / 589.9 / 864.3
High Lane:  279.2 / 192.0 / 401.4
Romiley and Compstall: 427.5 / 518.2 / 583.0

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #96 on: September 26, 2021, 08:10:08 PM »
On the question about hospitalisations, these have been included in my post for a few weeks now.

I can't accurately explain the spike in Marple Bridge although I know some local people have theories. What is true across the country is that schools going back will have increased transmissons and co-incides with additional testing so more case are being found. That's not to say the stats locally are any less significant, as what I say above applies to virtually every part of the country.

Malcolm Allan

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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #95 on: September 26, 2021, 08:06:55 PM »
Update on the pandemic

Here's the usual update as at Friday 24th September. Last Friday's figures in brackets.
The rate of infection in Stockport Borough has risen and is now at 457 (352.7) per 100,000 and remains above the national average of 312.6 (337). New cases are up at 192 (148) per day. Stockport NHS hospitalisations in the week to 19th September have risen to 33 (30).

Vaccinations of a first dose have reached 220,726 (220,285) which is 85.7% (85.6%) of the entire 18+ population. 81.6% (80.9% ) of the 18+ population have now received two doses.
Stockport Borough will begin offering vaccinations of healthy children aged 12-15 from Monday 27th September and will run until 19th November. This will be offered in schools and is in line with NHS and Government advice.


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Re: Covid19 Information Updates
« Reply #94 on: September 26, 2021, 04:41:59 PM »
The real thing to be interested in would be hospitalisation figures not positive tests, as that's more of an indicator of how it is working through a population if they aren't protected by natural immunity or reduced complications from the vaccine.

As you pointed out about Oldham and Bolton, it shouldnt necessarily reduce the positive tests if the kids are being tested, as it should still show in the results.

That would be unless they have had all current variants during the big spike and are now effectively immunised.