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Author Topic: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)  (Read 17696 times)

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My login is Henrietta

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2016, 05:08:58 PM »
The new build on Buxton lane campus is an eye saw, the houses on carver drive will have to look at the horrible building everyday! The house price will be brought down hugely! There has been no consideration and the planning was not put up long enough for anyone to say NO! Not to mention Light will be blocked out! Maybe our new MP should come along and ask what the residents thing and look for him self what these people will have to look at until they move! Inconsiderate and bad form from marple college!  >:( And now I've just found out that it will be used in the evenings too! So the people on carver drive will have no peace - I've seen the building frame and no one wants to see that in their back garden! Why could it not be built next to the other tall building! As I said before no consideration what so ever!  >:(
And the street parking outside the college site is a bl**dy nuisance to put it mildly. Are they supposed to be laying a proper carpark on site or do they intend having a permanent death trap on the blind bend outside the campus?


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2016, 07:15:26 AM »
You are personally attacking me and I'm reporting you to admin! I don't like what you have written!

I've reviewed Dave's comments and they do not contravene any forum rules. He has not been abusive or offensive but simply has an opposing view to you. Your own response is much more of a personal attack than Dave's questioning of your motives but it is clearly an emotional subject for you. So I'm hopeful that Dave will show a little understanding and not respond tit for tat in a similar manner. You should understand that when you post on a forum like this not everyone will agree with you.

You should also understand that whilst you are welcome to air your views about the building work ongoing at the college on this forum you cannot resolve them here. Even if everyone agreed with you the issues can only be addressed by the proper planning processes and as far as I can be seen they have been followed properly.

I think you said earlier that you have been in contact with @William Wragg , hopefully his office will look into the situation and give you an appropriate response but don't be surprised if he tells you the same as I have. If you wish to pursue this further I would recommend contacting your local councillors. You can do that by email or you could visit their surgery at 10.30am on Saturday mornings in Marple Library. I believe @CllrKennyBlair holds them on some Mondays too.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

pirate Princess

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2016, 10:05:36 PM »
NIMBYism! Nothing of the sort - I am concerned about my 85 year old relative and her health she did not choose to live there! And now has to many memories to move.

pirate Princess

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2016, 10:02:56 PM »
Right Dave I'm not impressed with that - I fact I love Marple to bits! I love my family more! In fact my grandmother had been very sick in the last few years! And we finally thought we got her back on track but this has happened! Go and have a look at it see if you want to live with it! You are personally attacking me and I'm reporting you to admin! I don't like what you have written!
That house was rented at the time they moved in and when they got the chance to bought it as its all they could afford! But bet your like so many of marple residents money is nothing to them! >:( And never has been! Again I repeat - so glad I left, I live in a lovely little village where everyone helps everyone else.


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2016, 09:09:52 AM »
So why are you complaining?  You move away, and then you protest because the children and grandchildren of those of us who still live here are at last being provided with decent educational facilities!   Unbelievable!

I think she might be complaining on behalf of an elderly relation who lives nearby.


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2016, 08:40:56 PM »
glad I moved out of Marple last year!

So why are you complaining?  You move away, and then you protest because the children and grandchildren of those of us who still live here are at last being provided with decent educational facilities!   Unbelievable!


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2016, 05:45:28 PM »
Pirate Princess did you campaign against the building of
Rose Hill School? For the impact that this school would have had on residents? Or is this a case of NIMBYism?


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2016, 05:43:12 PM »
So basically non of you care! I went to that college! And everything was fine nothing needed changing!

So did I, and that's just not true. I was there 20 or so years ago, and it was run down and dilapidated even then.

My poor grandmother has to deal with so much from that college it's unbelievable! Lights on late at night, people racing their cars, and now that thing outside her window - she was not consulted and the only time she was told was by a letter threw her door a few years and told to go to the library, it was there for 2weeks - while she was away. The plans should have been put on show for a lot longer and those who would be directly affected invited by the college!

There are long established laws about how much notice and public consultation needs to be done around planning applications. I doubt very much (especially given the extra scrutiny that the College was under after the Tesco/Asda saga) that the College did less than was required of them.

With regard to being invited by the College, what do you mean? Invited in for a 1 to 1 discussion? Hardy practical to do that with all the local residents, and to what end?

That college is nothing but trouble for the residents that live by it!

There's a reason I've chosen not to live right next to it - nor close to MHS, Rose Hill or All Saints. Houses near places that have the potential to be developed into something unsightly are cheaper for a reason.

And now even if they wanted to move their house prices will be down drastically!

Really? A bit maybe, if they've recently moved in, but not enough to be a problem. We're not talking negative equity or anything like that. And anyone who owned round there for any length of time will have seen their house price go up significantly over what they paid for it.

So before you all start saying things about me, why don't you all go and have a look at it and ask your self's - do I want that in my back garden? Is it going to block my light? What am I going to have to put up with everyday including weekends and evenings? But many of you wont, you will just complain about the college needing to be improved!

Again, there's a reason I've chosen not to live right next to it.

And the 150 houses should be fun at the Hibbert lane campus and the traffic in Marple in the morning - glad I moved out of Marple last year!

pirate Princess

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2016, 02:20:20 PM »
So basically non of you care! I went to that college! And everything was fine nothing needed changing! My poor grandmother has to deal with so much from that college it's unbelievable! Lights on late at night, people racing their cars, and now that thing outside her window - she was not consulted and the only time she was told was by a letter threw her door a few years and told to go to the library, it was there for 2weeks - while she was away. The plans should have been put on show for a lot longer and those who would be directly affected invited by the college!   That college is nothing but trouble for the residents that live by it! And now even if they wanted to move their house prices will be down drastically! So before you all start saying things about me, why don't you all go and have a look at it and ask your self's - do I want that in my back garden? Is it going to block my light? What am I going to have to put up with everyday including weekends and evenings? But many of you wont, you will just complain about the college needing to be improved! And the 150 houses should be fun at the Hibbert lane campus and the traffic in Marple in the morning - glad I moved out of Marple last year!


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2016, 08:40:58 PM »
SMBC have changed the Planning Portal since those links were put on but I've corrected them in earlier posts now.

The application can be found here now:

The associated documents are here:

And I think this is probably the best document to to look at to get a good idea of what they are doing:

According to the Portal the plans were approved in December 2014 after the normal planning consultation etc. 69 neighbours were consulted, 1 objection was received. The earlier scheme had 7 objections, so on the face of it it would appear that things were changed enough to eliminate most of the objections.

Thank you admin.


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2016, 10:28:05 AM »
Great news and a step in the right direction in terms of Marple's sporting facilities.

What is still needed (as anyone involved in junior football and rugby will tell you) is a 3G astroturf pitch somewhere in the town.


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2016, 09:38:33 AM »
I've merged the "Marple college and the beast building!" topic with this one. Admin.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2016, 09:06:18 AM »
I personally want top class educational facilities in Marple which are fit for this century.

Well said Andy - this development is long overdue.  It went though all the statutory planning procedures, and I gather from Admin's post on another thread that there was only one objection anyway - so unless that was pirate princess she hasn't got any cause to complain. 

We need to start putting our young people first, and not giving in to the NIMBYs.


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2016, 09:01:24 AM »
About that...

Local Authorities no longer are allowed to create new primary schools, any schools in fact. If there is sufficient demand then someone will set up a free school - currently the only way to open a school.

Have a read of the most recent education white paper1 - it completely removes the LA's role in education, removes parent governors, removed qualified teacher status and the role of universities in teacher training.



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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2016, 08:57:40 AM »
Maybe they should build some primary school facilities whilst they are about it, to cater for all the new families who are going to be occupying all the new houses being built in Marple.