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Author Topic: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)  (Read 18434 times)

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2016, 08:32:36 AM »
Here we go again - let us all bash the college....

I personally want top class educational facilities in Marple which are fit for this century.

Oh, and our MP has agreed to catastrophic education funding cuts which have seen SFC budgets cut by 14% over this parliament so the college has to look to make money where it can.


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2016, 06:47:47 AM »
I can't see the plans. Can someone put a pic on?

SMBC have changed the Planning Portal since those links were put on but I've corrected them in earlier posts now.

The application can be found here now:

The associated documents are here:

And I think this is probably the best document to to look at to get a good idea of what they are doing:

According to the Portal the plans were approved in December 2014 after the normal planning consultation etc. 69 neighbours were consulted, 1 objection was received. The earlier scheme had 7 objections, so on the face of it it would appear that things were changed enough to eliminate most of the objections.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2016, 10:06:13 PM »
Here are links to the plans (DC/056518) for the new Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College's Buxton Lane site:

There is also a previous and very similar application DC/055729 that was superseded by the one above:

I can't see the plans. Can someone put a pic on? If not I need to drive past and have a nosey! Have 2 kids at the college and 3 more to go in future so am interested in what's happening.

pirate Princess

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2016, 09:27:26 PM »
The new build on Buxton lane campus is an eye saw, the houses on carver drive will have to look at the horrible building everyday! The house price will be brought down hugely! There has been no consideration and the planning was not put up long enough for anyone to say NO! Not to mention Light will be blocked out! Maybe our new MP should come along and ask what the residents thing and look for him self what these people will have to look at until they move! Inconsiderate and bad form from marple college!  >:( And now I've just found out that it will be used in the evenings too! So the people on carver drive will have no peace - I've seen the building frame and no one wants to see that in their back garden! Why could it not be built next to the other tall building! As I said before no consideration what so ever!  >:(

pirate Princess

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Re: New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2016, 09:22:11 PM »
The new build on Buxton lane campus is an eye saw, the houses on carver drive will have to look at the horrible building everyday! The house price will be brought down hugely! There has been no consideration and the planning was not put up long enough for anyone to say NO! Not to mention Light will be blocked out! Maybe our new MP should come along and ask what the residents thing and look for him self what these people will have to look at until they move! Inconsiderate and bad form from marple college!  >:(


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New Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College (Buxton Lane)
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2014, 08:56:22 AM »
Initially this investment will see the development of a brand new sports hall complex which will make a valuable contribution to the success of our future sportsmen and sportswomen whilst they study and train at the college. These facilities will also be available to the community during the evenings and at weekends.

Here are links to the plans (DC/056518) for the new Sports Hall at Marple Sixth Form College's Buxton Lane site:

There is also a previous and very similar application DC/055729 that was superseded by the one above:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website