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Author Topic: Nuhope at Marple Hall School  (Read 57739 times)

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #124 on: October 27, 2013, 11:37:12 AM »
But unless the meaning of the English language has changed since Henrietta and I were at school, 'requires improvement' means 'unsatisfactory'.  'Satisfactory' means 'does not require improvement.'

But of course, Orwell saw this coming.  He called it 'newspeak' or 'doublethink'.  Maybe he should have called his novel 2013 rather than 1984.   ::)

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #123 on: October 19, 2013, 09:07:46 AM »
The head of Ofsted wants to "raise the bar" with both schools and colleges. In the past, they could get a Grade 3 (satisfactory) and breathe a sigh of relief. Now, if they get a Grade 3 they will be re-inspected within a year. Concentrates the mind.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #122 on: October 18, 2013, 12:44:48 AM »
"Good' is, in fact, the old "Good".

"Requires improvement" is the old "Satisfactory"
I'm just an old ex-English teacher but how can "Requires  improvement" be "Satisfactory"?


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #121 on: October 15, 2013, 10:25:01 PM »
The latest Ofsted report is (currently) linked to from:
Maybe there is a more permanent link on the Ofsted site.

The Ofsted report is absolutely in line with what I saw at the school, which is a credit to Marple.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #120 on: October 15, 2013, 07:48:56 PM »
"Good' is, in fact, the old "Good".

"Requires improvement" is the old "Satisfactory"

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #119 on: October 15, 2013, 03:16:10 PM »
3 children through MH , one to get there.  2 in there still.

Oldest 2 kids for first 3 years came home with lots of merits and I got things posted to constantly telling me how well they had done in particular subjects on a regular basis.

13 year old, has always attained the same levels as her older siblings, however apart from a few merits in the first year she has come home with nothing but nuhope detentions. Initially she avoided like the plague as was quite worried what would happen but realised once she'd had one that it wasnt that painful and relaxed her attitude slightly. She wasnt getting loads just an occasional one or 2 here and there but they were no big deal.

She did "earn" 2 x fiver vouchers for not getting a nuhope for 2 different HALF terms though.

She has throughout that time attained a "1" for achievement in the vast majority of her subject and is attaining exactly what they expect at every time of year sometimes occasionally less than expected.  Her effort is however 2 and 3s. 

Nuhope has never been inflicted on the older children in yrs 10 and 11 so my oldest daughter, who many of you who attended the open day will have seen showing off the school, has not been effected by nuhope.

Both my daughters attitude towards the school has changed for the better since Dr Hegan has left and the new head is well liked it seems by the children (but not a pushover) so i hope that in the next year or so he brings something more positive to the table to reward hard work and encourage more effort because in the end that is what the kids are there for to learn and to work hard.  Nuhope punishes it doesnt reward.

I could go on and on about nuhope and the fact some teachers pushed it beyond its limits and others just didnt bother with it.  The negative effect it had on my childrens attitude to school and teachers, children who have never been in trouble or misbehaved at school.  However I see it as a little brownie point thing for the ex head and I am sure that the new head will put his own stamp on it if he decides to keep the format so will reserve judgement on the nu-nuhope.

Daughter has had no nuhopes this term so far and hasnt even mentioned them so i consider its changing already     


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #118 on: October 01, 2013, 01:48:01 PM »
Very well deserved indeed. I beleive that a good is the old 'outstanding'


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #117 on: September 29, 2013, 07:20:00 PM »
Ofsted, in their formal visit last week, have just given Marple Hall a "Good" assessment - it is very well deserved.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #116 on: September 27, 2013, 05:18:04 PM »
my son is year 10 and got nuhope installed in him half way thru year 9 after 2 and half years of a normal detention system (he received maybe 5 in that period) so far this year he has received 4 nuhopes in less than 4 weeks. one for his shirt being abit untooked on the first day back. two for me not signing his planner after week one. three for forgetting his footie socks. four for throwing paper towards a paper bin (not whilst the teacher was talking and nor in the form of an aeroplane) the last one was squashed after my partner told them my son wasnt attending due to the fact he is a human and not a robot nor has he been sentenced (although he would probably get treated better in a prison) anyone choosing that school should have heard the pros and cons to nuhope but we chose that school before nuhope. i hardly think any were worthy of a detention. infact i bought the wrong size shirts so they didnt took in and i didnt sign the damn planner so i should have done those 2. my partner asked what was wrong with the old system wherby if a child still didnt behave after a dinner time detention you were given 24 hours notice for an after school one ??? question not answered....... and today my friend has had to fone school to ask why her son has seen his name on a nuhope list but knew nothing about it. well that was because someone had mixed him up with someone else. hmmm wonder if that member of staff will be reprimanded. or will they claim human error. other than nuhope i havet had a problem with marple hall ...... what a pity the hated hegan got her claws on the school but i fail to see why nuhope didnt get binned when her resignation landed . lets see how they get on with ofsted xxx

Middle wood

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #115 on: September 20, 2013, 12:01:46 AM »
Completely agree with comments on Marple Hall open evening. Teachers very approachable and met some great students who really wanted to show off their school.

Miss C

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #114 on: September 19, 2013, 09:50:48 PM »
We also went tonight to the Open Evening. Whatever they're doing there, it's working. I was impressed with the headmaster and deputy head when they spoke passionately at Rosehill but it was brill to see it for ourselves tonight. Lots of happy students around the place and  a brill student guide to show us around. The place looked smart and not as I remembered it, teachers were really easy to talk to and answered our questions and there were smiley people everywhere  :) there was a great atmosphere and we were really impressed.


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #113 on: September 19, 2013, 08:35:04 PM »
Just visited MHS and all I can say is WELL IMPRESSED.

What a fantastic place!

Middle wood

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #112 on: September 17, 2013, 07:01:26 PM »
Still in place at Marple Hall. The school firmly believe that it has improved behaviour and, subsequently, teaching time in lessons.

Bowden Guy

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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #111 on: September 17, 2013, 04:16:26 PM »
Anyone know what happened to this initiative?


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Re: Nuhope at Marple Hall School
« Reply #110 on: March 23, 2013, 01:14:23 PM »
Dave, it's really disappointing that as someone who clearly has once had connections with the school and a wife who was on the governing body, you are now joining in with the gossip and cynicism without having any evidence. Marple Hall has gone from strength to strength since its poorer leadership 10/20 years ago.
I also think MHS has improved over the last few years. When we moved to Marple about 10 yrs ago, my opinion of the school was not high, based on observing the appearance and behaviour of pupils outside school. Now it seems fine - probably normal for kids of that age. Our child started in year 7 last year and having been in the school and met the pupils (sorry - "learners") and teachers (But not Dr. H) I am quite impressed. We think NuHope is a good thing - it prepares young people for the structure and discipline they will need as they get older. Having had a few NuHope's our child does not generally have a problem with the system - only when the sanctions are seen as unfair. Example - having the wrong book because a different teacher was taking the lesson, and it was not clear from the timetable. I hope it stays.