I don't think that the choice is so simple.
Do we want a supermarket on Chadwick Street or don't we ?
Whether you see Marple as a village or a town or something else altogether does a supermarket on Chadwick Street actually represent 'development' for Marple. If it does would it matter which Supermarket it was ?
If my recall is correct then planning permission was given for a 25,000 square feet supermarket. If my information is correct (and it may not be) the Co-op is 17,000 square feet. This would make the new one a third the size again. That's a big supermarket !
Who has supermarkets of such size ? Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda. Are any of them expanding? Do people want Tesco at al ?
Big supermarket, big traffic. The last thing I want to see in Marple is more traffic. What is the plan for managing this traffic, has anybody seen one? It is as if the traffic has been forgotten about.
If we significantly reduce the size of the supermarket in order to reduce the size of the traffic - who do we get then - ALDI/LIDL? Do people want ALDI/LIDL. The Council has no control over who the end-user of the scheme is.
What will the Co-op's reaction be when a decent retailer rides into town. Maybe they will shut up shop and go home. If they do then what happens to the site. It could be years before its developed.
Marple isn't really a village but it isn't a bustling Town either. It is probably (to use an Americanism) a 'hick town,' perhaps it should remain so.