I think Duke and I are at cross purposes (not for the first time
). Duke suggested that Morrisons, Sainsbury and Waitrose would kill for that site and Tesco or Asda wouldn't mind it either.
I disagreed, on the basis that The size of the car park is only one issue, and not the major one, I suspect. More significant will be the relatively low turnover on Chadwick Street compared with the Hibbert Lane site (as projected by the council's consultants Hollis Vincent), and the greater cost of developing the site, with its slope, limited space, and the need for a very expensive vehicle turntable for delivery trucks to turn round. Also the lack of a petrol filling station. Doesn't sound much like a site to kill for to me!
Duke's most recent point about the other shops in Marple may or may not turn out to be true, but it is irrelevant to the decision making of any supermarket chain considering the Kirkland site. It will be a straightforward investment decision: they will look at the costs and the potential turnover, and having crunched those numbers they will come to a decision. They will not be the slightest bit interested in how well or badly other shops in Marple may do, let alone how much corporation tax and business rates they may or may not pay. It's pretty obvious that the cost of developing Chadwick Street will be significantly higher than Hibbert Lane, whilst the turnover will be lower. Whichever purveyor of horseburgers is considering the Kirkland site, I suspect their accountants will be taking a long hard look at the numbers!
Now don't get me wrong, any store would prefer the Hibbert Lane site as a profit centre, it's bigger / less compromise.
However, as a planning proposal, the Hibbert Lane site would normally be refused for all the reasons already been thrown about. Given the choice for the supermarket is a profitable centre which will go ahead compared to a very profitable centre that has a 25% chance of going ahead and that should Chadwick St go ahead, Hibbert la is dead in the water, Chadwick st is a goer.
Parking capacity can't be a deal breaker though. Derby way could have a 2nd level added and road layout remodelled.
I agree that for some, they will be too lazy to walk to their car but I think that really shows that there is no way the Obese Asda shopper will waddle down to the Marple centre to get the bits & bobs they didn't pick up in Asda.