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Author Topic: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced  (Read 224289 times)

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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #178 on: November 27, 2012, 07:45:37 PM »
Maria, of course I believe you. But if, as we have been told, the site is worth 12 million for a supermarket and only 4 million for housing, then how do the college's sums add up??


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #177 on: November 27, 2012, 07:37:31 PM »
Ms Cassidy did not divulge her plans to me, save to say the college could look to refurbish without selling to ASDA.  For them it was just the easiest option initially.  The architect also confirmed refurbishment could take place without the sale to ASDA. 

The fact is our college can stay if Ms Cassidy chooses and we can all still have another supermarket in Marple.  ASDA want us to believe the college will fail without them building on Hibbert lane but it is simply not true.  The only way Marple will end up without a college is if CAMSFC choose to leave Marple. 

Dave, I suspect you may not believe what I have to say re Ms Cassidy's comments to me regardless but there you have it.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #176 on: November 27, 2012, 06:16:05 PM »
Maria writes that 'the college have already confirmed they have other options if ASDA is refused'.

Have they? What is it? 


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #175 on: November 27, 2012, 01:43:56 PM »
Who said MIA want a waitrose?

From what I can gather they objected as the Hibbert lane site is outside the retail zone in the middle of houses.  Chadwick street, whilst fronting/backing on to houses is classed as within the retail zone so slightly different.  Also the plans drawn allow for the development below street level so only the car park will be at the same level as the houses-or so I recall-apologies if I am wrong!

2 completely separate issues to be honest and the college have already confirmed they have other options if ASDA is refused. 

We will get another supermarket and it seems to me that within the retail zone is the most appropriate.

A lot of people on here seem to take great delight in slagging off MIA and yet do very little themselves-a lot of keyboard warriors I imagine but again, if I am wrong, I sincerely apologise!


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #174 on: November 27, 2012, 11:13:46 AM »
Didn't Asda say they are making access all along the side of Hibbert lane? And possibly pedestrain through Lyme grove or other road? (I am not 100% of the facts so will check later) So from there would be a lot quicker than middle of the car park.

I asked the ASDA traffic planning guy if there would be access via Lyme Grove / Willow Grove the last presentation. The answer was DEFINITELY NOT - the only access to the site will be on Hibbert Lane. Whether you can trust him / ADSA is another matter.

My comment about taking 2.5mins to cross Church Lane was meant to be a joke. Will add a smiley next time.

Victor M

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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #173 on: November 27, 2012, 10:49:12 AM »
Didn't Asda say they are making access all along the side of Hibbert lane? And possibly pedestrain through Lyme grove or other road? (I am not 100% of the facts so will check later) So from there would be a lot quicker than middle of the car park.

We will have to wait until the plans are made public which probably won't be until around Dec 15th making it very difficult for people to look at them and put in any objections/comments with the run up to Christmas. But I think that is probably what ASDA want!


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #172 on: November 27, 2012, 09:48:49 AM »
the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple

 :D 10 minutes? really? to walk 150yds..


Looking at Google Maps, i'd say its 550m from the centre of the college car park to the Market St / Stockport Road junction. I think 150yds is from the edge of the Asda development to the edge of Marple shopping area. Wikipedia gives a typical human walking speed of 1.23m/s, so that gives 7.5 minutes. If the traffic is very busy on Church Lane, as it will be after Asda is built, it might take 2.5 minutes to cross....

Regarding traffic, yes either site would be bad news although the Chadwick St site will be acessed via Trinity St which ready has significant commercial traffic (Boots, Iceland, Post Office).

Didn't Asda say they are making access all along the side of Hibbert lane? And possibly pedestrain through Lyme grove or other road? (I am not 100% of the facts so will check later) So from there would be a lot quicker than middle of the car park.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #171 on: November 27, 2012, 09:46:44 AM »
But MIA are also against traffic, noise, deliveries, size of store, impact on local residents, etc associated with a supermarket all of which apply to the Chadwick Street,or doesn't that matter? If MIA had only campaigned on protecting local business then thats fine, but when they threw the kitchen sink at the ASDA scheme in terms of reasons to object, it seems a little disingenuous not to raise the same issues about the Chadwick Street site now and demand the same answers. They are the "voice of the people" are they not?

I seem to recall that someone suggested that MIA didn't have time / resources / energy to fight another supermarket battle. That will no doubt please those local residents to the Chadwick Street with their 'No to a supermarket at Hibbert Lane signs in the window".....



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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #170 on: November 27, 2012, 09:42:39 AM »
Well it seems obvious to me - People visiting the Hibbert Lane site by car (as most probably will) are unlikely to make the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple to visit other shops - they will get everything at Asda. Those visiting the Chadwick St site can easily make linked trips to other shops and some may prefer to use e.g a butcher  or deli in the center. Simples.

I could do that in a couple of minutes, i don't think it is 10 mins away. I also think that many people at Chadwick would simply shop there and drive away as much as they would do round the corner at Hibbert. But if the people who live in Marple, who usually go out of Marple, stay to the new store they may use other shops more than previously. Eg. if they go to Stockport Tesco now and pop to the health food shop and card shop while they are there, they may now (if staying in Marple) use the Marple health food shop and the card shop here to save going all the way to Stockport. Same with people from New Mills etc. Also there could be a scheme devised with one of the supermarkets encouraging the use of local shops. Maybe a discount at coffee shops, reward scheme etc.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #169 on: November 27, 2012, 09:37:15 AM »
Basically it's mainly nimbyism - and btw that is not a criticism: we are all nimbies, and none of us would want to live next to a supermarket.

Good point. Also people concerned about their small businesses. Again, perfectly understandable of them. But they do seem a bit hypocritical if they don't mind the same sized supermarket just a bit further up the road. As somebody earlier said many of MIA's arguments were about effects on local shops, traffic etc. All these apply at Chadwick street just as much as Hibbert Lane.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #168 on: November 27, 2012, 09:26:08 AM »
Yes Dave you were very simplistic and wrong about your original assumptions.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #167 on: November 27, 2012, 08:17:45 AM »
Maybe I'm just being simplistic, but I've always assumed that MIA was driven primarily by people living close to the Hibbert Lane site, and that this was why they were not bothered about other possible sites. Maybe people living close to the Chadwick St site need to start their own protest group. They might call it, er, AIM (Action In Marple :-).

Basically it's mainly nimbyism - and btw that is not a criticism: we are all nimbies, and none of us would want to live next to a supermarket.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #166 on: November 27, 2012, 07:48:30 AM »
the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple

 :D 10 minutes? really? to walk 150yds..


 If the traffic is very busy on Church Lane, as it will be after Asda is built, it might take 2.5 minutes to cross....

Really? Come on........


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #165 on: November 27, 2012, 12:57:44 AM »
the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple

 :D 10 minutes? really? to walk 150yds..


Looking at Google Maps, i'd say its 550m from the centre of the college car park to the Market St / Stockport Road junction. I think 150yds is from the edge of the Asda development to the edge of Marple shopping area. Wikipedia gives a typical human walking speed of 1.23m/s, so that gives 7.5 minutes. If the traffic is very busy on Church Lane, as it will be after Asda is built, it might take 2.5 minutes to cross....

Regarding traffic, yes either site would be bad news although the Chadwick St site will be acessed via Trinity St which ready has significant commercial traffic (Boots, Iceland, Post Office).


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #164 on: November 26, 2012, 10:53:25 PM »
I have never suggested that there are specifically educational benefits from retaining the college in Marple. The benefits are social, as I have explained above.

Somethingelse to agree on. Oh dear.