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Author Topic: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced  (Read 214608 times)

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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #163 on: November 26, 2012, 10:32:34 PM »
Agreed. Also don't understand how they can be all for, or not objecting to, the Chadwick street site? Yes it is in the main town centre (although the town centre could be classed as going down to Mcphee's newsagents or further depending on how you define the centre). What about the residents there? Local shops etc?
Well it seems obvious to me - People visiting the Hibbert Lane site by car (as most probably will) are unlikely to make the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple to visit other shops - they will get everything at Asda. Those visiting the Chadwick St site can easily make linked trips to other shops and some may prefer to use e.g a butcher  or deli in the center. Simples.


But MIA are also against traffic, noise, deliveries, size of store, impact on local residents, etc associated with a supermarket all of which apply to the Chadwick Street,or doesn't that matter? If MIA had only campaigned on protecting local business then thats fine, but when they threw the kitchen sink at the ASDA scheme in terms of reasons to object, it seems a little disingenuous not to raise the same issues about the Chadwick Street site now and demand the same answers. They are the "voice of the people" are they not?

I seem to recall that someone suggested that MIA didn't have time / resources / energy to fight another supermarket battle. That will no doubt please those local residents to the Chadwick Street with their 'No to a supermarket at Hibbert Lane signs in the window".....


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #162 on: November 26, 2012, 09:53:52 PM »
the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple

 :D 10 minutes? really? to walk 150yds..



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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #161 on: November 26, 2012, 09:41:57 PM »
Agreed. Also don't understand how they can be all for, or not objecting to, the Chadwick street site? Yes it is in the main town centre (although the town centre could be classed as going down to Mcphee's newsagents or further depending on how you define the centre). What about the residents there? Local shops etc?
Well it seems obvious to me - People visiting the Hibbert Lane site by car (as most probably will) are unlikely to make the 10 min walk to the centre of Marple to visit other shops - they will get everything at Asda. Those visiting the Chadwick St site can easily make linked trips to other shops and some may prefer to use e.g a butcher  or deli in the center. Simples.


the rover

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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #160 on: November 26, 2012, 05:00:09 PM »
I don't think MIA no what they do want they don't want supermarkets in marple but quite happy with a Waitrose . 

Agreed. Also don't understand how they can be all for, or not objecting to, the Chadwick street site? Yes it is in the main town centre (although the town centre could be classed as going down to Mcphee's newsagents or further depending on how you define the centre). What about the residents there? Local shops etc?

I live down near to Mcphee's and I do not consider where I live as being part of the town centre. to me the town centre is the Market Street area. By the way the college is closer to Market Street than where I live.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #159 on: November 26, 2012, 04:05:58 PM »
I don't think MIA no what they do want they don't want supermarkets in marple but quite happy with a Waitrose . 

Agreed. Also don't understand how they can be all for, or not objecting to, the Chadwick street site? Yes it is in the main town centre (although the town centre could be classed as going down to Mcphee's newsagents or further depending on how you define the centre). What about the residents there? Local shops etc?


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #158 on: November 26, 2012, 03:50:03 PM »
Quote from JMC. Some of the snobby remarks about council housing/tenants by MIA supporters  can still be seen on the facebook groups (YES and NO groups). I cannot find them. Where are they?

On the YES group on one of the photos of the YES logo, there are comments from somebody who tells someone she must be one of those who lives in sh**y housing (in other words council) and that a supermarket job would be ideal for her due to where she lived. Fair enough not all MIA supporters may have this attitude but there were posts on this website that people who didn't own their house (ie council tenants) didn't have the right to a say as they didn't have the issue of their houses being devalued. This doesn't help the fairly widespread view that MIA would be happy with a 'higher quality' supermarket eg Waitrose.

I don't think MIA no what they do want they don't want supermarkets in marple but quite happy with a Waitrose . 


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #157 on: November 26, 2012, 01:05:30 PM »
Quote from JMC. Some of the snobby remarks about council housing/tenants by MIA supporters  can still be seen on the facebook groups (YES and NO groups). I cannot find them. Where are they?

On the YES group on one of the photos of the YES logo, there are comments from somebody who tells someone she must be one of those who lives in sh**y housing (in other words council) and that a supermarket job would be ideal for her due to where she lived. Fair enough not all MIA supporters may have this attitude but there were posts on this website that people who didn't own their house (ie council tenants) didn't have the right to a say as they didn't have the issue of their houses being devalued. This doesn't help the fairly widespread view that MIA would be happy with a 'higher quality' supermarket eg Waitrose.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #156 on: November 26, 2012, 12:49:21 PM »
Quote from JMC. Some of the snobby remarks about council housing/tenants by MIA supporters  can still be seen on the facebook groups (YES and NO groups). I cannot find them. Where are they?


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #155 on: November 26, 2012, 10:01:51 AM »
If the college closed it would be a sad day, and a depressing step down the road towards Marple becoming some kind of dead-during-the-daytime dormitory town.   :'(

I agree. We have for a long time had a 6th form in Marple. With compulsory schooling now changing to 18 we need continuity of provision in Marple. Why would losing this provision be anything other than disaster? I guess many of these posters do not have college age kids? As you say, Dave, they are the lifeblood of the shops in Marple. I disagree with the poster that said they do not really affect the business at Gregs etc. There are always queues of students at Gregs and other shops at lunch time.

Back to the supermarket issue, if I were Asda I would be looking at ways to promote the Asda and not just the college. There must be a way that they could promote the local town through the proposed Asda. Some stores have signposted routes to the town for example. Or they could give out leaflets about local shops or have a scheme where you are rewarded for using local shops after your Asda shop. Maybe join up with a local cafe for discounts etc.

I still don't get how Chadwick street store would work. Where would people park if not shopping in the new store? Surely people would park down Lyme Grove etc?


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #154 on: November 26, 2012, 07:47:28 AM »
I have never suggested that there are specifically educational benefits from retaining the college in Marple. The benefits are social, as I have explained above.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #153 on: November 25, 2012, 11:38:42 PM »
But Dave you still do not address the educational benefits of locating the college in Marple only the econmonic benefits.


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #152 on: November 25, 2012, 12:55:46 PM »
Losing the college would be dreadful for Marple.

Absolutely - well said!  There's one frequent poster who has repeatedly argued that it wouldn't matter at all if the college closed and our youngsters had to get on buses and take their A levels elsewhere, but it would, and not just because it would be catastrophic for Greggs and the cafes and the Derby Way chippy! 

Marple is a town with a population of 23,000 - more than Buxton, for example.  So as you would expect for a place of its size, it has several primary schools, a big comprehensive school, a sixth form college, a cinema, a police station, a library, two petrol stations, many pubs, several doctors and dentists' surgeries, a wide range of shops and cafes, and a couple of supermarkets.

These are the very fabric of a local community, and are part of what makes this a good place to live.  You could argue that none of them are essential - why should our younger children not be bussed out of the town to other primary schools?  Why should we not allow even more pubs to close - we can all get the bus and do our boozing in Romiley, can't we?  Why do we need a library here - we can catch a bus to Stockport, can't we?   And so on, and on. 

If the college closed it would be a sad day, and a depressing step down the road towards Marple becoming some kind of dead-during-the-daytime dormitory town.   :'(


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #151 on: November 25, 2012, 11:56:21 AM »
I think many people are finding MIA a bit (or massively) hypocritical. At first they were saying a big supermarket would kill local shops etc., and then they focused on the 'out of town' side of it saying that it wasn't the actual supermarket but the location. Of course this now leaves them unable to say they are against any supermarket since they were so focused on the 'out of town' aspect.

BUT as many local traders have said (on facebook etc) local shops will still be affected as well as residents of Chadwick street. But nobody seems to really care. In addition many still associate MIA with the scaremongering stories and outspoken members (or ex members?). It has been said by at least one MIA person that they don't care about the college. 'Kids can get the bus' etc. Also that low income people could easily afford the co-op etc. Also there are rumours that many want a Waitrose but not a 'down market' Asda. That is partly what made me go from on the fence to YES to Asda/College.

Either way (with Chadwick or Hibbert) we are going to get more traffic (although this is a matter for debate). So I think on balance there is nothing wrong with supporting the Asda and college plans. Asda have taken local views on board by not having a cafe etc. in their plans due to the local traders/provision. In addition it is the only plan that can give the college what it needs for the future and rebuild. I have college age children and suspect that many against the plans do not. Losing the college would be dreadful for Marple. Students often fill the town centre at lunch times. Asda would provide those on a low income with cheaper alternatives to the Coop and cheaper clothing, possibly also small electrical items. These would save trips to Stockport and keep people in Marple. Waitrose/other retailer would not do any of these things. In addition surely MIA would be against lots of new houses being built on Hibbert lane. I suspect more so if these are council housing. Some of the snobby remarks about council housing/tenants by MIA supporters  can still be seen on the facebook groups (YES and NO groups).



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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #150 on: November 22, 2012, 10:03:17 AM »
once you are in Stockport for something you often then use other shops taking potential trade away from Marple.

Exactly.  And if we had a proper supermarket in Marple, you could then reverse Stockport and Marple in that sentence, to make it read 'once you are in Marple for something you often then use other shops taking potential trade away from Stockport.'

As for the issue about Coop prices, I do most of our food shopping at Morrison's or the Coop, and occasionally use Tesco.  I am in no doubt that overall prices are significantly lower at Morrison's.  As for Tesco, you have to navigate such a thicket of special offers (especially 3 for 2 deals), that it's very hard to compare.  But here are some 'official' figures from Which magazine, which don't include the Coop or Morrison's, strangely, but do indicate that Asda is a bit cheaper than Tesco.  http://www.which.co.uk/money/bills-and-budgeting/reviews-ns/grocery-prices-what-you-need-to-know/grocery-prices-supermarkets-compared/


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Re: Chadwick Street / Trinity Street Development Announced
« Reply #149 on: November 21, 2012, 09:15:17 PM »

I wish folks would stop referring to Co-op prices as "rip-off". I don't think they are much higher than Tesco, Asda etc. These guys are very good at enticing you in with special deals, but their basic stuff can be similar to Co-op prices. Aldi and Lidl are a dirrerent matter - they are cheap. If Co-op prices are higher it's because a) they don't shaft their suppliers as the likes of Tesco and Asda do, and b) they probably employ their staff on a reasonable wage, not on minimum-wage zero-hour contracts. Granted to some customers price is everything, and for them a competitor in Marple would be useful. I am happy with Co-op prices, although I wish they could be more switched-on with their customer service!

I think as you say it is a relative to income thing. For the low income though, i think the Co-op is extremely expensive and often badly stocked. It's fine for a few bits; but a full weeks shopping is much more than Aldi/Asda. I also think the appeal of Asda is being able to get things like cheap kettles and school uniform. That is not easy to get in Marple at all. I am often having to go to Stockport for these types of things when it would be good to get them in Marple (you were able to in the past). As people have said on here, once you are in Stockport for something you often then use other shops taking potential trade away from Marple. I am in favour of Asda now (was on the fence at first) and I use local shops very often and will continue to do so. I do weekly shop online-not with Asda but would switch to a local Asda.