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Author Topic: Conservative Election Address  (Read 32452 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2012, 01:56:34 PM »
There is waste in all sectors. Some private company's are worse than public ones. The customer/user has to pick up the tab in all kinds of ways and not just in the purse. If you measure your life quality by the council tax, profit and loss account, then you'll very likely have a life of protestation and reaction. I don't so I don't. Once you go down that road it's like that song where you very quickly ..."I've forgotten what I started fighting for"...

Public versus private is an endless debate where extreme examples can be used to illustrate a point for either side. There isn't really a definitive answer. There are bad/lazy Teachers as well as there are bad/lazy Asda store managers and somebody is paying for both of them.

There is Si, however, the consumer has a choice in the private sector in excercising their own personal utility and deciding to take their custom elsewhere.

Taxes such as council tax and TV licence is not avoidable by excercising consumer choice.


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2012, 10:18:23 AM »
Me too bellee - I'm in danger of voting Green or Labour and thereby letting Ms Finnie in - what to do?? ???

As for Duke's tired old list of 'non-jobs', I just wish people would stop insulting our intelligence by lazily copying and pasting these right-wing rants off other websites, such as this one http://menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews/news/politics/s/1460460_35000-protesters---and-not-one-arrest-anti-cuts-rally-targets-tory-party-conference-in-manchester

...and this one:  http://www.hebdenbridge.co.uk/forum/2012/045.html

..and indeed their own previous posts - we've all seen this one at least twice before on this very forum from Duke himself ::)


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2012, 09:42:50 AM »
Door stepped by Annette Finnie and cold called by the Lib/Dems it must be close. Brief chat advised i wouldn't be voting for her party as a point of principle, but she would be gaining a vote indirectly as i also wouldn't be voting for the Lib/Dems this time, as i have always done in the past to keep her party out, they seem to have forgotten their principles, as demonstrated by jumping into bed with her party for 5 years of fame, with our local MP at the forefront of the negotiations. Off she went happy.


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2012, 06:29:53 AM »
There is waste in all sectors. Some private company's are worse than public ones. The customer/user has to pick up the tab in all kinds of ways and not just in the purse. If you measure your life quality by the council tax, profit and loss account, then you'll very likely have a life of protestation and reaction. I don't so I don't. Once you go down that road it's like that song where you very quickly ..."I've forgotten what I started fighting for"...

Public versus private is an endless debate where extreme examples can be used to illustrate a point for either side. There isn't really a definitive answer. There are bad/lazy Teachers as well as there are bad/lazy Asda store managers and somebody is paying for both of them. Speaking of ASDA...all quiet eh...I guess they are waiting...don't know what for, maybe the elections.

Speaking of elections Carl, I've decided who I'm voting for but I haven't got the time just yet to divulge and give reasons, so I'll post later.       

Duke Fame

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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2012, 10:16:29 AM »
Welcome to the wacky world of Duke, Simone.  ;)  Basically, private sector workers are dedicated and hardworking, the drivers of the dynamic UK economy.  Public sector employees, on the other hand, are idle, feckless, sponging shirkers who have never done a decent day's work in their lives. 

So as you say, Simone, teachers, doctors, nurses, dentists, rat - catchers, social workers, police officers are all a waste of space, whilst bookies, hairdressers, tattooists, accountants, estate agents, hedge-fund managers and supermarket shelf-stackers are doing the useful things that keep UK plc ticking over.  You couldn't make it up, really  ::)

Well done Dave, you're learning!

In reality, that's not quite my view. Teachers, doctors, nurses & police all work in an area where there is market failure and that's where the state can step in and provide the service (but must do it in an efficient and effective way - for many state agencies, that proves difficult).  I notice you don't list Nuclear Free Local Secretariat & Policy and Research Officers, New Media Managers, Link Workers - Indian and East African Asian; Cultural Regeneration Officers, Specialist Market Managers, Corporate Lead Officers - Lesbians' issues, Corporate Lead Officers - Gay Men's Issues, 'Zest' Hub Co-Ordinators, Climate Change Officers, Team Strategic Development oficers, Creative Directors, Expressive and Performing Arts Technicians, Travel Change Team Policy Officers, recycling officers & cycling teams etc etc  It's these hey nonny nonny roles that are an attempt to employ the willing unemployable. Surely it's better to reduce council tax, get rid of this rubbish and leave more money in the pocket of the punter who can spend money in the local economy?


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2012, 04:23:02 PM »
Welcome to the wacky world of Duke, Simone.  ;)  Basically, private sector workers are dedicated and hardworking, the drivers of the dynamic UK economy.  Public sector employees, on the other hand, are idle, feckless, sponging shirkers who have never done a decent day's work in their lives. 

So as you say, Simone, teachers, doctors, nurses, dentists, rat - catchers, social workers, police officers are all a waste of space, whilst bookies, hairdressers, tattooists, accountants, estate agents, hedge-fund managers and supermarket shelf-stackers are doing the useful things that keep UK plc ticking over.  You couldn't make it up, really  ::)


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2012, 08:50:20 AM »

You certainly take some figuring, Unbelievable !

What about Teachers,Doctors,Nurses, Dentists, Rat - catchers, Social Workers, Police Officers....so on and so on.

They are not employed by business are they? Are they the "willing unemployable"?

Duke Fame

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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2012, 11:01:58 PM »
Ah ha, SK solutions are a quasi private company so it's up to them. One problem With your idea is that businesses are already being ripped off with business rates and current waste disposal costs, to retrospectively rape the productive sector in order to employ a load of people in quasi jobs in Stockport council will hurt business and real employment.

As you and i both know, SK Solutions and SMBC are intrinsically linked by a financial umbilical cord, you don't pay one it affects us all, but that's ok as long as it doesn't affect businesses

We must protect businesses as only businesses can create employment. Council employ the willing unemployable.


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2012, 07:43:32 PM »
 Ah ha, SK solutions are a quasi private company so it's up to them. One problem With your idea is that businesses are already being ripped off with business rates and current waste disposal costs, to retrospectively rape the productive sector in order to employ a load of people in quasi jobs in Stockport council will hurt business and real employment.

As you and i both know, SK Solutions and SMBC are intrinsically linked by a financial umbilical cord, you don't pay one it affects us all, but that's ok as long as it doesn't affect businesses

Duke Fame

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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2012, 10:42:32 AM »
Just wondering where Ms Alexander's election address is ?  Do you think she thinks that it needs to be kept secret  :-\

She came to my house canvassing the other day. It has to be said that she is a very personable lady.

I don't think that she feels she needs a formal address. From our conversation I got the distinct impression that she is standing or falling on her record. In fact she seemed confident yet philosophical. Anyway, whatever she was, she is so far the only candidate that I have seen. I'm still undecided about my vote. A lot can happen in a week, but there is one thing I have to say about the Libdems... they always seem to be THERE.  

I find it surprising that we've not seen a candidate yet. If I have a spare moment on Sunday I'll help out with wither the Cons or Lib Dems.


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2012, 08:43:33 AM »
Just wondering where Ms Alexander's election address is ?  Do you think she thinks that it needs to be kept secret  :-\

She came to my house canvassing the other day. It has to be said that she is a very personable lady.

I don't think that she feels she needs a formal address. From our conversation I got the distinct impression that she is standing or falling on her record. In fact she seemed confident yet philosophical. Anyway, whatever she was, she is so far the only candidate that I have seen. I'm still undecided about my vote. A lot can happen in a week, but there is one thing I have to say about the Libdems... they always seem to be THERE.  

Duke Fame

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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2012, 08:59:30 PM »
What’s your point re. Commercial waste? I must have missed it.

Duke, you said

'I concur on the billing, we got away with them cocking up the bill so we paid nothing a couple of years ago, usually I'd be honest with suppliers but I object to paying for rubbish collection'.......

My point was, why should my community charge be used to subsidise the collection of business/commercial waste when the LA only has a statutory duty to collect domestic/household waste. Carl or who ever is elected needs to ensure that monies owed for chargeable services are collected, this would benefit everyone not those few who get away without paying for what they have signed up for.

 Ah ha, SK solutions are a quasi private company so it's up to them. One problem With your idea is that businesses are already being ripped off with business rates and current waste disposal costs, to retrospectively rape the productive sector in order to employ a load of people in quasi jobs in Stockport council will hurt business and real employment.


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2012, 05:32:43 PM »
Just wondering where Ms Alexander's election address is ?  Do you think she thinks that it needs to be kept secret  :-\

It had already been posted on the forum along with every other candidate's addresses. It is also readily available on the SMBC web site where all existing local councillor's addresses are published.


Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2012, 03:37:26 PM »
What’s your point re. Commercial waste? I must have missed it.

Duke, you said

'I concur on the billing, we got away with them cocking up the bill so we paid nothing a couple of years ago, usually I'd be honest with suppliers but I object to paying for rubbish collection'.......

My point was, why should my community charge be used to subsidise the collection of business/commercial waste when the LA only has a statutory duty to collect domestic/household waste. Carl or who ever is elected needs to ensure that monies owed for chargeable services are collected, this would benefit everyone not those few who get away without paying for what they have signed up for.

Miss Marple

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Re: Conservative Election Address
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2012, 06:58:10 PM »
Just wondering where Ms Alexander's election address is ?  Do you think she thinks that it needs to be kept secret  :-\