Estate agency, done differently in Marple and District

Author Topic: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues  (Read 29788 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #104 on: March 09, 2012, 11:02:19 PM »
So,  Michael, are you going to throw your hat in the ring?

If so, what will you do to reduce council taxes?

Miss Marple

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #103 on: February 26, 2012, 11:20:17 PM »
That's not fair either miss M. Why should she report to her mp? If her party didn't hold a seat in parliament, did she have to talk to the guy who lost last time?

Andrew has given you as much support as he possibly can, given his position, careful about cutting your nose off.
It would have been nice for her to have declared an interest  in her college / supermarket involvement to Andrew Stunnal who looked a little confused when he learnt from MIA  that Shan had been in meetings with the college over issues concerning. Supermarket.  I have no axe to grind with Andrew  I think you need to re read my post  :-\

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #102 on: February 26, 2012, 11:17:08 PM »
Duke had you been stood where I was you would have seen, on two services

you are going to have to enlighten me Alan, I wasn't there and as I don't really do god, I'd be rather hypocritical in doing so.

It's not about God, i'ts respect and thanks

I think we can register respect without an imaginary friend.

So who wore the comedy hat?


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #101 on: February 26, 2012, 11:06:11 PM »
Duke had you been stood where I was you would have seen, on two services

you are going to have to enlighten me Alan, I wasn't there and as I don't really do god, I'd be rather hypocritical in doing so.

It's not about God, i'ts respect and thanks

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #100 on: February 26, 2012, 09:43:22 PM »
That's not fair either miss M. Why should she report to her mp? If her party didn't hold a seat in parliament, did she have to talk to the guy who lost last time?

Andrew has given you as much support as he possibly can, given his position, careful about cutting your nose off.

Miss Marple

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #99 on: February 26, 2012, 09:11:27 PM »
Dukey - I applaud your sense of fairness. Though I have criticised her publicly, and I believe she should have stood down from public life following her conviction, I haven't exactly waged a vendetta since.

That said, I just think the cold hard politics of it means she's tainted as a candidate. Just as Cllr Leese will be when he faces his public in Crumpsall come May, but to a lesser degree as there's a difference between accepting a caution for assault and pleading guilty to the charge she copped for.

As for the Conservatives - if they started doing a bit more PR, a street surgery on a Saturday, a leaflet drop, got themselves a website and identified themselves as being full square behind the hard pressed small businesses of Marple, then they could win the seat at a canter. But then so could an independent.
There is unrest in Shan Alexanders ward , we want to know why she kept the issue of a supermarket secret to her constituents.  Shan Alexander was a council governour at CAMSFC and had a duty  to the people who put her in power. Even when she stood down as a Governor she kept the secret to herself, and if we are to believe Andrew Stunnell who said he knew nothing about the sale, then that means that the delightful Shan failed  to even keep her leader in the loop So the community don't stand a chance ! It's a strange old world this world of politics (small p )


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #98 on: February 26, 2012, 09:01:31 PM »
Dukey - I applaud your sense of fairness. Though I have criticised her publicly, and I believe she should have stood down from public life following her conviction, I haven't exactly waged a vendetta since.

That said, I just think the cold hard politics of it means she's tainted as a candidate. Just as Cllr Leese will be when he faces his public in Crumpsall come May, but to a lesser degree as there's a difference between accepting a caution for assault and pleading guilty to the charge she copped for.

As for the Conservatives - if they started doing a bit more PR, a street surgery on a Saturday, a leaflet drop, got themselves a website and identified themselves as being full square behind the hard pressed small businesses of Marple, then they could win the seat at a canter. But then so could an independent.

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #97 on: February 26, 2012, 07:20:12 PM »
Thanks for keeping this thread lively and well informed.

Just to get one thing out of the way. Marple in Action - of which I am a supporter - is NOT going to field candidates in the election. I have asked the question, debated it with different people in the area as an idea and agree with the importance of the campaign being single minded in being single issue and against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.

I started the discussion thread to get an idea whether there was an appetite for a local independent candidate to stand in the local elections in May against Shan Alexander in my ward. My concern comes from the wards in Marple having credible representation in Stockport Council AND leading a debate in the council chamber and committees about what kind of place Marple should be in the future? - if not a supermarket on Hibbert Lane, then what? What sports facilities will Marple have if the baths are shut? What could deliver the  ambition of the Civic Society's vision for the area - who could even inspire and raise it?

Here is my analysis of the local situation

1. Shan Alexander won with a majority of 600+ in 2008 and on a 50% share of the vote
2. There will be a meltdown in the Lib Dem vote nationally, this will play out locally too - but their share of the vote has held firm in Marple at around 50%
3. Shan Alexander is a tainted candidate - her criminal conviction, her fence sitting and late conversion to the College sell off issue reveals her to be of cynical judgement.
4. Change is possible.
5. The Tories could win the seat by default, but I don't know who the candidate is. They haven't joined this debate, but there has been nothing to give anyone here comfort that they are a credible force.

I though the conservative candidate has been active n the debate.

I think it's a little unfair, Michael. I'm not sure of Shan's politics myself but i think to highlight the criminal conviction is unfair. You give a fair bit of support to Richard Leese (which professionally i suppose you have to) but would you think it fair for the opposition to attack him on his ability to assault teenage girls? As mentioned earlier, I think both incidents must have been awful for all concerned and something that can happen to anyone.

By all means attack Shan's politics but her conviction seems to be an accident that I'm very thankful has never happened to me but i don;t think it makes her a bad person.  


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #96 on: February 26, 2012, 04:27:33 PM »
Thanks for keeping this thread lively and well informed.

Just to get one thing out of the way. Marple in Action - of which I am a supporter - is NOT going to field candidates in the election. I have asked the question, debated it with different people in the area as an idea and agree with the importance of the campaign being single minded in being single issue and against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.

I started the discussion thread to get an idea whether there was an appetite for a local independent candidate to stand in the local elections in May against Shan Alexander in my ward. My concern comes from the wards in Marple having credible representation in Stockport Council AND leading a debate in the council chamber and committees about what kind of place Marple should be in the future? - if not a supermarket on Hibbert Lane, then what? What sports facilities will Marple have if the baths are shut? What could deliver the  ambition of the Civic Society's vision for the area - who could even inspire and raise it?

Here is my analysis of the local situation

1. Shan Alexander won with a majority of 600+ in 2008 and on a 50% share of the vote
2. There will be a meltdown in the Lib Dem vote nationally, this will play out locally too - but their share of the vote has held firm in Marple at around 50%
3. Shan Alexander is a tainted candidate - her criminal conviction, her fence sitting and late conversion to the College sell off issue reveals her to be of cynical judgement.
4. Change is possible.
5. The Tories could win the seat by default, but I don't know who the candidate is. They haven't joined this debate, but there has been nothing to give anyone here comfort that they are a credible force.

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #95 on: February 26, 2012, 01:11:57 PM »
Duke had you been stood where I was you would have seen, on two services

you are going to have to enlighten me Alan, I wasn't there and as I don't really do god, I'd be rather hypocritical in doing so.

Miss Marple

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #94 on: February 25, 2012, 09:20:36 PM »
There is only one Lib Dem councillor that I would vote for, but for the man not his politics-Andrew Bispham. I consider him to be honourable and truthfull. even if you don't like his answer.

Councillors who do not show respect for the fallen at remembrance services and wear silly hats, have no place in my heart.

Councillors should take stock of past activies and reflect upon there achievements and failures and consider that now is the time to go and give way to more conscientious and dedicated local people who don't do it just for expenses and perks
Well said Alan !


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #93 on: February 25, 2012, 07:09:02 PM »
Duke had you been stood where I was you would have seen, on two services

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #92 on: February 25, 2012, 06:16:55 PM »
There is only one Lib Dem councillor that I would vote for, but for the man not his politics-Andrew Bispham. I consider him to be honourable and truthfull. even if you don't like his answer.
Which politics don't you agree with?

Councillors who do not show respect for the fallen at remembrance services and wear silly hats, have no place in my heart.

Who was that Alan? Is the problem that a councillor didn't attend which I can sympathise with or the person wore a comedy hat?


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #91 on: February 25, 2012, 05:56:23 PM »
There is only one Lib Dem councillor that I would vote for, but for the man not his politics-Andrew Bispham. I consider him to be honourable and truthfull. even if you don't like his answer.

Councillors who do not show respect for the fallen at remembrance services and wear silly hats, have no place in my heart.

Councillors should take stock of past activies and reflect upon there achievements and failures and consider that now is the time to go and give way to more conscientious and dedicated local people who don't do it just for expenses and perks

Who are these disrespectful Councillors - how did they do this?

I certainly can't think of any politician local or otherwise who could have a place in my heart.

Who are these conscientious and dedicated people? Step forward show yourselves - Alan I THINK THATS WHERE WE CAME IN.


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #90 on: February 25, 2012, 05:24:52 PM »
There is only one Lib Dem councillor that I would vote for, but for the man not his politics-Andrew Bispham. I consider him to be honourable and truthfull. even if you don't like his answer.

Councillors who do not show respect for the fallen at remembrance services and wear silly hats, have no place in my heart.

Councillors should take stock of past activies and reflect upon there achievements and failures and consider that now is the time to go and give way to more conscientious and dedicated local people who don't do it just for expenses and perks