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Author Topic: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues  (Read 27677 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #89 on: February 25, 2012, 04:42:51 PM »
What is the Marple AC & when is it? I may fancy  comming along.

Perhaps you are being a little tongue in cheek here Duke - but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

The  MARPLE AREA COMMITTEE is a committee that convenes every month to formally discuss,regulate and endorse issues that effect the political ward of MARPLE. Local Councillors are in attendance and it is open to all members of the public.


Thanks, I really didn't know.


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #88 on: February 24, 2012, 01:29:34 PM »
What is the Marple AC & when is it? I may fancy  comming along.

Perhaps you are being a little tongue in cheek here Duke - but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

The  MARPLE AREA COMMITTEE is a committee that convenes every month to formally discuss,regulate and endorse issues that effect the political ward of MARPLE. Local Councillors are in attendance and it is open to all members of the public.


Lisa Oldham

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #87 on: February 23, 2012, 05:27:47 PM »
Ah Dickie Leese.. yes.. he used to be a good man... most politicians start off that way.... :(

but its MCC.. we are powerless to stop or change what goes on over there.  Yes of course its wrong, but the fact the expenses system is more generous than Stockports doesn't make it right in Stockport, doesn't make our councillors better, nicer kinder, more effective!

I can affect change here, as can you. So we should concentrate on that

"engage with them in a rationale way".. what like email issues, suggestions requests?  talk to them on the phone in a rational manner, on the street ant meetings?  yeah..tried that! Andrew Bispham is the only one i can say has; 1 responded to any email; 2. entered into valuable and interesting dialogue.  As a result hes the only lib dem I would consider voting for. ( note theres a couple of newish councillors since I last had to email that I dont have an opinion on yet except that gauged from this site)

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #86 on: February 23, 2012, 10:57:18 AM »

You're right there are six Councillors - just thought that two of them didn't warrant a mention.

You've minded me of what I think is a good point and a very important one to this Community - our Councillors!

Elections are on May 3rd (Cllrs ; Shan & Martin - just trying to be friendly) and IMHO we are going to be left with very same  6 Councillors that we've got now - that's at least until May 2014. By that time most of the big issues; Hibbert Lane Asda, High - Lane Reservoir, Marple Hall bridlepath, Disley Tissues, will have been resolved one way or another. 

Instead of just attacking our Councillors on this website or the same handful of people going to the AC every month with the same view of attack. Which only serves to give them a collective siege mentality, then perhaps we could use this website to be more constructive about them - tell the what we think/want - actually engage with them in a rationale way - might help improve their performance. We could start a new thread ..."MARPLE COUNCILLORS"... just a suggestion...what do you think out there...maybe you could set it up admin?   

What is the Marple AC & when is it? I may fancy comming along.


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #85 on: February 23, 2012, 09:02:54 AM »

You're right there are six Councillors - just thought that two of them didn't warrant a mention.

You've minded me of what I think is a good point and a very important one to this Community - our Councillors!

Elections are on May 3rd (Cllrs ; Shan & Martin - just trying to be friendly) and IMHO we are going to be left with very same  6 Councillors that we've got now - that's at least until May 2014. By that time most of the big issues; Hibbert Lane Asda, High - Lane Reservoir, Marple Hall bridlepath, Disley Tissues, will have been resolved one way or another. 

Instead of just attacking our Councillors on this website or the same handful of people going to the AC every month with the same view of attack. Which only serves to give them a collective siege mentality, then perhaps we could use this website to be more constructive about them - tell the what we think/want - actually engage with them in a rationale way - might help improve their performance. We could start a new thread ..."MARPLE COUNCILLORS"... just a suggestion...what do you think out there...maybe you could set it up admin?   

Duke Fame

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #84 on: February 22, 2012, 11:21:08 PM »
I thought we had 6 representatives:

Councillor Shan Alexander   
Councillor Andrew Bispham   
Councillor Martin Candler   
Councillor Susan Ingham  (Chair)
Councillor Craig Wright  (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Kevin Dowling   

Is there an election this year?


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #83 on: February 22, 2012, 11:03:34 PM »
It certainly is a shame but it looks like the LiBDems are going to have it all their own way again in Marple. As I've said before I'm not a LiBDem luvver nor hater. I think that they've got a couple of good people's Councillors but I think that they've got a couple of bad one's as well. Incidentally Marpleleaf I'd be interested to know if you trust the same two that I do but I understand if you don't want to name names.

2013 is a fallow year - no elections. We'll have total LibDem til 2014 - that can't be good for democracy.

Marpleleaf have you considerd your position yet as a possible candidate  - maybe you could get an MIA nomination ? I can't remember where you stand on the supermarket - obviously you would have to be against it to get such a nomination.  I've been looking at and reconsidering the political landscape. There is an outside chance that you could win or if not let the Conservatives in but even that would be better for democracy than 6 LIBDEMS for the next two years. 



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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #82 on: February 22, 2012, 10:08:11 PM »
No not necessarily,

As say I could have imagined it.

From your comments then I take it that it's not going to happen - shame! 

Miss Marple

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #81 on: February 22, 2012, 09:57:48 PM »
I don't remember saying that ! But no doubt someone will find the quote and prove me wrong! 


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #80 on: February 22, 2012, 09:50:01 PM »
Miss Marple

I may have imagined this but did you say on this site not so long ago that MIA were going to field a candidate in May's elections ?

I think that this would be superb idea. It would certainly give the Libdems a start and would put down a marker for elections in 2014 !

Any news , any progress?   


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2012, 08:37:10 PM »
Dave...on your comments about both Councillors brush with the on sympathetic good understanding of human nature point of view. I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. 

Ringi... must admit I'd never even thought of it that way before. You've certainly got a point. Gives creedence to Dave's post about paying more and getting better Councillors. Maybe if we did then people who can't stand for election because they've got to work, could  stop work then they could stand. Of course the risk is that they'd have to get elected before they got paid. There's no simple answer is there?

Let's face it the Co-op in Marple lets us all down particularly those with growing families. Overpriced, narrow sell by dates, low wages for the staff, poor variety, badly stocked ... That's something I do think the Council
could have done something about.  Saw one of our Councillors  last Sunday coming out of M & S in Handforth Dean - trolley laden...obviously wasn't shopping in Marple co-op that day. Before you ask - YES, I was shopping there too.
But would he shop there if we had a supermarket in MARPLE.
Yes she would  !
sorry she

Miss Marple

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2012, 08:12:08 PM »
Dave...on your comments about both Councillors brush with the on sympathetic good understanding of human nature point of view. I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. 

Ringi... must admit I'd never even thought of it that way before. You've certainly got a point. Gives creedence to Dave's post about paying more and getting better Councillors. Maybe if we did then people who can't stand for election because they've got to work, could  stop work then they could stand. Of course the risk is that they'd have to get elected before they got paid. There's no simple answer is there?

Let's face it the Co-op in Marple lets us all down particularly those with growing families. Overpriced, narrow sell by dates, low wages for the staff, poor variety, badly stocked ... That's something I do think the Council
could have done something about.  Saw one of our Councillors  last Sunday coming out of M & S in Handforth Dean - trolley laden...obviously wasn't shopping in Marple co-op that day. Before you ask - YES, I was shopping there too.
But would he shop there if we had a supermarket in MARPLE.
Yes she would  !


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2012, 08:09:39 PM »
Dave...on your comments about both Councillors brush with the on sympathetic good understanding of human nature point of view. I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. 

Ringi... must admit I'd never even thought of it that way before. You've certainly got a point. Gives creedence to Dave's post about paying more and getting better Councillors. Maybe if we did then people who can't stand for election because they've got to work, could  stop work then they could stand. Of course the risk is that they'd have to get elected before they got paid. There's no simple answer is there?

Let's face it the Co-op in Marple lets us all down particularly those with growing families. Overpriced, narrow sell by dates, low wages for the staff, poor variety, badly stocked ... That's something I do think the Council could have done something about.  Saw one of our Councillors  last Sunday coming out of M & S in Handforth Dean - trolley laden...obviously wasn't shopping in Marple co-op that day. Before you ask - YES, I was shopping there too.
But would he shop there if we had a supermarket in marple .


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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #76 on: February 22, 2012, 05:33:39 PM »
So Finetimefontain having  an Asda in Marple possibly wouldn't change your shopping habits.  You must have had to drive past or be in very close proximity to an Asda Tesco Morrison's or Salisbury's on route but still went to M&S am I missing something ?

Miss Marple; Your're right on all counts...It probably would, I must have done, yet I still did, you probaby are and so probably am I...

Well call me shorty and hit me with a big stick!

Miss Marple

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Re: Local elections - a weighing up of the issues
« Reply #75 on: February 22, 2012, 05:22:39 PM »
So Finetimefontain having  an Asda in Marple possibly wouldn't change your shopping habits.  You must have had to drive past or be in very close proximity to an Asda Tesco Morrison's or Salisbury's on route but still went to M&S am I missing something ?