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Author Topic: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane  (Read 112233 times)

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2011, 10:42:59 AM »
A bit of a defence of Mark - although I'm sure that he doesn't need it. He has been decent enough to let the 'Yes' campaign have some fair space on the forum (and, I note, keep some of the completely unrelated forums on the straight and narrow at the same time, as well as adding to the fantastic range of historical photographs).

Some questions about the potential developments on Hibbert Lane / Buxton Lane cannot be addressed until the college applies for planning permission:
- how big a supermarket?
- which supermarket?
- what happens on Buxton Lane?
- what happens to the road system?
So, presenting any knowledge as 'facts' is scaremongering. On the other hand, not flagging them as possibilities risks letting any development sneak through with minimal discussion. There are plenty of people opposed to my views on a new supermarket, but I am very glad that there are so many interested in the future of Marple whether they share my views on this topic or not.

Drifting into a discussion of the smaller shops in Marple perhaps we should look at the successes and failures there. Some appear to be doing fine - Edel Carpets and furnishings has bucked the general trend by expanding, Archers, Greggs and Wilsons seem to have plenty of customers, Hollins (no relation) is as good as ever. Ditto the toyshop and petshop. The only common themes that I can see are longevity and selling things that people want at sensible prices. I'm afraid that niche markets and twee nicknacks are not the things to sell in a time of recession: is anyone seriously going to visit the new "fish spa"? Did "Under the Greenwood Tree" sell anything that people needed? I am genuinely sorry for the likes of Grenaby Farms and Mulligans - did business rates and rents have any role to play in their demise?


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #24 on: August 29, 2011, 10:21:14 AM »
Well said harry. However, I do take admin's point, that Miss M does not necessarily 'speak for MIA'.

As for the 'more than just a rumour' about the college moving away from Marple, Miss M's failure to respond to requests for any evidence speaks for itself, and I think we can all draw our own conclusions.

Miss Marple

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2011, 09:56:27 AM »
Harry the high rise buildings are fact we have had a reliable leak from the college
The swimming baths would have to go to provide the turn required for the lorries.  I have spoken to CAMSFC and the would not deny this but did say that i needed to speak to Highways
Meetings have been held at CAMSFC with planners and compulsory purchase people FOI on site
All I would say to you is re look through the thread the answers you are looking for are there
And remember the sale of the college started out to be a rumour but there is never smoke without fire as already shown, so please  stop shooting the messenger it's getting tiring and so predictable  :-\


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2011, 09:55:58 AM »
There is a huge amount of rumour, speculation and opinion on the forum, including much from your own good self Dave. You shouldn't get that mixed up with the "official" Marple in Action news and statements as published on their web site and in this specific thread:

Everything else should be consider the opinions of individual posters, some who may be members or supporters of Marple in Action and others who may not.

When people are being asked to sign your petition to 'save our swimming baths' then its not just the opinions of individuals. Its scaremongering.

When the acting chair of Marple Inaction, David Hoyle, stands in the precinct and states that CAMSFC will be building 'five or six story buildings' at Buxton Lane, is it just his opinion? No! Its scaremongering. (Note: Multiple buildings. Check the video)

When someone starts a rumour that CAMSFC will be leaving Marple, despite them stating the opposite, its scaremongering. And damaging to the college.

Its alright for you Mark, to say that the facts are in such a thread and the rest is just opinion. Once someone states something, then others will believe it. This whole campaign is based on fantasy. I'm just waiting for someone to say 'I know its a fact, I made it up myself'.

This end bit made me laugh!! Well said you make a very interesting point


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2011, 09:49:17 AM »
I agree with admin that the problem isn't a new supermarket per se, rather the location.........and for me, the size of the thing. Of course it would be great to have more choice and for the Co-op to face competition after all these years, but NOT at the price of losing the life and soul of Marple. Find a new location with a size that is appropriate to this town and I will happily vote YES but until then it's a very definite NO!

im sorry to be blunt but why are you on this thread if you are voting no?
At the end of the day we beleive whether the supermarket is built on hibbert lane or not some People will moan wherever the location....even though the college grounds seem to be the only grounds big enough

What gets me, is the fact this site is only designated to be has it got this far that a 2 supermarkets have become the highest bidders?


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2011, 09:37:51 AM »
There is a huge amount of rumour, speculation and opinion on the forum, including much from your own good self Dave. You shouldn't get that mixed up with the "official" Marple in Action news and statements as published on their web site and in this specific thread:

Everything else should be consider the opinions of individual posters, some who may be members or supporters of Marple in Action and others who may not.

When people are being asked to sign your petition to 'save our swimming baths' then its not just the opinions of individuals. Its scaremongering.

When the acting chair of Marple Inaction, David Hoyle, stands in the precinct and states that CAMSFC will be building 'five or six story buildings' at Buxton Lane, is it just his opinion? No! Its scaremongering. (Note: Multiple buildings. Check the video)

When someone starts a rumour that CAMSFC will be leaving Marple, despite them stating the opposite, its scaremongering. And damaging to the college.

Its alright for you Mark, to say that the facts are in such a thread and the rest is just opinion. Once someone states something, then others will believe it. This whole campaign is based on fantasy. I'm just waiting for someone to say 'I know its a fact, I made it up myself'.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2011, 09:20:11 AM »
Is it "YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane" (i.e. name of this thread) or "Yes. to Supermarket in Marple" (i.e. name of the facebook group) ?

And this thread has the same name as the facebook group point changing it.

I think SGK asked a legitimate question as the thread title is not the same as the facebook page or the facebook group, both of which are "Yes to a Supermarket in Marple." The MiA campaign is against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane, not against a new supermarket in Marple in any location. If you would like me to change the title of this thread so that it matches the facebook sites then just let me know.

The name of the thread is what i intended and will not need changing, thank you anyway. I don't think there is any point in discussing where else a supermarket could go or where people would prefer it to be located. This has all come about because the college wants to sell up so I think any discussions regarding where else it could be is off topic and not helpfull. As is the discussion about who has said what and who has posted things that are untrue.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2011, 08:50:25 AM »
Cpt smith writes 'Although MIA hasn't been great at facts either, it does atleast do its best to check that they are fact, and not opinion, before publishing them.'

I wish that were true, but sadly the MIA campaign has been notable for dealing in alarmist rumours, such as the closure and demolition of Marple swimming baths. The latest irresponsible trick has been to suggest that the college might close its Marple campuses altogether. I have asked Miss Marple to provide her evidence for this but so far she has not done so (surprise surprise!)

There is a huge amount of rumour, speculation and opinion on the forum, including much from your own good self Dave. You shouldn't get that mixed up with the "official" Marple in Action news and statements as published on their web site and in this specific thread:

Everything else should be consider the opinions of individual posters, some who may be members or supporters of Marple in Action and others who may not.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Miss Marple

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2011, 08:42:57 AM »
Dave why do you continually try to discredit MIA I find that some what  strange because we are all working very hard to uncover information and post on this site.  If you look back through the posts the swimming baths was mentioned at the start to college staff and a promise was made to rebuild the swimming pool on the Buxton Lane Site by Tesco but as you maybe aware Dave CAMSFC can only build on the car park at Buxton Lane so unless it's a roof top pool, it's not going to happen
The talk about selling both colleges and setting up somewhere else has always been a possibility we would be foolish not to think that given that 12million will not go that far in rebuilding the Buxton Lane College   I have proved before there is no smoke without fire and have given facts.  So please Dave stop shooting the messenger As it's becoming very predictable


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2011, 07:37:59 AM »
Cpt smith writes 'Although MIA hasn't been great at facts either, it does atleast do its best to check that they are fact, and not opinion, before publishing them.'

I wish that were true, but sadly the MIA campaign has been notable for dealing in alarmist rumours, such as the closure and demolition of Marple swimming baths. The latest irresponsible trick has been to suggest that the college might close its Marple campuses altogether. I have asked Miss Marple to provide her evidence for this but so far she has not done so (surprise surprise!)


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2011, 07:04:00 AM »
I agree with admin that the problem isn't a new supermarket per se, rather the location.........and for me, the size of the thing. Of course it would be great to have more choice and for the Co-op to face competition after all these years, but NOT at the price of losing the life and soul of Marple. Find a new location with a size that is appropriate to this town and I will happily vote YES but until then it's a very definite NO!


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2011, 06:40:04 AM »
Is it "YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane" (i.e. name of this thread) or "Yes. to Supermarket in Marple" (i.e. name of the facebook group) ?

And this thread has the same name as the facebook group point changing it.

I think SGK asked a legitimate question as the thread title is not the same as the facebook page or the facebook group, both of which are "Yes to a Supermarket in Marple." The MiA campaign is against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane, not against a new supermarket in Marple in any location. If you would like me to change the title of this thread so that it matches the facebook sites then just let me know.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2011, 01:09:29 AM »
I said I was here to appeal to like minded people and that Smithy166 didn't seem to be 'one of them' as in a like minded person.


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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2011, 12:51:38 AM »
I don't think there was any need to warn me that people might get upset as I am quite aware that other people have opinions different to mine. Camping out on Market Street, Posters, Banners, T-Shirts, and protest walking past my house wont change my mind.

I have not ''jumped ship'' I am here to appeal to like minded people. You don't seem to be one of them so therefore I have no interest in any further conversation with you.
would you please enlighten me with what you mean by "one of them"?
And for the record, i did retract my statement shortly after.

Miss Marple

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Re: YES to a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2011, 12:46:17 AM »
Would you be willing to meet with me and I can provide all the facts you may need to inform people ? (I am not as bad as people say I am ) lol  ;)