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Author Topic: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)  (Read 65304 times)

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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #91 on: March 28, 2014, 11:04:55 AM »

Members of the ex-MIA contact group met with College representatives to gather information about their plans for the future and in particular for the Hibbert Lane site.

The following notes on this meeting have been agreed with the College.

The College are proposing to put the land out to tender in April to national house builders who operate in the North West, with a view to selecting a preferred developer in May. There will follow the submission of a planning application to SMBC and the usual 13 week process and a public consultation in autumn.

Any residential development will have to comply with local and national planning policy and be a mix of accommodation, with an agreed percentage of affordable housing to be determined by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, whose planning guidance aims for up to 30%.

The plans for Buxton Lane have not been addressed yet. The plans will be heavily modified from those previously submitted, with more emphasis on classroom accommodation to meet EFA approval. The College has applied to EFA for a £1.5m grant for a 10 room Maths & Science block on Buxton Lane as a Phase 1 development and is awaiting a decision.

The College is currently recruiting student and parent governors. The College Board of Governors includes a contingent of parent, student and professionals within their field of practice. If you would like to express an interest in joining the College Board of Governors then please contact the Clerk to the Governors for an application form.

Marple residents should notice that the College are currently recruiting new members to the Board of Governors. There is little direct representation of the Marple community on the Board, and this would seem to be an ideal opportunity for parents, students or any member of the community with an interest in the College's future and its role in Marple, to contact the College. The ex-MIA contact group will meet with the College again in a few months time, and relay any information that we gather from the meeting to the Marple community via this web site.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #90 on: December 04, 2013, 07:53:32 AM »

MARPLE COLLEGE STATEMENT – former members of Marple in Action met up with Edward Vitalis, Finance Director at Marple College, to share thoughts on where the College is now going with the Hibbert Lane site. He is awaiting a report from his planning consultants before any announcements can be made but he was happy for us to release the following statements:

“The College has officially parted from its contract with ASDA.

Hibbert Lane needs to be disposed of in order to reinvest the capital receipt in the development of the Buxton Lane site for continued provision of sixth form education in Marple.

A logical option is that the Hibbert Lane site could be sold for housing development.

The College is committed to full and frank consultation with the community about any plans.”


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #89 on: October 04, 2013, 07:30:03 AM »

The ballot has now closed for the distribution of the remaining £447.05 in Marple in Action's bank account.

The votes were cast as follows:
Friends of Marple Memorial Park 99 votes = 36.00%, earning £160.94
New Horizons                         73 votes = 26.55%, earning £118.67
Marple Cancer Charities            81 votes = 29.45%, earning £131.68
Marple Civic Society                22 votes =  8.00%, earning   £35.76

We shall be arranging to pay these splendid local organisations in the near future.

Please note: A number of other worthy causes were nominated and received a very small number of votes. However, they were subsequently excluded due to the administrative difficultly of distributing tiny amounts.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #88 on: September 13, 2013, 05:37:01 PM »

ASDA DEADLINE PASSES! Click below to read the Final Newsletter:


Marple in Action was formed solely to fight the planning application for a supermarket on Hibbert Lane. As this has been successfully achieved, it has been decided that its’ activities should cease and its’ remaining cash be distributed to local charities. MiA still have over £400 to distribute even after some last minute expenses, so please vote to let us know which local charity/cause you want to get the biggest share. Funds will be distributed in accordance with the public vote on The Marple Website Forum, Facebook and on our stall at Marple Food and Drink Festival tomorrow.

The four local charities / causes nominated to receive a share of the fund are (in alphabetical order):

Friends of Marple Memorial Park
Marple Cancer Charities
Marple Civic Society
New Horizons

The closing date for the ballot is 30 September 2013, after which the money will be shared amongst these organisations in proportion to the votes that they receive. The online votes will be incorporated with the votes collected on Saturday at the Food and Drink Festival.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2013, 06:44:53 AM »

Sir Andrew Stunell MP spoke on the subject of "ill-conceived" planning applications in the House of Commons on the 19th June, and commended the work of “campaign group Marple in Action, which worked hard to make it clear that the community felt the ( Asda ) proposal to be ill-conceived”. Sir Andrew, who got his knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours, has been a strong supporter of Marple in Action throughout the two year campaign against the proposal for a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.

Marple in Action would also like to acknowledge the strong support received from the Marple Councillors, Sue Ingham, Shan Alexander, Andrew Bispham, Martin Candler, Kevin Dowling, and Craig Wright.

Mainly though, the success of the campaign was down to the people of Marple, who put up posters, signed petitions, wrote letters, marched and demonstrated that they didn't want Asda to ruin our town by building a supermarket on the College site.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #86 on: June 12, 2013, 04:09:15 PM »

(Stockport Express 5th June 2013)

Stockport Express - "Supermarket giant ASDA has pulled out of a controversial bid to build a new store in Marple"

ASDA - "Whilst our plans received significant support from the "silent majority" in the town, we believe now is not the time to proceed with our aspirations"

CAMSFC - "The college has been considering a number of options on how to proceed and would very much like to work with the Marple community to explore a way forward".

Councillor Sue Ingham - "a really fantastic result for Marple and a great example of the council and the local community working together for a common goal - what's best for Marple"

Marple in Action - " a victory for common sense and people power!"

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #85 on: June 05, 2013, 07:01:13 AM »

5 June 2013 - Marple in Action statement for the Stockport Express:

David Hoyle, chairman of Marple in Action, said:

“The decision by ASDA and the college to abandon their bid to build a supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site is a victory for common sense and people power.

"The tremendous weight of public opposition in Marple to the plan - and the professional and determined campaign mounted against it - completely took ASDA by surprise. They had totally under-estimated the Marple community's resolve to scupper this ill-conceived scheme.

"Marple In Action is absolutely delighted that ASDA have finally bowed to the wishes of the people of Marple. Following the hundreds of letters of opposition, petitions, and protest marches, ASDA and the college are now legally severing their contract by mutual consent.

"We welcome the new college management's statement that they are keen to involve the people of Marple in deciding the future of the college site. Marple In Action has supported this approach from the start and it will be a tremendous opportunity to bring new homes and 21st century college development to Marple.”

Make sure you get the next edition of the Stockport Express!

31 MAY 2013 - Official Update from Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College

The College this afternoon released the following statement:

"Following the refusal of planning permission at the planning and highways committee, both the College and ASDA have been carefully considering their position and contractual obligations. Both parties have been in discussions with each other and their respective Boards about their appetite to proceed and the prospect of an appeal. Both parties have indicated a preference to withdraw from the contract by mutual consent and have instructed solicitors to draft an agreement in this respect.

The College has been considering a number of options of how to proceed and would very much like to work with the Marple Community to explore a way forward. It is our intent to collaborate and consult with key stakeholders in this respect."

Edward Vitalis (Director of Finance & Resources) Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #84 on: May 25, 2013, 08:43:16 PM »

We have been told that the College wish to end the deal to sell the Hibbert Lane site to ASDA and that the supermarket group will not stand in their way. However the agreements and legal documents will take take several weeks to complete and there has been no official announcements from ASDA, or from the College who simply say they are “reviewing their options”. Both parties apparently have to agree to end what is a binding contract.

Marple in Action won't be celebrating until we get confirmation by way of a public statement from the College and/or ASDA but we hope to get this within the next few days.

Our official policy now is to keep our fingers crossed!


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #83 on: May 14, 2013, 08:23:47 PM »

Unfortunately not as ASDA have 6 months, from the 1st March, to lodge an appeal against Stockport Council's refusal to grant planning permission for a supermarket on Hibbert Lane. If they do appeal, we may be in for many more months of blight whilst the appeal system runs its course. In the meantime:

- new and existing Marple businesses hold back on investment in their businesses
- householders affected by the proposed development cannot sell their houses
- the authorities cannot plan improvements to our town.


MARPLE IN ACTION have been keeping in close touch with our MP, Andrew Stunell, the Marple Councillors and the Planning Officials in Stockport and opposition to a supermarket on Hibbert Lane is as strong as ever.

THE COLLEGE: ASDA's partner in the planning application is, of course, Cheadle and Marple Sixth Form College. We understand that the principal, Christina Cassidy, is off on long term sick and her responsibilities are being undertaken by the Assistant Principal, Jenny Singleton. Mr Hubert, has been replaced as Finance Director by Edward Vitalis. The new management team must, in view of the unsatisfactory Ofsted report and the failure of the Hibbert Lane project, be considering their options. Alternative capital funding schemes for colleges have been announced by the Government and MIA is seeking to meet the College to offer our help and to clarify, if possible, what is going on. The College have indicated that they wish to improve their relationship with the Marple community - this is their opportunity to begin that process. WATCH THIS SPACE!


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #82 on: April 13, 2013, 07:36:39 AM »

New supermarket "could well push the town centre over the edge!"

PLANNING APPEAL REFUSED in Basingstoke –a major supermarket group had applied to build an out of centre store, the council refused it, and now the Planning Inspector has rejected their appeal. He refused the proposal because it would affect nearby shops and added that the Government’s new planning rules - The National Planning Policy Framework – justified the decision. He said:

“There would be a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of the nearby Brighton Hill District Centre. In such a circumstance paragraph 27 of the Framework indicates that the proposal should be refused.”  He also added that the plans “ failed the sequential test for retail applications that are not in existing centres or in accordance with up to date local plans”.

This time it was TESCO, and amazingly ASDA, who have a supermarket in Brighton Hill, said a new TESCO "could well push the centre over the edge". It's a pity they don't apply such concerns to Marple centre!

It's obvious now that ASDA will lose an appeal and it's time for them to announce that they will not be appealing against the refusal on their Hibbert Lane application and allow the residents and businesses to move on.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #81 on: March 30, 2013, 05:42:49 PM »

Its not just us that thinks that! Marple was rated 9th in the UK in last weeks 'Sunday Times Best Places to Live'. It's a special place and ASDA mustn't be allowed to ruin it by building a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.

And a Daily Mail Online survey has reported that Stockport is second in the UK for 'resident contentment' and illustrated the piece with a picture of Marple's Memorial Park.

If you want to save that, see this Council consultation regarding huge cuts to park funding - and HAVE YOUR SAY!



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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2013, 04:05:38 PM »
26 MARCH 2013 - WILL ASDA APPEAL? – they have six months from the 1st March 2013 to do so.

IF THEY DO, WILL THEY WIN? – Unlikely if the evidence from Todmorden is considered.


ASDA took over a planning application from Sainsburys to build a supermarket on the out of centre, Halifax Road site.

This was refused by the Town Council, an appeal was lodged and turned down by the Planning Inspector who said that:

"the proposal could lead to a significant adverse impact on in-centre trade/turnover and on the vitality and viability of the town centre". He also concluded that the proposal would have an adverse impact on committed and planned public and private investment within Todmorden town centre by prejudicing the prospects for development of a mixed use scheme in the town centre and a smaller supermarket that already has planning permission on the edge of the town centre. Taking a more flexible approach to scale and format, this edge-of-centre site would be sequentially preferable to the appeal site. Therefore the proposal also fails to satisfy the sequential test.

Marple in Action think this is a sound decision in the interests of the livelihood of a town centre similar to Marple.

The grounds for refusal are quite clear. The proposed development would have created a separate retail destination to the town centre, with little potential for linked trips. Although not a vulnerable centre, the level of impact on Todmorden town centre would have been harmful to its vitality and viability. There was an alternative opportunity for a smaller supermarket development nearer the town centre that already had planning permission that passed the sequential test.

The Planning Inspector also dismissed ASDA's claim to be creating jobs in Todmorden. He said that the claimed 150 new jobs would equate to around 100 full time jobs, but diverting trade from existing retail outlets would result in job reductions elsewhere so the overall benefit would not be as great as first appearances suggested.

Marple in Action believe that the effect in Marple could be similar with a net loss of jobs if ASDA were allowed to open.

After the resounding refusals by Marple Area and Planning & Highways Committees, ASDA spokesman Philip Bartram (remember him!) said the supermarket was considering its options. We hope that for the good of Marple, and for ASDA's reputation, they consider their options and make an early announcement that they are not going to try to circumvent the local planning system by lodging an appeal.


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #79 on: March 22, 2013, 08:13:52 AM »

The following email has been received and we are passing it on to all who have helped and supported MIA over the last two years of campaigning against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane. We now hope that ASDA will make an early decision not to appeal so that the residents and shopkeepers of Marple can get on with their lives.

To: Marple in Action

We fully understand that ASDA may well appeal against the refusal of their application . Hopefully they will see that that they are not welcome in Marple meanwhile we would like to place on record our grateful thanks for the excellent way MIA has managed the campaign against ASDA.

Stan and Sue Rice Buxton Lane Residents


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2013, 08:04:06 AM »

The details of SMBC's Refusal of the Planning Application for a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane are now available on the Stockport Planning Portal.

To read the full details please use this link:


It is worth quoting the statement at the end of the Reasons for Refusal of ASDA's plans:

"The Council have worked positively and proactively with the applicant during the consideration of the application. This has included providing opportunity for the applicant to address issues during the consideration of the application and has involved the submission of considerable information during the processing of the application to attempt to overcome areas of concern. Despite this dialogue the proposed development remains contrary to the development plan and the NPPF. There were no amendments to the scheme, or conditions which could reasonably have been imposed, which could have made the development acceptable and it was therefore not possible to approve the application. The Local Planning Authority has therefore implemented the requirement in Paragraphs 186-187 of the NPPF."

Also, here's an article from Convenience Store National Magazine:


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Re: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #77 on: March 02, 2013, 01:50:42 PM »

Stockport Planning and Highways Committee last evening followed the recommendations of their Planning Officers and the Marple Area Committee and REFUSED ASDA's application to build a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.

At the same meeting the Kirkland application to build a supermarket on Chadwick Street was approved.

Is that the end of it? Well maybe but ASDA have the option to appeal and may well do so.