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Author Topic: Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)  (Read 68753 times)

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Latest News (as published on the MiA web site)
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2011, 05:19:54 PM »
Hazel Grove MP Andrew Stunell met a delegation from Marple in Action yesterday and pledged his support to our campaign to stop the supermarket plans on Hibbert Lane from ruining our community. He feels so strongly that "the College must think again", he has launched his own petition to add to Marple in Action's petitions, which already have almost 2,000 signatures. Mr. Stunell is Parliamentary Under Secretary (i.e. Minister for Communities) with special responsibility for community cohesion, big society, housing and regeneration. Enough said!

ASDA & TESCO FINED FOR PRICE FIXING - Asda and Tesco were amongst the companies today fined a total of £49.5 MILLION POUNDS by the Office of Fair Trading for price fixing on dairy products. Each was fined around £10 million pounds for collusion that added pence to the price of milk and cheese. These greedy supermarkets must not be allowed to ruin Marple just to add more millions to their profits.

Don't moan about supermarkets - ACT! ( see Paul Vallely, The Independent 7th August 2011 )

09 August 2011 - MARCH for MARPLE! - SATURDAY 20th AUGUST - 2pm Market Street
Show the College, the supermarkets and the authorities how Marple feels about the proposed Hibbert Lane development by joining Marple in Action on a protest march starting at 2pm from our base on Market Street. We will walk from there to the Hibbert Lane site in a peaceful demonstration that will show that Marple says "NO" to their plans for an out of centre supermarket. Please tell your friends and neighbours and urge them to come and join us.

POSTER THEFTS - More incidents of our "Stop the Supermarket " posters being stolen from people`s gardens have been reported and the police have been informed. This is not casual vandalism - these are organised sabotuers. A description of the people and the car have been obtained. Please be vigilant and record any car number of any suspicious incident.

ALL SAINTS' CHURCH - members are meeting this Wednesday at 6pm, outside the College to prayer-walk the site. They have seen some great answers to prayer recently and so are full of hope that this threat to the Marple community can be averted. Anyone is welcome to join them.

08 August 2011 - 500th Signature On-line!
Well done KEV FROGGATT, five hundredth signature on the on-line petition. If you haven't signed it, click on "SIGN THE PETITION" and just do it. It only takes a few seconds but shows what you feel about the College's proposal to sell the Hibbert Lane site to the highest bidder and damn the consequences.

Just consider, if they have second thoughts on the Buxton Lane site, we could end up with the supermarket and Cheadle would get the millions invested in their college!

07 August 2011 - 1,000 Signatures on Saturday!
MARPLE SAYS "NO" - in a few hours over a thousand people signed a petition in Market Street, on Saturday to say "NO" to a supermarket on Hibbert Lane. People queued to sign and expressed their opinions that the development of a supermarket on Hibbert Lane would ruin our town and our community."

06 August 2011 - Donations made to Marple in Action!
DONATIONS to Marple in Action of £100 each have been received from Mick McPhee's newsagents and Viv and Dave at the Rolling Pin Bakery, both on Stockport Road. Viv and Dave's came with a note "please let residents know that we small businesses are behind them". Both were unsolicited and are vital as we have limited funding to carry the campaign forward at present.

We have also had great help from HB Printing, Main Marketing, the Marple Review, The Marple Website, Stationery Supplies, Helen Wintersons and the list is growing daily thank you!

04 August 2011 - Community Support Grows!
MARPLE BUSINESS FORUM last night pledged their full support behind the Marple in Action campaign to stop the development of a huge out of town centre supermarket on Hibbert Lane. At a packed meeting the members, who are mostly residents as well as business owners, strongly felt that the development would ruin Marple and will campaign to fight it.

MARPLE CIVIC SOCIETY have declared that they "fully supports the MIA group in opposing a supermarket on the CAMSFC Hibbert Lane Site".

31 July 2011 - Governor resigns over college plans
We have learnt today that CAMSFC Governor Stephen Downs has resigned from his role as governor at the college as he disagrees 100% with the college's plans to sell the Hibbert Lane Campus site to a supermarket chain.

Marple Area Committee 27 July 2011
Representatives of Marple in Action today attended a meeting with Ms Cassidy (Principal) and Mr Hubert (Finance) of CAMSFC. We were told that they have considered many options for the sale of the Hibbert Lane site and that YES they were now only considering the supermarket option. They would not disclose which supermarkets have made bids but confirm there are two in the running and they have a "favourite". The sale will be subject to planning permission for both the supermarket on Hibbert Lane AND the redevelopment and extension of the Buxton Lane campus but they expect to sign a contract mid-October after their next Governors Board Meeting. Apparently they have taken advice on the likelihood of obtaining planning permission, bearing in mind the site is currently zoned for residential use, and have been advised by their legal team that this change of use would not be in breach of planning law.

Following on from this, we attended the Marple Area Committee meeting and were amazed by the turnout from local residents. Approximately 300 people forced the Councillors to abandon the Senior Citizens Hall and hold their first ever open air meeting in Memorial Park. The Councillors not as up-to-date as the people of Marple! So, thank you to those who gave up their valuable time to voice their concerns over this most important and now most urgent of local issues. You, the people of Marple, have delivered a clear message to the Councillors that MARPLE is indeed IN ACTION!!! This is only the beginning. Keep spreading the word, and keep all eyes on this website as we develop our action plan, and for news of the next meeting.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website