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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 796692 times)

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Jo Scarlett

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #653 on: August 22, 2011, 09:45:11 AM »
It may be worth considering another approach, in addition to all those currently being investigated.  Marple residents have used the college site for many years as a sporting / recreational ground.  Youth teams play/train on the football pitches, the sports hall is used for many sports in all weathers.

We may be able to add some weight to the 'open green space' argument??  See the following link for more information  http://www.opengreenspace.com/news/communities-get-power-to-protect-green-spaces/  Sporting England carry a lot weight too and it may be worth asking for their opinion http://www.sportengland.org/facilities__planning/putting_policy_into_practice/playing_fields.aspx

"Local communities will be able to earmark for special consideration local ‘green space’ land – whether its value is in its natural beauty, its historic resonances, its recreational value, its tranquillity or its importance as wildlife habitat"

Just a thought....?


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #652 on: August 22, 2011, 09:10:42 AM »
Very wise words from belly.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #651 on: August 22, 2011, 09:03:54 AM »
Can I ask a question? .... The building on Buxton Lane has 5 floors, so how can a new building on there be intrusive?
Because as it stands now it is rellatively small, However, because the college would have to encorperate both campuses onto one site the building would have to be bigger, so there goes your green fields and the football pitches, but because they can only take up a certain amount of space before the green belt comes into play the are going to build up aswell, so the buildling could be higher than it is currently :/

Green belt wouldn't apply to the Buxton Road site - its an urban location. There are, however, standards for proximity of buildings and overlooking.

MM I think the point that Dave is trying to make is that at the moment, nothing is official and until a planning application is lodged, there is no real 'due process'. The College and / or developers are quite at liberty to have discussions with Council departments about various elements of their emerging scheme in order to understand whether any of it might be deemed suitable to the site in question, accords with standards, or addresses specific issues, but that doesn't mean that secret deals are being done. Its no different to speaking to the Council a number of times about a proposed extension to your house, albeit at a bit of a different scale! 

Ultimately the merits, or otherwise, of the scheme will  be tested publically via the planning process, which is transparent and factual. At that point all rumours, suspicion and emotion go out of the window and a scheme is considered entirley on the details of the scheme.

At present I can see both sides to the arguments with respect to the 'proposals' (such as they are at the moment) and will be in a much better position to make an informed judgement once I see the details of what any scheme might entail.

Could I also caution against turning up at area planning committee and ambushing the meeting. Firstly I think it would be counter productive to rail against Councillors and officers about something, that at this pre-planning stage, they have no control over. Secondly, lots of other local planning schemes will be being considered at that meeting, including projects for local people. Such persons would rightly be upset if their opportunity to have their plans considered was materially impacted upon by protests and demonstrations about a scheme that at this stage doesn't exist in planning terms!


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #650 on: August 22, 2011, 08:00:57 AM »
Miss M, you don't need an FOI request if ' what we are trying to find out is, if the due process has already been done and we are just sat watching them tie up the loose ends'. All planning applications can be viewed on the council website. 


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #649 on: August 21, 2011, 11:27:07 PM »
A very thoughtful post, hollims - well said!


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #648 on: August 21, 2011, 11:19:34 PM »
Can I ask a question? .... The building on Buxton Lane has 5 floors, so how can a new building on there be intrusive?
Because as it stands now it is rellatively small, However, because the college would have to encorperate both campuses onto one site the building would have to be bigger, so there goes your green fields and the football pitches, but because they can only take up a certain amount of space before the green belt comes into play the are going to build up aswell, so the buildling could be higher than it is currently :/


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #647 on: August 21, 2011, 10:44:50 PM »
Can I ask a question? .... The building on Buxton Lane has 5 floors, so how can a new building on there be intrusive?

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #646 on: August 21, 2011, 10:29:56 PM »
What a fantastic post Neil !!


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #645 on: August 21, 2011, 10:02:28 PM »
Some years ago, following the lead of other residents in our road, I joined in a protest about a new block of flats being built in our road. It also evoked an outcry at a local area committee, demands for information about who knew what and when, claims about depressing house prices, traffic etc. The council dutifully threw out the planning proposal and the developers subsequently won their appeal. I look at what was built and wonder why I campaigned against it - it doesn't look bad and has negligible impact on me or the local environment. I was stupid to jump on the bandwagon of opposing change for the sake of opposing change.

The same appears to be happening here. I note with some concern that some of the most vociferous opponents of a supermarket scheme are the same people who vigorously condemned the work on Dan Bank. Well, look at that now: it is a magnificent piece of civil engineering, looks tidy, is a lot safer and, with a bit of care of the trees, will be many times better than before.

People make a lot about CAMSFC's governors not living in Marple. Well, looking at the photographs of the march, quite a lot of the participants don't live anywhere close to Hibbert Lane either and aren't going to be remotely affected by this scheme.

Wow Hollins, you seem to have missed the point. 

Just because you protested about a set of flats which turned out ok, or saw a protest about Dan Bank widening which turned out ok certainly doesn't mean all subsequent developments are just "peachy".

And of course many of the thousand outraged protestors this weekend don't live close to Hibbert Lane. 

Many are folk who shop in Marple and like the shopping experience there, or who have businesses in Marple and don't want to be driven out by yet another Tesco/ASDA, or who live near Buxton Lane and don't want to see a massive development on their doorstep. 

A few of them might even think that the behemoths that are Tesco/Asda aren't wanted in every town across this land, that towns don't need to be clones of each other, with each town selling the exact same items. 

Hey, some of the protestors might just be there because they think that after making £6,000 profit every minute of every day, Tesco should pause their voracious appetite for new stores, and show some social responsiblity.

Likewise, if you drive out of Marple to do a "big supermarket shop" you are taking both your traffic fumes and your spending power out of Marple, not helping either the environment or the local traders.

Crikey Hollins, you're on a lost cause re environment issues. 

Huge number of people do their "big supermarket shop" on their way back from work, convenient that way and also keeps the costly petrol bill down. 

Environmental impact of a merely building a new Tesco/ASDA is massive : why else would Friends Of The Earth (whose Stockport branch is supporting Marple In Action efforts) describe Tesco stores as "energy-intensive eyesores".  Or for Sheffield Hallam University conclude "large superstores are the most energy inefficient buildings in the sector" or "It would take more than 60 corner shops and greengrocers to match the carbon dioxide emissions from one average sized superstore.".

If you demand that the college don't think just about money, then don't raise the issue of your house prices. If you complain about living in line of sight of a supermarket then just stand on the opposite side of Hibbert Lane and look at the college - it isn't the prettiest of buildings.

I am somewhat neutral about the local small shops - none of them are open when I come home from work and I am forced to spend money in the co-op ... or the co-op (yes, time that monopoly ended). On the other hand my children will shortly be going to the college every day, so I, like the governors and principal of CAMSFC, am concerned about their education and I really don't care whether the governors and principal live in Marple or not. Most of the wage-earners in Marple don't actually work in Marple - they commute outside.

Perhaps it is time for a new forum topic to start suggesting realistic alternative proposals for how Marple Sixth-Form College - and yes, it is MARPLE'S sixth form college - can raise the money they need for new build. I may (observing the poll) be in a minority in this forum who would like a new supermarket, but I don't think I am the only person in Marple in that position.

It's quite tricky for the man-in-the-street to review the college's financials (the last 3 years of which are published in spreadsheets here : colleges have to publish such data by law) and come up with suggestions, exacerbated by the vacuum of further information from the college. 

However, I understand our MP Andrew Stunell's "Get The College To Think Again" campaign will involve opening a dialogue with the college on this matter.

Let's do everything we can to avoid the college evacuating the Hibbert Lane campus, to avoid a huge supermarket muscling in, and to between us come up with a solution that suits the community and the students.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #644 on: August 21, 2011, 09:04:38 PM »
I totally agree


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #643 on: August 21, 2011, 08:41:19 PM »
Some years ago, following the lead of other residents in our road, I joined in a protest about a new block of flats being built in our road. It also evoked an outcry at a local area committee, demands for information about who knew what and when, claims about depressing house prices, traffic etc. The council dutifully threw out the planning proposal and the developers subsequently won their appeal. I look at what was built and wonder why I campaigned against it - it doesn't look bad and has negligible impact on me or the local environment. I was stupid to jump on the bandwagon of opposing change for the sake of opposing change.

The same appears to be happening here. I note with some concern that some of the most vociferous opponents of a supermarket scheme are the same people who vigorously condemned the work on Dan Bank. Well, look at that now: it is a magnificent piece of civil engineering, looks tidy, is a lot safer and, with a bit of care of the trees, will be many times better than before.

People make a lot about CAMSFC's governors not living in Marple. Well, looking at the photographs of the march, quite a lot of the participants don't live anywhere close to Hibbert Lane either and aren't going to be remotely affected by this scheme.

Likewise, if you drive out of Marple to do a "big supermarket shop" you are taking both your traffic fumes and your spending power out of Marple, not helping either the environment or the local traders. If you demand that the college don't think just about money, then don't raise the issue of your house prices. If you complain about living in line of sight of a supermarket then just stand on the opposite side of Hibbert Lane and look at the college - it isn't the prettiest of buildings.

I am somewhat neutral about the local small shops - none of them are open when I come home from work and I am forced to spend money in the co-op ... or the co-op (yes, time that monopoly ended). On the other hand my children will shortly be going to the college every day, so I, like the governors and principal of CAMSFC, am concerned about their education and I really don't care whether the governors and principal live in Marple or not. Most of the wage-earners in Marple don't actually work in Marple - they commute outside.

Perhaps it is time for a new forum topic to start suggesting realistic alternative proposals for how Marple Sixth-Form College - and yes, it is MARPLE'S sixth form college - can raise the money they need for new build. I may (observing the poll) be in a minority in this forum who would like a new supermarket, but I don't think I am the only person in Marple in that position.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #642 on: August 21, 2011, 11:14:46 AM »
Dave there would be no need for FOI requests if the college was not trying to hide information  :-\.  I am unsure if you managed to have sight of the emails before CAMSFC asked for them to be removed, if you did then I can not really understand your point about FOI requests. We are dealing with a college who has a legal duty of care to it's students and potential students not the secret service.
We were joined on the march yesterday by students from the college and students parents all concerned about what is happening and the effects on education, surely this can not be right?
When I had a meeting with Ms Cassidy and Andrew Hubert they made it very clear that this had been going on for nearly 2 years so your rational about awaiting due process, may not for the community against the supermarket being built on Hibbert lane be  the correct thing to do, because what we are trying to find out is, if the due process has already been done and we are just sat watching them tie up the loose ends. 
What we must always be mindful of is that this land was a gift to the people of MARPLE for education,the college is a private concern and the college still if their plans go ahead will be placing students in a somewhat hostile community.  Part of their mission statement is to work closely with the community and work to integrate within it  :-\. I think someone from CAMSFC needs to either re read or re write don't you  ???


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #641 on: August 21, 2011, 10:29:23 AM »
... MIA would be well advised to concentrate its efforts on submitting objections through these processes, and through political lobbying. Trivial information about who met who in the early stages will count for nothing.

As you saw yesterday there's considerable support, with very extensive resources, so all avenues are being pursued.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #640 on: August 21, 2011, 07:07:32 AM »
I guess the above is a very good illustration of why these FOI requests are a wate of everyone's time. The college has (very unwisely) tried to hush up its plans. Tut tut and all that - and seriously, I agree that a responsible body should not behave like that.

However, in the long run the way the college has (mis)handled the PR at this early stage of its project will not make a scrap of difference to the outcome. This scheme will be considered through 'due process': by the council and then (if turned down) through the appeals process.  MIA would be well advised to concentrate its efforts on submitting objections through these processes, and through political lobbying. Trivial information about who met who in the early stages will count for nothing.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #639 on: August 20, 2011, 11:41:09 PM »
Just a reminder of the two leaked emails that the college asked to be removed to date teachers, staff, parents or students do not know what is happening and the Principalship will not communicate with anyone in the college in case it leaks out.  We have received calls from two teachers at the college, several students and concerned parents wanting to know information as to what's happening to the college and how it will effect jobs and the students education  :-\