Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers in Marple Bridge

Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 797246 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #83 on: July 13, 2011, 09:13:47 AM »
I would suggest that the only effective way that local people can voice their opposition to the site being used for Retail development is by signing a local petition, if there is enough support for this can it be arranged to be on-line using this site? With the new planning guidelines being introduced planners have got to take into account local views and this just might be enough to frighten off any developer.

As said 'planners have got to take into account local views'. So the petition should not be just for those against, but also for the many who are for this development. Lets get a balanced view.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #82 on: July 13, 2011, 07:46:44 AM »
I was told by a member of staff  at the college, that they want the money to build a new college on Buxton lane, but staff have not been told and are not allowed to know, who the interested parties are  for buying the land on Hibbert lane .

Confirming what Victor M is saying  :)

Victor M

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #81 on: July 13, 2011, 07:42:09 AM »
Over the last few weeks I have been doing some digging with various local contacts and here are the facts.

The college wants to sell the Hibbert Lane site to raise funds to redevelop the Buxton Lane site.

If the land was sold for housing it would raise about £4M, if sold for retail development around £12M would be generated.

The college principal does not want this discussed with even the staff as last time this happened the general public became aware very quickly.

A company (I don't know who) have already been round the site looking at the useability of the site.

If any councillor voiced opposition to any proposed development then they would not be allowed to vote when the development came before the local area committee.

I would suggest that the only effective way that local people can voice their opposition to the site being used for Retail development is by signing a local petition, if there is enough support for this can it be arranged to be on-line using this site? With the new planning guidelines being introduced planners have got to take into account local views and this just might be enough to frighten off any developer.

And before anyone asks I'm not at liberty to name any of my sources, but I haven't hacked into anyone's mobile messages!

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #80 on: July 12, 2011, 11:56:50 PM »
I have contacted a couple of local councillors and The press so I am waiting for their response  ???
I suspect you have asked councillors to look for something that isn't there, tesco would not permission on a green field site. I'd like to see traders open later and likes of tesco would have too much competition.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #79 on: July 12, 2011, 10:20:27 PM »
Contacted planning dept today to be told there have been no plans as yet submitted but that they could be in pre planning and if they are there would be now way of knowing !   The best advise they could give was to keep a look out for a public notice which will be posted within the site area !  I have contacted a couple of local councillors and The press so I am waiting for their response  ???

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #78 on: June 27, 2011, 11:29:46 PM »
good fun  :)[ no trees would need removing if this went ahead ] 
Now your on my wave length Amazon !!!  I can see your warming to the idea  :D

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #77 on: June 27, 2011, 10:39:31 PM »
you certainly amaze us with your ideas..

and by amaze I mean bewilder  ;)
Awh cheers mate !   I try my best  :-*

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #76 on: June 27, 2011, 10:15:20 PM »
Tesco Extra are their largest stores. As in the Stockport one.

I think you mean Tesco Express, which are convenience stores.
Yes that's the one Harry thank you !  You can tell I don't get out of Marple much  :o


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #75 on: June 27, 2011, 09:13:11 PM »
Tesco Extra are their largest stores. As in the Stockport one.

I think you mean Tesco Express, which are convenience stores.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #74 on: June 27, 2011, 06:52:50 PM »
good fun  :)[ no trees would need removing if this went ahead ] 


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2011, 04:19:36 PM »
you certainly amaze us with your ideas..

and by amaze I mean bewilder  ;)

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #72 on: June 27, 2011, 04:05:16 PM »
Not big enough
We could ask for it to be on two floors  ;D. In fact Tesco Extras are only small stores.  Hey I might suggest it to them !  It will save on  the increased traffic into Marple and everyone in the Bridge will be happy with the well stocked shelves. Do you know I amaze myself sometimes with my insight and forward planning ideas  :P


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #71 on: June 27, 2011, 02:25:04 PM »
Not big enough

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #70 on: June 25, 2011, 09:23:26 PM »
A Tesco Extra would be a great idea in the Bridge possibly use the Norfolk  ;)


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #69 on: June 25, 2011, 07:04:53 PM »
Well said moorendman!  We all shop in the big supermarkets from time to time - but the Co-op is not at all bad, and often has offers to rival the others.  Plus free delivery, and local staff that you get to know over time.  I shall be very interested to eventually find out what is the actual truth, rather than all these rumours!!
             Glad you dont think its not bad today sat 25 june very few veg alot of the shelves big gaps in them i went with a list of five items icame back with two . if you call that not bad . ROLL ON TESCO .