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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 757093 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #758 on: August 28, 2011, 11:24:50 PM »
Miss M, you write 'The long term future for our children is at risk if the college decide to sell both colleges and take the money and run ploughing into say the Jackson Lane School (which is now looking more than just a rumour )'

This is a very serious allegation, which if true could have a profound effect on the education of our youngsters. If this improbable scenario really is 'more than just a rumour', it would be most helpful to all of us if you could give us the source of your information so that we can assess its reliability for ourselves.   

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #757 on: August 28, 2011, 10:57:41 PM »
The above was information we received from an Freedom of Information request.  It's  from Paul Lawrence Stockport Planning to the College.  As you can see there is an opportunity for a supermarket to be built on the Chadwick St sorting office site. 
What people must understand is that
The  land at Hibbert Lane was a gift for the people of Marple for education
The college is a private business nothing to do with the Local Authority
The college left applying for funding too late so now has to sell the Hibbert Lane site due to financial difficulties
The Buxton Lane site was also a gift for the people of Marple to be used for education
The long term future for our children is at risk if the college decide to sell both colleges and take the money and run ploughing into say the Jackson Lane School (which is now looking more than just a rumour )
The college is selling the land on Hibbert Lane for 12 Million which is a lot of money to me and you, but for the amount of improvements require at Buxton Lane it's a drop in the ocean which leads me to believe that once they sold the Hibbert Lane site Buxton Lane would be the next sale
There is also talk of Marple Hall becoming an academy which means that students will stay there until they are eighteen, leaving CAMSFC with a lower intake.
I have no business interests whatsoever, all I am interested in is the increased amount of traffic, which a supermarket of that size would bring.  Data obtained gives an indication  that a supermarket of that size would require. 100 cars per hour in and out which would total 200 per hour plus the additional lorries and associated service vehicles.  Our roads can not take this amount of traffic and I am fearful for our children's health with the additional pollution and road safety
So why would anyone want to see a private company sell the land that was given to us because the college mismanaged their finances.  If you or I were in debt I am flipping sure no one would bail us out, so why oh why should the college be allowed to profit from us.
The principals salary alone is around £120.000 , she lives in Stoke and none of the governors live local, so
it's  not really as simple as just saying we don't want a supermarket on Hibbert Lane it's about a private company taking the rip out of us and laughing all the way to the bank. 
Well if I can stop this private company taking the mickey out of us I will and it's up to you all to form your own opinions. But please before you do look at the evidence gathered so far and also take a look at the Tescopoly web site .

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #756 on: August 28, 2011, 10:02:13 PM »
Latest FOI Response:

Email from Paul Lawrence of SMBC to Christina (presumably Christina Cassidy, Principal of CAMSFC).

Here's a pic of the letter, for anyone without a PDF viewer.  Click on it for a larger view.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #755 on: August 28, 2011, 07:19:56 PM »
sorry miss marple but the only names metioned on there are david hoyle and that was just about a conversation that the bloke was having,  other than that there are no names metioned,

but you might be able to help us,apparently a lady was told this:- a lady was telling me that the sorting office is closing down and they was looking at sainsburys having it for a sainsburys local, but im not sure how true that is. Can you please tell us if its true or just whispers

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #754 on: August 28, 2011, 06:48:29 PM »
Just to also let you know that to have peoples names on the facbook group they would of had to join and put that they liked the idea of the supermarket.

Oh sorry must be my mistake I thought  someone had asked to be taken off the yes face book page but like I say I don't understand face book  :-\

The only thing I will say about that face book page is that you are making me more famous than I deserve lol.   I hope they have a good solicitor for when I sue for slander.  :-*

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #753 on: August 28, 2011, 06:44:10 PM »
miss Marple whats with the capitals, do you really need to do that?
Hi Susan no I don't need to put MARPLE or HIBBERT in capitals but for some reason best known to itself my iPad always turns those two words into capitals.  So this afternoon I have been practicing and guess what I now can write Marple and Hibbert like this.   I'm a twenty first century girl now !   lol  ;D


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #752 on: August 28, 2011, 03:57:11 PM »
Just to also let you know that to have peoples names on the facbook group they would of had to join and put that they liked the idea of the supermarket.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #751 on: August 28, 2011, 02:12:20 PM »
miss marple whats with the capitals, do you really need to do that?


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #750 on: August 28, 2011, 12:09:25 PM »
As I repeatedly emphasised, Steptoe, the numbers I used were purely for illustration. What matters is the underlying point: that the new Hibbert Lane supermarket could very well have a 'swings and roundabouts' effect on the other Marple shops. Some will close, but others will open in their place, because there could very well be a net increase in 'footfall' because overall there are likely to be more shoppers in Marple.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #749 on: August 28, 2011, 11:53:04 AM »
Hi Heather I was born and bred in MARPLE and I knew more or less everyone either personally or by sight .  What I do although find strange is  quite a few people on the yes face book page  have signed our petition against a major supermarket and a few on that site are personal friends of mine who have also signed the MIA against a supermarket petition and one person is the brother of one of the founder members of MIA.  But having said all that I do not know how face book works and it could just be an error but I hope I don't pop up on there lol  ;D
Seriously though,  I also think that we would all benefit from a smaller supermarket, but in the town centre, not in the middle of a residential area. MIA are not opposed to another supermarket in MARPLE we are opposed to where the proposed site will be.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #748 on: August 28, 2011, 11:31:14 AM »
Yes JMC,If a successful competitor was to take root,the co-op could close,it has been known,then a major electrical store could move in.then perhaps a shoe shop,alternative clothes shop, we could have everything we need.But sadly the college could quite selfishly sell to a major supemarket planning permission agreed :'(

That is possible but then that scenario would involved job losses etc (if the Co-op closed). I don't think a major electric store would work in Marple, I see too many shops open and then close because the pattern of people's shopping has changed (internet, going into a large town with more choice etc.) Same with shoe shop etc. etc. In essence I think it is because they cannot compete in price and also because for many people a one stop shop is easier if they are busy working etc. I feel that is why many people want a big supermarket and not a Sainsbury's Local sized one. They want to be able to buy things in one place. Problem with that is that some shops will lose out if the items sold are alo cheaper which is inevitable with the major supermarket's buying power.

I do my main shopping outside of Marple, online shopping, but we top up in Marple and use many local shops. From my point of view things are fine as they are. But putting myself in the shoes of a young family on low income with no car/internet (which we were ourselves when we started out) it is quite difficult to do a weeks shop cheaply in marple compared to going to ASDA etc. For many of these people they have to rely on other people for a lift or a bus (with alot of bags that is a nightmare) and coule be more independant if a supermarket were here. I think we all need to see it from that angle too.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #747 on: August 28, 2011, 10:52:45 AM »
This is all speculation, of course........

But isn't that the point, nearly everything so far is speculation, including the chief concern of the destruction of the Marple community - a lot of the the No campaign seesm to be based on 'fear of the dark' i.e. this is new, therefore it must be bad. I'm still to be swayed, by either yes or no, because I still don't know what level of development we are looking at.

What I can say is that I personally do travel out of Marple for my weekly big shop and as a consequence don't use the local shops as much as I would probably like. If I could save my 20 minute car journey out of Marple and 20 minutes back, I would be much more inclined to nip to the butchers for some decent local meat, bakers for pies, etc as part of my bigger shop.......

Particularly if the new supermarket was an ASDA, as I would definitely want to use the Marple shops for a bit of quality!

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #746 on: August 28, 2011, 10:16:53 AM »
This is all speculation, of course

This is the key part of your post Dave.  You state that the numbers are just for illustration,  but then you argue that your 'illustration' is somewhat of a case study for the positive impact of a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.
But what I believe it shows is that although a new supermarket in Hibbert Lane would take some business away from other shops, this could be more tha offset by completely new business coming from people shopping in Marple who did not previously do so.

It's entirely positive for us all to argue different points but the numbers you used are meaningless.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #745 on: August 28, 2011, 08:21:26 AM »
Moorendman asks 'If people shop elsewhere because they cannot get what they want in Marple currently, why would they walk 400 to 500 yards to a more depleted central area to shop for goods or services they can't buy in a Tesco or Asda situated in Hibbert Lane?'

Let me try to explain how the numbers might work, and why I don't accept that the centre of the town would necessarily become 'depleted'.

We know from reports of the college's property consultant's findings, and indeed from our own intuition, that more Marple residents go elsewhere to do their supermarket shopping than do it in Marple. So purely for illustrative purposes, and using nice round numbers, let's assume that out of the 23,000 residents, there are 10,000 supermarket visits per week, and that of these, 4,000 are in Marple and 6,000 are elsewhere. And let's also assume that of the 4,000 visiting the Co-op, 25 percent (1,000) go to at least one other (local) shop on the same trip.

OK. Now if a new Tesco or Asda appears in Hibbert Lane, let's assume that two-thirds (4,000) of those currently shopping outside Marple shop at Hibbert Lane instead. And let's assume that the Co-op loses 50 percent (2,000) of its customers to the new supermarket. That's 6,000 customers per week at Tesco/Asda so far. On top of these, we need to add visiting shoppers from neighbouring areas (Romiley, Disley, New Mills, Offerton etc) - maybe 2,000 weekly? That produces 8,000 weekly shops in total at Hibbert Lane.

Now let's try to estimate 'spin-off shoppers' - those who visit at least one other (local) shop during their supermarket trip. We'va already assumed that 25 percent of Co-op shoppers may do this, so that produces 500 of the Co-op's depleted number of 2,000.  Now Hibbert Lane is a bit further from other shops than the Co-op is, so let's assume a cautious 10 percent (800) of Tesco/Asda shoppers also visit at least one local shop as well. That gives a weekly total of 1,300 'spin-off shoppers' in Marple - a 30 percent increase over the current estimate of 1,000.

This is all speculation, of course - just like almost everything else on this thread :D And all the above numbers are purely for illustration. But what I believe it shows is that although a new supermarket in Hibbert Lane would take some business away from other shops, this could be more tha offset by completely new business coming from people shopping in Marple who did not previously do so.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #744 on: August 28, 2011, 01:53:41 AM »
Can Marple in Action say whether they value having the sixth-form college in Marple? Because, if they succeed in blocking the college's development and the college WERE to decide to consolidate on the Cheadle site instead then:
(a) Marple's 17- and 18-year-olds will have a very long way to travel; (a Marple-Hall sixth form isn't an option; they are at capacity already);
(b) all those pie and sandwich shops relying on student footfall during the week will lose it;
(c) you will have two sites on Hibbert Lane and Buxton Lane left to the developers or just to rot.

Being as Your questions are about the "youth" of marple going to the marple college I feel I can answer, As I i'm presently a student of CAMSFC (just enrolled).

Answer to part A.
As far as i'm aware the cheadle campus is in no way large enough to accommodate the students on the Marple campuses. There are approximately 2,000 students on the Marple campus. as apposed to around 1,500 at cheadle. So the college would have to rebuild the cheadle site AGAIN to accommodate the extra students. And even if the college were to regenerate cheadle, they couldn't do it without first selling the Marple campus. Now, it doesn't take a genius to work out that if they were rebuilding cheadle, and had no Marple, there would be nowere for the students to be taught.

Answer to part B.
You are aware that the various food shops sell to people other than students from the college, right? From what I've seen the bulk of the students at the college use the on-site facilities when it comes to purchasing food, so even if the college were to go, the impact of those food shops would be minimal.

Answer to part C.
As I have stated before, the college would have to sell the land to a developer, not just leave it rotting, as they would require the funding to improve cheadle. So the sites would not just be "left to rot". And, in-case you haven't already noticed, the college is attempting to sell the hibbert lane site to developers anyway (technically), which basically makes your argument about leaving the sites to the developers null and void.

Apologises for the various spelling and grammatical errors, my hand are freezing, and as a result have seized up.