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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 757093 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #788 on: August 29, 2011, 10:00:20 PM »
I have read on the latest facts ( Work starts on Buxton Lane )that residents have reported that surveyors are at work.Does anybody  know if anyone asked what they were doing?I would! They could be surveying how many houses they can build on there.Lets face  it £12 million wont pay for a whole new college extention.But £12 million from the Hibbert Lane site plus a sizeable amount from the sale of Buxton Lane site could pay for a large extention to an existing out of area college.Just a thought,things don't add up or do they?

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #787 on: August 29, 2011, 09:36:06 PM »
I don't understand the Yes to a Supermarket  campaign it's very confusing, do they want just another supermarket anywhere in MARPLE  or a Tesco Extra type store on HIBBERT lane, they  need to be  clear and not confuse  the community.  MIA always gives a clear message which is we do not want a supermarket of that size built on the Hibbert  Lane site    Can anyone explain what it's about  ???


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #786 on: August 29, 2011, 08:04:53 PM »
Hi Mum of 2 I am more than willing to meet with you and explain where we are to date.  What would be useful is if you read the Tescopoly web site and you will see what bullies supermarkets can be with SMBC planners.  Tesco lost it's battle to Poynton and a Waitrose was built, but I was informed on Sat that the Waitrose is built on the land that Tesco own, which they purchased without planning, so now they will just be waiting to come in for the kill.  Another thing Tesco are guilty of is purchasing land without planning permission, leaving it to rot for example turning it into a free carpark not maintaining it until residents are demanding something is done with the land, then they build.  All the stuff is on the thread under Asda / Tesco
I would suggest that if you are leading a campain for a supermarket on Hibbert  Lane that you bring yourself up to speed with everything, because it's a big responsibility informing people so that they can have an informed choice because once it's done no one can turn the clock back.  But having said all that I think it's fantastic that we live a democracy and are allowed to voice our opinions, so good luck in your campaign because believe me it's hard work . MM
Dear MM
At the moment we are still in talks of a campaign as there has been alot of information we have now discovered (mainly from this site) we understand how your views about the supermarket may or may not affect marple, and all the information you have got your hands on. My facebook page was set up to let people voice their opinions on why they thought it would be a good idea. It was never met to become a campaign (at first) and then things progressed and there were talks of a campaign yes but it is not final. It wold be niceto meet to share our opinions (which i think we already know lol) and you could show us with information you have.
Right now i am unsure as to whether a campaign due to the fact that if tesco/asda do buy the land and do not get permission to would just be a waste of our on the other hand would get what you campaigned for.
If however they do get permission....we get what we want without a big campaign.

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #785 on: August 29, 2011, 05:23:09 PM »
Hi Mum of 2 I am more than willing to meet with you and explain where we are to date.  What would be useful is if you read the Tescopoly web site and you will see what bullies supermarkets can be with SMBC planners.  Tesco lost it's battle to Poynton and a Waitrose was built, but I was informed on Sat that the Waitrose is built on the land that Tesco own, which they purchased without planning, so now they will just be waiting to come in for the kill.  Another thing Tesco are guilty of is purchasing land without planning permission, leaving it to rot for example turning it into a free carpark not maintaining it until residents are demanding something is done with the land, then they build. 

Miss M, this has to be fair enough. If the people of Poynton are snobby enough to accept a Waitrose & not a Tesco, surely it's not wrong if Tesco decide to not renew the lease for Waitrose & take over the store?

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #784 on: August 29, 2011, 05:09:54 PM »
Hi Mum of 2 I am more than willing to meet with you and explain where we are to date.  What would be useful is if you read the Tescopoly web site and you will see what bullies supermarkets can be with SMBC planners.  Tesco lost it's battle to Poynton and a Waitrose was built, but I was informed on Sat that the Waitrose is built on the land that Tesco own, which they purchased without planning, so now they will just be waiting to come in for the kill.  Another thing Tesco are guilty of is purchasing land without planning permission, leaving it to rot for example turning it into a free carpark not maintaining it until residents are demanding something is done with the land, then they build.  All the stuff is on the thread under Asda / Tesco
I would suggest that if you are leading a campain for a supermarket on Hibbert  Lane that you bring yourself up to speed with everything, because it's a big responsibility informing people so that they can have an informed choice because once it's done no one can turn the clock back.  But having said all that I think it's fantastic that we live a democracy and are allowed to voice our opinions, so good luck in your campaign because believe me it's hard work . MM


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #783 on: August 29, 2011, 03:48:31 PM »
I know you say i would not have heard about it until the posters etc....but this has been rumoured for a few years now....looks like the rumours were true. If tesco/asda were to buy the land and they are declined planning permission...what happens then as all this anti-supermarket and pro-supermarket campaigning would all be for nothing...

The college have told MiA that they will be applying for the planning permission themselves and the supermarket offers are conditional on permission being granted. It is understood that planning permission for the Buxton Lane site is also tied up with this somehow - it would be no good if they could build a supermarket but not extend the college I suppose - but the detail of these arrangements is only fully known by the college. The objective of the MiA campaign at this stage is to get the college to change its mind and find other ways to support the development of their facilities - similar to Andrew Stunell MP and some of the LimDems Councillors, who are putting it more politely by saying the the college needs to "think again".

If planning permission is refused at appeal then the MiA objectives will have been achieved but it would be better from the MiA point of view if the plans were not submitted in the first place.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #782 on: August 29, 2011, 03:14:10 PM »
MY comment i wrote before seems to have disappeared.....i will ask again

If the land on hibbert lane is only for residential building then how have the supermarkets been able to get this far with bidding?
If my post disappears again i know there is something being hidden from us....

Your post has not gone anywhere:

Posts are not usually deleted unless they are offensive or personal attacks on others. These are usually replaced with an explanation, or the poster is PM'd. Posts can be hard to find again when the forum is so busy that is all that has happened to yours.

I'm not going to answer your question in full because it has been said over and over. Others can do that if they wish and it would be worth some of you meeting with Miss M. But, if it wasn't for Marple in Action you wouldn't have known about it until there were notices on lamposts around the Hibbert Lane site. The college have been conducting negotiations in secret (for years). They have forbidden employees to talk about what is happening and their supermarket planning advisers have told them that despite the site not being designated for retail that they would win at appeal as they are not breaking planning law. All these things are facts and Miss M will be able to show you evidence that the college has insisted that we remove from this site.

I know you say i would not have heard about it until the posters etc....but this has been rumoured for a few years now....looks like the rumours were true. If tesco/asda were to buy the land and they are declined planning permission...what happens then as all this anti-supermarket and pro-supermarket campaigning would all be for nothing...


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #781 on: August 29, 2011, 03:07:20 PM »
Dave wrote:

Now let's try to estimate 'spin-off shoppers' - those who visit at least one other (local) shop during their supermarket trip. We'va already assumed that 25 percent of Co-op shoppers may do this, so that produces 500 of the Co-op's depleted number of 2,000.  Now Hibbert Lane is a bit further from other shops than the Co-op is, so let's assume a cautious 10 percent (800) of Tesco/Asda shoppers also visit at least one local shop as well. That gives a weekly total of 1,300 'spin-off shoppers' in Marple - a 30 percent increase over the current estimate of 1,000.

This is all speculation, of course - just like almost everything else on this thread Cheesy And all the above numbers are purely for illustration. But what I believe it shows is that although a new supermarket in Hibbert Lane would take some business away from other shops, this could be more tha offset by completely new business coming from people shopping in Marple who did not previously do so.

There are lots of assumptions in your numbers Dave that simply do not stack up and whilst its tempting to dismantle them step by step , it is perhaps more useful to challenge some of the overall assumptions:

The key question is why does anyone buy goods and services from shops in Marple anyway? It is because they can't buy them at the Coop or they prefer not to make the longer journey to a larger supermarket for reasons of economy (petrol) or time. Only the very committed eschew the lures of a weekly shop at a Tesco/Asda/Sainsbury's on principle alone, most of us are guilty in some way. But there are a significant number that feel that independent shops need supporting and recognise that fatal damage is done to towns and villages is done by the big four supermarkets in particular.

Ask yourself where would a Marple food festival be without independents? Or would you prefer to enjoy a few scraps from the deli counter in a Tesco? When was the last time you recognised more than one or two faces in a superstore and when the last time you had any sort of casual conversation with another shopper? Compare and contrast that to walking around Marple.

One of the significant omissions from your analysis is the numbers of people who buy stuff in Marple from one shop when their initial destination was another shop (Excluding the Coop or any future Hibbert Lane Supermarket). For example , I go to Marple to buy some seeds from Hollins, While I am there , I buy some plant pots perhaps and then pick up some lamb chops from Whites. May as well buy a magazine from the Newsagents too and a birthday card for Auntie Christine and so it goes. By your own admission, shops will close with the arrival of any large supermarket and therefore this dynamic of one shop sale generating another sale will certainly diminish as there would be fewer shops. If I ran a bakers, newsagents, greengrocer, off licence and small electrical goods supplier in Marple I would be feeling very threatened.

Two further rhetorical questions for you Dave. Firstly what new shops do you really believe would come to Marple, bearing in mind that smaller shops are suffering loss of trade from superstores 5 or 6 miles away anyway? Secondly  if you believe that new retailers would open, would you not expect that view to be supported by a more postive attitude from the existing community of independent retailers in Marple to the potential arrival of a Tesco or Asda? I would challenge you to find a single one that would agree with your view!

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #780 on: August 29, 2011, 02:15:57 PM »
*polution not position

MY comment i wrote before seems to have disappeared.....i will ask again

If the land on hibbert lane is only for residential building then how have the supermarkets been able to get this far with bidding?
If my post disappears again i know there is something being hidden from us....

Because it's a private deal. I can buy your house with the intention of building a multi-story car park on it. I will apply for planning permission and see what happens. It doesn't mean you are not allowed to sell to me.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #779 on: August 29, 2011, 02:09:29 PM »
MY comment i wrote before seems to have disappeared.....i will ask again

If the land on hibbert lane is only for residential building then how have the supermarkets been able to get this far with bidding?
If my post disappears again i know there is something being hidden from us....

Your post has not gone anywhere:

Posts are not usually deleted unless they are offensive or personal attacks on others. These are usually replaced with an explanation, or the poster is PM'd. Posts can be hard to find again when the forum is so busy that is all that has happened to yours.

I'm not going to answer your question in full because it has been said over and over. Others can do that if they wish and it would be worth some of you meeting with Miss M. But, if it wasn't for Marple in Action you wouldn't have known about it until there were notices on lamposts around the Hibbert Lane site. The college have been conducting negotiations in secret (for years). They have forbidden employees to talk about what is happening and their supermarket planning advisers have told them that despite the site not being designated for retail that they would win at appeal as they are not breaking planning law. All these things are facts and Miss M will be able to show you evidence that the college has insisted that we remove from this site.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #778 on: August 29, 2011, 02:08:59 PM »
More graffite has appeared on the side of the shop facing Littlewoods Butchers saying Vote Tesco ? The fools don't even know that the college preferred favourite is Asda who also came first in the second round of bids.  I hope these people understand that removing this costs them money by way of additional community charges Doh !   The police made it very clear at the area committee meeting that when they find who is doing this they are going to apply the maximum charges! So a supermarket coming or not coming to MARPLE may just be something they read about in their prison cell  :D.  So here's hoping they are caught soon  ;D


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #777 on: August 29, 2011, 01:52:28 PM »
We have now got a copy of the TV coverage of the March last Sat and it is hoped that it can be linked to this site, well I hope so , I am sure someone could do this.  WHAT A TEAM !!!!!
Before you upload the footage to youtube or publish it make sure that the broadcaster has given you permission to use it, they can sometimes be a little "touchy" about things like that :)

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #776 on: August 29, 2011, 01:45:24 PM »
I have said on several posts on this thread that we need to see it from the point of view of people who can't afford to go out of town for their shopping. Nobody has really replied to it.

Well, the Greengocers sell free-range eggs at 80p per half dozen cheaper than Tesco & Sainsbury. Bread at Archers is better value than Tesco. Iceland sells a wide range of frozen food cheaper than Tesco, the Greengrocers have cheaper prices & far fresher produce than Tesco so it lasts longer. The Pound plus shop sells lots of cheaper things than Tesco. Bargain Booze has some great beer offers. THe Butchers are far fresher & better value than Tesco.

point countered

I don't think so. I have several children including a toddler and dragging them/him round all those shops would be a sheer nightmare! You are also assuming we all have cars to carry it all home or the time to do several trips? Much easier to do it all in one place especially if you have food allergies etc, do they do gluten free bread cheaply at archers? Is it easily accessible? One size does not fit all so your point doesn't counter the argument whatsoever I am afraid.  Also dual income families don't have the luxury of a whole day to do their shopping. Pound plus is not really cheap at all but I guess price is relative depending on your income. Iceland is good but mostly junk/high fat foods-no gluten free range etc.

Also, if as you say everything is cheaper in marple, then why would a new supermarket be a threat? That doesn't make sense.

It depends where you live, the walk from Poundplus via Iceland to Archers is no further than a lap around Tesco. Then it's the walk home which, as I say, depends on where you live.

I've no idea about gluton-free bread, how much is it in Co-op / Archers v Tesco? Is it not available?

I agree that Marple traders need to have a flexible trading hours policy, late-night Thursday etc.

As for why a supermarket is a threat. It's all about perception & laziness (as you've touched on). People are getting lazier & lazier and they are passing this onto their kids. If they can park in their parent & child spot outside the front door, they will. It's no wonder that kids are so obese. The first thing I'd do give car parks a tax break for putting parent & child spots at the furthest point away from the entrance.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #775 on: August 29, 2011, 01:22:50 PM »
I have said on several posts on this thread that we need to see it from the point of view of people who can't afford to go out of town for their shopping. Nobody has really replied to it.

Well, the Greengocers sell free-range eggs at 80p per half dozen cheaper than Tesco & Sainsbury. Bread at Archers is better value than Tesco. Iceland sells a wide range of frozen food cheaper than Tesco, the Greengrocers have cheaper prices & far fresher produce than Tesco so it lasts longer. The Pound plus shop sells lots of cheaper things than Tesco. Bargain Booze has some great beer offers. THe Butchers are far fresher & better value than Tesco.

point countered

I don't think so. I have several children including a toddler and dragging them/him round all those shops would be a sheer nightmare! You are also assuming we all have cars to carry it all home or the time to do several trips? Much easier to do it all in one place especially if you have food allergies etc, do they do gluten free bread cheaply at archers? Is it easily accessible? One size does not fit all so your point doesn't counter the argument whatsoever I am afraid.  Also dual income families don't have the luxury of a whole day to do their shopping. Pound plus is not really cheap at all but I guess price is relative depending on your income. Iceland is good but mostly junk/high fat foods-no gluten free range etc.

Also, if as you say everything is cheaper in marple, then why would a new supermarket be a threat? That doesn't make sense.

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #774 on: August 29, 2011, 01:11:35 PM »
I have said on several posts on this thread that we need to see it from the point of view of people who can't afford to go out of town for their shopping. Nobody has really replied to it.

Well, the Greengocers sell free-range eggs at 80p per half dozen cheaper than Tesco & Sainsbury. Bread at Archers is better value than Tesco. Iceland sells a wide range of frozen food cheaper than Tesco, the Greengrocers have cheaper prices & far fresher produce than Tesco so it lasts longer. The Pound plus shop sells lots of cheaper things than Tesco. Bargain Booze has some great beer offers. THe Butchers are far fresher & better value than Tesco.

point countered