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Author Topic: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview  (Read 17875 times)

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Victor M

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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2010, 10:47:07 AM »
Alison, also just thought it may be an idea just to try performing a rescan on both TV's/freeview boxes as Ch4, E4, E4+1 etc needed a second re-tune recently.


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2010, 07:08:05 PM »
Best way is to have dish from sky installed card from  sky then you will receive all the free channels
its called freestat from sky with no subscription .perfect picture as well 

Victor M

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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2010, 12:15:52 PM »
Alison, it may be that you need a new aerial. What you need to check is the signal quality, this is usually found on the set up menu on the freeview box/telly. For digital transmissions it needs to be around 70%. You will find that there are usually 2 figures given, one for SIGNAL STRENGTH and one for SIGNAL QUALITY, it is the later that is the most important one. Unfortunately if you fit a signal amplifier it will not make any difference to the quality of the signal. Hope this helps.


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2010, 05:48:30 PM »
It was like that when I arrived - I didn't do anything, even a rescan! There was nothing good on C4 anyway!



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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2010, 04:55:47 PM »
What have you been doing to our telly?!!!!!


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2010, 09:13:30 PM »
I was over at my folks on Saturday and had problems with the signal on quite a few of the channels including C4, E4 etc - BBC seemed fine. The TV kept showing 'bad signal' and the picture was breaking up and cutting out.



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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2010, 01:38:01 PM »
Im having problems with channel 4 plus one, on both my tv's upstairs and downstairs ( both seperate ariels)

Is anyone else having problems,  screen breaks up all the time, tried to re scan but no joy :(


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2009, 06:06:49 PM »
With some boxes and TVs try looking in the menu for - reset to default, return to Factory sittings, or someyhing similar. This should clear off all your previous channels - doing a re-scan with no aerial may not wipe the system but simply not add additional channels which is usually the problem.

Then do an Autoscan, or as suggested leave the aerial out until you get past the Welsh transmitter.


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 06:11:13 PM »
Try this:-

1.  ;) Unplug aerial and do an auto-scan, wait till it has completely finished. You now should have no channels- check this with the programme guide. This has cleared the memory.

2.  ???  This is the tricky bit - Start a second auto scan without the aerial and watch the progress bar. When the bar gets halfway and not before replug the aerial. Watch the scan complete. Check if all is correct.  ;D

This way you should only have channels in the higher half of the band where Winter Hill is.

If you still have the Welsh BBC channels it can only be one of two things. The original tuning did not clear properly or you plugged the aerial back in too soon.


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2009, 01:38:53 PM »
Mr. Marple,

Perhaps if you post a question in ....



it may help, hopefully ! :)

We have a small portable as a second TV. This receives its signal, via a digibox with an input from an indoor aerial, that is amplified. After reducing the amplification, early on Tuesday morning I managed to recover all the BBC channels that had disappeared on Monday night.

Mr Marple

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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2009, 02:21:08 PM »
Sadly the low 50's channels tip didn't help and I'm getting very naffed off. Can anyone suggest anything else?


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 07:38:57 PM »
Thanks tricky it worked for me.  Ray


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2009, 08:01:51 PM »
I have now sorted out my Panasonic TV.

Do an auto setup, scan, whatever with the aerial unplugged - this clears all channels.

Then start the scan again put do not plug the aerial in until the scan reaches the low 50s. It then only scans the Winter Hll channels.

Mr Marple

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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2009, 07:57:28 PM »
I have the same problem but with my TV set I don't see any changes and I've done the re-scan alot of times.

Getting abit naffed off here to be honest.


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Re: Receiving BBC Wales on Freeview
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2009, 10:11:50 AM »

The guide advises you to do a scan with the aerial unplugged before you start. Certain boxes/TVs will need to undergo a first time installation, factory or shipping reset first, to wipe the memory of the "wrong channels"!

In steps 5 and 6 it has blank boxes. These are for you to put in the UHF channel number for each multiplex from your local transmitter.

In most cases, you will should be receiving from Winter Hill, the main transmitter covering the North West. In this case, enter "62" in the box in step 5.

In step 6, enter 59, 58, 61, 55. One box will remain blank. This is because one digital multiplex will be used for HD purposes. There's no point manually retuning for that, because your box will not be Freeview HD compatible.

and I also found this on a forum relating to Panasonic

Try these steps:

1. Pull the aerial socket

2. On the TV:
In digital mode, press menu.

3. Select Setup.

4. Select Tuning Menu.

5. Select Auto Setup.

6. Scan will find no services.
(this clears the memory of the wrong channels)

Beginning now with a blank template:

7. Select Menu & Setup.

8. Select Tuning Menu.

9. Select DVB Manual Tuning.

10. Enter the Winter Hill transmitter numbers (62, 59, 58, 61, 55. )