Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: Seventeen Windows  (Read 217765 times)

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #166 on: September 03, 2009, 05:08:56 PM »
why cant people accept change? its not that scary!

 Change for the better is acceptable. not that atrocious mess. unlandscaped earth will eventually flourish with wild flowers and young trees, these could be the basis for a beautiful garden when simpathetic planting is incorporated. Seventeen Windows and its garden was never a mess. It  was just an old farmhouse type building sitting quietly at the junction, blending unnasumingly within its surroundings, in my opinoion and we are all entitled to one, its just a complete waste of public money and very  VULGAR !!! :(  sorry I do not know how to get rid of all these above quotes, I am replying to Andy seeing a pile of unlandscaped earth as we enter Marple.

new reply moved out of quote block and quote reduced - admin


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #165 on: September 03, 2009, 04:42:38 PM »
So now, we are talking about fighting for peoples basic rights , well, if we all bought other issues into this, this topic could go on and on and on ...

As for agreeing that you are patronising ,  can you not agree , disagree , discuss with other people their thoughts and opinions without having to be patronising towards them to get your point across when you do not agree with what someone says ?

I have read your posts with interest, and although yes, there is a bit of ribbing at times towards eachother,  I  have agreed and disagreed with many comments you have made ( I shall keep what I agree with close to my chest  ;)  ) , but I'm finding that the more I read of your comments, the more you seem to "Jump" on someone if their opinion differs to yours .

As for other people to only comment on here  if they know and understand the "true" workings of the council, AND the government ,  what nonsense  !  isn't this supposed to be a notice board for our local community, for all to be a part of , whatever their level of understanding of any topic ?  Or shall we give you a sheriff badge ( to be in fitting with the wild west theme park you talk about , aka seventeen windows, ) and give you a horse ( make sure its better than sootys) ,  and call it the Miss Marple Forum and notice board   ( my way or the high way )

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #164 on: September 03, 2009, 03:16:24 PM »
Yes I do know how I sound ;D  But it would be nice and appropriate for my contribution to be read in the context it was intended.  To make it clearer I do not really care about what the owner of seventeen windows is doing !!  What I do care about is the carefree attitude the council have with tax payers money.  I work at the front line of much needed social /community services for PEOPLE !!!  So YES!! I am offended and embarrassed that money is thrown at something like this, when I and many of my colleagues have to fight for a basic service to support and enhance a PERSONS basic right !   SO YES I AM PATRONISING !!  but that maybe due to my struggle to get people a basic service which I may add might save their life !  One has to understand that true workings of the council and government before commenting   But that's just my opinion !!!!!

Does anyone else share my embarrassment at the sheer waste of money when people are struggling to pay their mortgages, keep a roof over their heads or put a meal on the table.   As i have said before KEEP IT REAL !!!!

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #163 on: September 03, 2009, 03:07:58 PM »
Yes I do know how I sound  ;D  But it would be nice and appropriate for my contribution to be read in the context it was intended.  To make it clearer  I do not really care about what the owner of seventeen windows is doing !!  What I do care about is the carefree attitude the council have with tax payers money.  I work at the front line of much needed community services for PEOPLE !!!  so I am offended and embarrassed that money is thrown at something like this, when I and many of my colleagues have to fight for a basic service to support and enhance a PERSONS basic right !   SO YES I AM PATRONISING !!  but that maybe due to my struggle to get people a basic service which I may add might save their life !


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #162 on: September 03, 2009, 02:48:24 PM »
Andy doesnt understand the workings of the council ???

Do you realise how patronising you sound ?

The more I read of this, the more of "sour grapes" springs to mind .

Just an opinion "like" .


Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #161 on: September 02, 2009, 06:02:39 PM »
Andy you obviously do not understand the workings of the council.  Please re read my post because I feel you have missed whats being said?


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #160 on: September 02, 2009, 03:32:33 PM »
I don't think people are objecting to change, it's the type of change that's the concern here. I'll be very happy if your predictions are correct and the place looks more in keeping once the landscaping has been planted and had time to mature. For the time being, I can only say it looks a mess, and I have given it the benefit of the doubt after reading earlier posts on here which encouraged us to.

Obviously another concern is the financing of the whole thing and I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to ask questions about where and how tax payers' money is being spent.


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #159 on: September 02, 2009, 02:01:50 PM »
  I am not a structural engineer but what I would have expected was replacement on a 'like for like' basis not an all singing all dancing 6 foot designer wall with fancy fencing.

You would be the first to moan about a pile of un landscaped earth as you enter Marple!

   There needs to be a public inquiry into just exactly what monies were spent to enhance the appearance of Seventeen windows and what monies were used for the necessary work. 

How much of 'tax payers' money would that cost?

I personally think that the place looks a damn sight better, i would have done things differently, but overall i think its a vast improvement. if you take time to read the plans and proposals once the greenery has matured it will look a lot more fitting to the area. im sure that will make me unpopular but as it stood, the old wreck, historic or not is lucky to be left standing.

why cant people accept change? its not that scary!


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #158 on: September 02, 2009, 12:33:27 AM »
"ENHANCE" bad choice of word there Miss Marple, But I  know what you meant. Im going to get in trouble for this comment, children often walk on the road for no other reason that they can and will ;)

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #157 on: September 01, 2009, 07:43:32 PM »
 ??? Whilst the reply from Ken Harrop re the cost of the  works on Dan Bank makes intresting reading it detracts from what I and many of my friends and family wish to know and that is, how much of tax payers monies has been used to directly enhance the appearance of Seventeen Windows.  I can understand that the garden wall may well have needed replacing.  I am not a structural engineer but what I would have expected was replacement on a 'like for like' basis not an all singing all dancing 6 foot designer wall with fancy fencing.  I would also like to know why the same workmen who worked on the garden wall were also the ones who constructed the high fences on the hill and around the house.  There needs to be a public inquiry into just exactly what monies were spent to enhance the appearance of Seventeen windows and what monies were used for the necessary work.  The letter from Mr Harrop does not give a clear break down IE what the owner of Seventeen Windows contributed to the cost of the work and who's idea it was to erect such an elaborate wall and fencing and why none of our elected councillors appeared to know anything about it, itis in itself a joke.   Until we know the answers to those questions I still feel that the owner of Seventeen Windows has and continues to have been the winner in all of this and it would appear he has dictated to the planners just exactly what he wanted in return for a couple of foot of pavement.  God help the person who suggests an increase my community charge.!!!! :-\


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #156 on: September 01, 2009, 04:19:32 PM »
Reply from the council:-

Dear Mr Jones

Your recent enquiry to Cllr Candler regarding the above scheme has been passed to me to reply.

The works ongoing at the present time are part of a footway and junction improvement scheme that together with the works on Dan Bank will ultimately provide a safe pedestrian route between Offerton and Marple. The scheme forms part of the safe route to schools initiative on the route from Offerton to Marple Hall School on Hill Top Drive. There was previously no effective footway at all on the 17 Windows section of Marple Road and schoolchildren walked in the road. The highway boundary wall had moved under pressure from the high ground behind, and it was this high ground that was excavated and stabilised as the major part of the widening works.

Further footpath improvements are planned as part of the works associated with the Dan Bank works on completion of that scheme in 2011 when the footpath over this length of Stockport Road will be widened to accommodate both pedestrians and cyclists. As part of phase 2 of the works at the Offerton Road junction there will be a new traffic island constructed within the mouth of Offerton Road together with a new signal controller that will incorporate a red and green man facility for pedestrians to cross safely. Modifications to the existing kerblines and road markings are also part of the scheme and will be carried out later this year

The estimated cost of all the works at) the junction as described above is £200,000 of which £23,000 is contributed from adjacent development on Offerton Road and £35,000 is a contribution from structural funds towards stabilisation of the bank at 17 Windows; some of the works visible on site have been paid for by the developer of 17 Windows. The Dan Bank stabilisation including the footway/cycleway provision is estimated at £3,400,000.

Ken Harrop

Strategic Network Engineer

Traffic Services


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #155 on: August 30, 2009, 09:32:40 AM »
I agree I don't like the tone of Councillor Bispham response, and although Seventeen Windows is just inside the Offerton boundary I'd like to question the said councillor on "joined up council decisions".
If the land was purchased to increase the width of the pavement what are they going to do about the rest of the pavement from the traffic lights up to Hill Top Drive, or is that no concern of the Offerton councillors as that bit is in Marple?
What are they going to do about crossing Dooley Lane and Offerton Road (A627), change both sets of lights to incorporate a "Green Man"?
Oh and buy the way if they are changing the lights that bit comes out of the Council budget Cllr Bispham!
The more I read on this subject the more it smells.

Same here Victor M, it stinks to high heaven!!


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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #154 on: August 29, 2009, 06:08:43 PM »
According to Stockport Heritage Vol.7 No.1  It was 1944 when two children were found burned to death in Seventeen Windows. Ray.

Miss Marple

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #153 on: August 29, 2009, 05:48:40 PM »
This topic is really developing now!  Well done to the people who are joining in this long running debate.  What would be interesting is if the people who at first thought the development was a good idea , post to see if their view's have changed or strengthened.  If you readback through the posts it is clear to see that people were against the opposition to the work at Seventeen would be great to hear what they have to say now we know we are paying for it. 

Victor M

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Re: Seventeen Windows
« Reply #152 on: August 29, 2009, 12:45:15 PM »
I agree I don't like the tone of Councillor Bispham response, and although Seventeen Windows is just inside the Offerton boundary I'd like to question the said councillor on "joined up council decisions".
If the land was purchased to increase the width of the pavement what are they going to do about the rest of the pavement from the traffic lights up to Hill Top Drive, or is that no concern of the Offerton councillors as that bit is in Marple?
What are they going to do about crossing Dooley Lane and Offerton Road (A627), change both sets of lights to incorporate a "Green Man"?
Oh and buy the way if they are changing the lights that bit comes out of the Council budget Cllr Bispham!
The more I read on this subject the more it smells.