At the end of the day, Miss Marple is right - as politicians seeking to get elected or those already in office we must act on constituents behalf to ask questions and get answers - we aim to serve you the public - something all too often that gets forgotten nowadays.
Miss Marple - you are clearly very knowledgeable about this issue and if you would like to comprehensively outline your concerns, then even though it is some distance out of my area that I am spokesman for, I would gladly do some digging for you and take it up. You are more than welcome to post a reply on here or alternatively send me an email at
Hello Oliver sorry it has taken so long to reply to your last post. Firstly I would just like to say that I take exception to members on this forum who appear to challenge everything you say, in my opinion if they put the same amount of effort into becoming proactive in issues which effect our area instead of always being so negative they might just be able to reverse some of the terrible decisions which have been made recently by our pro property developer loving planning dept. I like to use the term arm chair socialists but couch potatoes seems more fitting in this case. I am not bothered as to which party you are affiliated too, but take my hat off to you for at least showing intrest not only in this web site but for Marple and surrounding areas. Getting back to your post to me whereby you offer to do some digging into the development of Seventeen Windows. I think that is a very good idea as there are questions which need to be asked. It may intrest you to know that a reporter from the local press reads this site but when I contacted him to ask him to investigate the dodgy dealings he never did which to me even makes the Seventeen Windows scam even more intresting. I suggest Oliver if you have not already done so to read back over the 24 pages on the subject of Seventeen Windows, all the information you need is well documented by myself and other members of this site. When you have read it Oliver I am sure that you will be as outraged and angry as i am at the blatant dealings which have taken place behind closed doors. I hope to hear from you soon, after hopefully you have familiarised yourself on the subject of the Seventeen Windows scandal. . You will, I hope be as outraged and intrigued as I am as to how one man, Ken Harrop of SMBC planning dept was able to negotiate with a private individual the sale of land to provide the owner of Seventeen Windows with a drive and landscaped garden in return for 3 meters of land plus a hefty amount of money, all at the expense of SMBC residents. If this is right for this type of private dealing to be undertaken I for one want it stopping. I am aware that the posts on this site is 24 pages but I think Oliver that you will be fascinated at the information you will acquire to start your investigations . HAPPY DIGGING