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Author Topic: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close  (Read 15717 times)

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My login is Henrietta

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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2020, 02:02:57 AM »
There has been a private provider on the Rose Hill site, providing nursery wrap around/pre-school care for many, many years, long before Marple Childcare.  These private providers have supported the demand in Marple/Rose Hill and have given parents that extra option.

Marple Childcare (Dale Pre-School as it was originally known) have provided care for children in Rose Hill for around 15 years and have always put the children and their families first.  Unfortunately, when you don't own your own property you are in the hands of the LA or your landlord (school) and when you are no longer wanted as a 'partner/provider of childcare' and are only seen as a vehicle to make money, it is obvious to all that the end is near. 

I know some of the people that work for MCC and know that they are gutted by the turn of events and would like to keep going, if not at Rose Hill school then at another site locally.  My children both went to Pre-School and some of the staff are the same all these years on, such a shame that we have to loose another valuable asset.

Jo Scarlett

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Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2016, 03:15:46 PM »
There has been a private provider on the Rose Hill site, providing nursery wrap around/pre-school care for many, many years, long before Marple Childcare.  These private providers have supported the demand in Marple/Rose Hill and have given parents that extra option.

Marple Childcare (Dale Pre-School as it was originally known) have provided care for children in Rose Hill for around 15 years and have always put the children and their families first.  Unfortunately, when you don't own your own property you are in the hands of the LA or your landlord (school) and when you are no longer wanted as a 'partner/provider of childcare' and are only seen as a vehicle to make money, it is obvious to all that the end is near. 

I know some of the people that work for MCC and know that they are gutted by the turn of events and would like to keep going, if not at Rose Hill school then at another site locally.  My children both went to Pre-School and some of the staff are the same all these years on, such a shame that we have to loose another valuable asset. 

Middle wood

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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2016, 04:59:31 PM »
Marpke Childcare are excellent at both running the Pre-School and the wrap around care service. That's what they do and have been invited in to other schools to provide the same - such is their expertise. They have the experience and economies of scale over the sites on management etc so goodness knows how this benefits the school - other than to distract the governing body from doing its real job.

The comments on the petition are real testimony to the high regard and affection they are held. The parents simply do not want to lose them but our wishes have not been sought or considered.


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2016, 03:11:23 PM »
Given the shortage of school places in Marple, and the common wish for smaller schools, maybe Marple Childcare should start its own school……


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2016, 03:09:04 PM »
Marple Childcare is a non-profit organisation. In my view of the world, state schools should also be. The word "profit" should not be any part of this issue.

OK, call it surplus or safety net.  Given that things WILL go wrong, all public bodies must plan so each service they provide costs less to provide then the income they get.   The days of the government giving out more money just because a public body has overspent is long gone…..


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2016, 02:32:23 PM »
I know, which is fab! We weren't talking about Marple Childcare.

And I have modified my post below to make my point clear.

Dizzy Penguin

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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2016, 02:14:29 PM »
Marple Childcare is a non-profit organisation.

I know, which is fab! We weren't talking about Marple Childcare.


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2016, 02:00:23 PM »
It is terrible news.
I also suspect the head wants to build an 'extended school' or academy type school. Sounds like she wants lessons running until 5 or 6 rather than the current play based childcare. It would be interesting to see what the case was at her old school.

I did wonder if the large number of  free after school clubs offered to parents were to test the waters for her extended school idea.

The worst thing about this is that several working parent friends now worry if they can continue working. They aren't working for extras but need it to survive, often single parents. They are now devastated.

Marple Childcare run the after school club at All Saints very well also and at other venues. It is a very reasonable cost and flexible for shift workers etc. There is absolutely no reason that Rose Hill need to use school staff or have their 'own' club to meet government objectives.

kids staying till 5 or 6 don't want more lessons or regimented clubs but homely and friendly staff to over see free play etc. Plenty of learning in that. And that's what Marple Childcare do very well.


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2016, 01:53:43 PM »
Maybe not, maybe there is a cost to the school of creating other space, or converting current space so it can be used for the “normal” usage and the “out of school” usage.      And they ask for rent that covered that costs, while still allowing them to make a profit.

Marple Childcare is a non-profit organisation. In my view of the world, state schools should also be. The word "profit" should not be any part of this issue.

Dizzy Penguin

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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2016, 01:51:52 PM »

vs. People / Community / CHILDCARE.

I hate capitalism.


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2016, 01:23:59 PM »
Both parties seem to be citing different reasons...

Maybe not, maybe there is a cost to the school of creating other space, or converting current space so it can be used for the “normal” usage and the “out of school” usage.      And they ask for rent that covered that costs, while still allowing them to make a profit.


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2016, 12:52:30 PM »
Both parties seem to be citing different reasons...Marple Childcare that a reasonable rent can't be agreed and RHPS that the school need the presently used premises for wraparound care.

If the school, in order to meet Govt promises on wrap around, need the space then I guess they have no option but to terminate the agreement with MCC. It's a real shame for MCC though -my son attended when it was in the Dale porta cabins and the staff were will indeed be a great loss. :(

Part of the reason that RHPS nursery class may lose out to it, as well as the outstanding rating, is the additional flexibility for parents over patterns of attendance rather than simply 5 mornings or 5 afternoons.


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2016, 09:10:57 AM »
Thank you Howard, that's one question answered.

Does anybody know what the rent is and what the differential is? 

If the provision is being withdrawn because ..."we have not been able to agree a rent for us to continue to provide our services on the school premises."

Then what are the figures involved, why isn't anybody saying?


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 08:33:25 AM »
I think it is much more sinister than the School upping the rent.

The new headteacher of Rose Hill send a letter home to all pupils last Friday, I have attached a copy. It seems in her quest to build an empire she is ejecting an outstanding childcare provider so she can run a before and after school club from the Marple Childcare room.

I also believe that the nursery prevision at Rose Hill is under subscribed because they loose out to Marple Childcare.

What I find particularly disgusting about the whole affair is the way the attached letter was rushed out before Marple Childcare were given a chance to inform their parents, I also believe it was the first the staff knew about their potential redundancy.

The whole thing has left me wondering whether a school which is led by someone who behaves in such a way is a school where I want my child to be educated.

I have happily signed the petition, as the preschool my daughter gets from Mrs H and the team is outstanding.

I know several teachers at Rose Hill, they have a number of concerns about the direction of the school under the new head, including that they will be instructed to fulfill the extra hours required to facilitate the new before and after school club.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Marple Childcare at Rose Hill to close
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 08:11:38 AM »
The school is the landlord. They have always been located in a school (the Dale, then Rose Hill). Marple Childcare have been rated Outstanding by Ofsted for the last two inspections.