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Author Topic: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure  (Read 39346 times)

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Lisa Oldham

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2008, 02:48:35 PM »
hmm.. if its through planning then they do have to do some planning consultation with neighbours but probably not with parents.

Two storey.. well my mum does back on to rosehill and it certainly will affect the outlook so will make sure she knows that too

THanks Jo S :)

Jo Scarlett

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2008, 11:34:21 AM »
There was a drop in session yesterday at The Dale for parents to ask questions etc.

A couple of points which came to light were that SMBC are not obliged to inform residents of their proposal, however they will be putting something in the Stockport Express in the near future.  Also that the new build school at Rose Hill will be a 2 storey building, surely this is relevant if you back onto the school?

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2008, 05:49:48 PM »
Fair point Lisa, well made :)

Lisa Oldham

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2008, 05:00:31 PM »
yep i will be making my concerns heard however this forum is always good for a timely rant :)

and no i agree lack of consideration is not the preserve of rosehill parents except at 8:45 directly outside rosehill gates in hte middle of 2rows of traffic going both ways dropping kids off and when I'm trying to leave my road and then it is :p

Jo Scarlett

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2008, 12:22:24 PM »

Please make your concerns heard, use the consultation document, once this goes ahead we will have little or no say, now is the time to ensure that our voices are heard.  I too, noticed how dreadful the traffic was this morning (probably due to the poor weather) and it can only get worse with parents from the 2 closed schools coming to Rose Hill to add to the congestion in the future.  SMBC need to put in firm plans to ensure that Marple doesn't come to a grinding halt every morning.  This will also coincide with the work on Dan Bank - lots of construction vehicles around - how safe will that be?

Sorry to go on, its just that I don't feel that people without children at the schools involved are giving this much thought -- over the next 2/3 years this may well cause havoc for everyone who lives in Marple.


Rudolph Hucker

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2008, 12:13:31 PM »
Inconsiderate parents are not the preserve of Rosehill. Nor indeed just in their cars, or the way they park them.

Lisa Oldham

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2008, 11:27:08 AM »
After taking 10 mins getting out of our road ( seven stiles ) becuase of inconsiderate rosehill parents double parking most of the way up the road and then more so stopping and blocking when traffic was trying to get down the road both ways (RANT  >:( )  I think there will serious parking/traffic//access/ SAFETY problems if Rosehill is to increase in size

Jo Scarlett

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2008, 11:09:21 PM »
We are in the middle of the consultation period for the Marple Primary School review. 

As you will be aware, the proposal is to close The Dale and Peacefield Primary Schools and build a new 'state of the art' school on the Rose Hill site.  As a parent at one of the schools, I have been given various documents by SMBC so that I am fully informed and feel part of the consultation!

However, I'm not sure whether all Marple residents have been given this opportunity?  This will have an impact on the whole community, not just those of primary aged children. 

Things to consider are:-

What will happen to the land of the Peacefield and The Dale sites?  Building cannot take place on the green space only the footprint of the actual school buildings - what will they build, more housing, retirement accommodation - what will the impact of this be on Marple?

Will the buildings be demolished or boarded up and left - for how long?  Look how long Barrack Hill has been a pile of rubble.... Do we want that eyesore on our doorstep?

How will Marple cope with the increased traffic should we get more houses on these plots?

If we get more houses, will they be family homes - if so, can the proposed new school cope with the increased numbers?

Do we want more housing?  Can they not clear the plots and give us more green space?

Could one of the buildings be kept in part for the use of the community?

What access points will the construction vehicles use when building the new school on the Rose Hill site?

These are not my opinions or suggestions, they are simply to provoke thought about the wider issues around this proposal.  My concerns are for my children and their education during the primary years.

Please take some time to think about this, should you want answers to any of your questions and wish to fill in the consultation document, it is available via SMBC website (although it is difficult to find) or you can use the link below.


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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2008, 05:49:55 PM »
Having been a pupil at The Dale, I am sad to hear of the proposed closure. However, looking at the positives we are going to have a wonderful, modern, hi-tech building for the children of our future. The Dale is over 40 years old and is in need of desperate repair, as is Peacefield. Therefore, money will need to be spent either way. Many people are 'set in their ways' but I think this is definately a positive move for our children.


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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2008, 06:48:18 PM »
A New Primary School For Marple 
Wednesday 3 September
The Council Needs Your Views On Marple Primary Schools Review.
'Tell us what you think' - that's the message to people in Marple and surrounding areas on Stockport Council's plans for local primary schools which go out to public consultation for two months from Monday 8th September.

The Council wants to continue to improve the quality of education and build a new primary school serving the Marple area. This will mean closing The Dale and Peacefield Primary Schools and expanding Rose Hill Primary School.

The changes would:

Improve the learning environment to benefit staff, pupils, their families and communities;

Address the poor conditions of the existing buildings;

Make best use of limited resources with more money spent on the pupils of Marple through increased direct investment into schools;

Tackle the falling numbers of pupils, reducing the number of empty places in schools.
The new eco-friendly school would be an up-to-date education environment with improved spaces for staff to plan and deliver outstanding teaching. It would lead to a secure future for education in Marple for the next 60 years.

Councillor Mark Weldon, Executive Member for Children & Young People, said: "We want to hear your views about the proposals and what difference you would like it to make. We also want to hear how we could make the changes as smooth as possible, and what you think a new school would need to deliver for the benefit of pupils, their families, staff and the wider community."

Organisations and individuals to be consulted include schools, pupils, staff, parents/carers/families, governors, families of potential future pupils, trade unions, Diocesan Authorities, local residents, MPs, local councillors, and early years/child care providers.

Drop in sessions will take place during the afternoon and evening at The Dale, Rose Hill and Peacefield Primary Schools - exact dates to be confirmed.

People are invited to respond in several ways:

Complete and return the consultation response form, which are available from the Council website visit and click on the link to School Organisation.

Attend a public drop-in session.

Write a letter to the Schools Organisation Team, FREEPOST, 3rd Floor, Stopford House, Piccadilly, Stockport, SK1 3XE


Fax 0161 953 0012.
All responses must be received by the Council by Friday 7th November.

After the consultation, the Council will review the responses and make a recommendation to the Executive. If the Executive agrees to the proposal, statutory notices will be published and there will be a six-week representation period during which any comments or objections can be submitted to the Council. The final decision will then be made on whether to implement the proposal. If the decision is to implement the proposal, the Council will begin the process of designing the building.
from the website author unknown

Ali Bee

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #34 on: August 30, 2008, 03:26:04 PM »
I cannot for one minute imagine that as the school's are high performing schools, that the choice of where to build this 'super-duper' £7.5m primary school, had nothing to do with the fact that The Dale and Peacefield have the more viable sites for a return on the building cost, Government subsidy or not, by selling off the land for development >:(

The strength of small Primary Schools is just that, they are small, pupils and all the staff know who each pupil is by name and fame/infamy :P!


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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2008, 08:05:34 PM »
can you honestly see the land being used for anything other than  housing, more then likely for  the elderly, yes there are certainly pigs flying.

Lisa Oldham

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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2008, 07:55:54 PM »
Maybe its going to be used for the good of the community... wonderful new facilities ....
park land, play areas, youth initiative's, state of the art..

is that a pig up there  :P


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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2008, 08:39:26 PM »
i cant see the point in anything other than housing being built on the land as its  out of the way for shops and it is a VERY large piece of land


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Re: The Dale and Peacefield proposed closure
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2008, 06:37:46 PM »
isn't it strange that peacefield has a field adjoining the ridge collage on buxton lane and there has been talk for a long time about one of the collages   :-Closing. maybe the answer to the question where is the money coming from is answered there. it is one big piece of land when looked at as a whole.   :-X

I don't think that land will be sold off for housing, although it is a large plot...