Marple Centre Regeneration Partnership

Draft Terms of Reference

1. The Partnership

The Group shall be known as the Marple Centre Regeneration Partnership.

2. Membership

Membership shall consist of representatives of all interested user groups of the Marple District Centre including, Marple businesses, civic groups and associations; the police, the Community Council, freeholders, property owners and landlords; churches, college and schools and the local ward Councillors. Officers of Stockport Council will act as advisory members.

3. Objectives

Mission - To work together to enhance Marple District Centre as a quality place to shop, live and work for the benefit of the local community and visitors alike and thereby improve its present vitality and future viability.

a) The Partnership is established for community purposes alone and is a non-political organisation.

b) In particular the Group is established to improve the well being of Marple Centre by:

i. The implementation of the Marple District Centre Action Plan.

ii. Acting as a forum in which local people can voice their concerns regarding matters affecting Marple District Centre in liaising within the Local Authority and other agencies.

iii. Presenting the Local Authority with a representative view on matters which it is consulted.

4. Area

The Marple District Centre as defined by the Stockport Unitary Development Plan and it's immediate environs in so far as they affect the vitality of the Centre.

5. Group Year

The group shall run from 1st April to 31st March.

6. Meetings

The Partnership shall meet every six weeks. The meeting shall be chaired by a representative from one of the non-governmental organisations represented on the Partnership. The order of business shall be pre-arranged between the chair and the supporting officer of the Council and circulated to other members prior to the meeting.

7. Chairmanship

The Partnership shall elect a Chair at intervals of not more than twelve months. The Partnership may agree to have a roving Chairperson, sharing the responsibility amongst its non-governmental members.


Vision Statement

A vision of Marple in the future:

Generate a vibrant shopping experience and environment with coordinated street furniture and a colourful planting regime.

Clean and maintained pavements and walking routes, with coordinated directional signs.

Create a friendly and safe environment. Free of crime, vandalism, graffiti and anti-social behaviour.

Promotion of Marple's heritage and canal system, and development of new opportunities (i.e. – tourism and markets).

Encourage investor confidence by promoting a positive perception of Marple.


Marple, The Shopping Village


Partnership Pages

[Welcome] [Introduction] [District Centre Map] [Terms of Reference] [Members/Contacts] [Latest News] [Notes of Meetings & Priorities]

The Action Plan

[Stockport District Centres] [Strategy Into Action] [Marple Today & Yesterday] [Marple's Performance] [Action Plan Tables]


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