Strategy into Action

In January 2001 the Council approved its 'Strategy for the District Centres in Stockport' which, amongst a number of objectives, agreed the development and creation of an 'Action Plan' for each of the eight District Centres.

The aim of the Marple Action Plan is to identify the, strengths and weaknesses of Marple centre and develop, not only individual strategies, but also specifically a list of short, medium and long-term objectives aimed at guiding future development and regeneration.

In broad terms, the aims of the Action Plan can be categorised under four general headings:

  • To act as a strategic and management plan to aid the delivery of the vision of vitality and viability for Marple District Centre.

  • To inform and relate to the UDP, development control and wider body of corporate policy.

  • To guide future development.

  • To act as a baseline document to guide Marple Partnership in its evaluation and monitoring of effectiveness and appropriateness.

Crime and Disorder can, in some cases, be viewed as a by-product of our physical and social arrangements, as a service provider, all decisions made by the local authority could have a potential impact on the incidence of crime and disorder. For example, the frequency of street lighting and the rapid repair of vandalised items can reduce the vulnerability of an area. Therefore, to comply with Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, consideration of the impacts on crime and disorder have been made when outlining strategies put forward in this action plan.

Furthermore, as a council we will ensure that in implementing the action plan, due regard is given to the impact possible action might have on the environment and actively seek to minimise that impact. Sustainable local economic development is at the heart of all council service provision, therefore, the strategies put forward in this action plan will accord with Stockport MBC's environmental/sustainability policy.

The Action Plan

[Stockport District Centres] [Strategy Into Action] [Marple Today & Yesterday] [Marple's Performance] [Action Plan Tables]

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