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Author Topic: Theft from motor car / Hollins Green Road / Weds/Thurs 4/5 May 2016  (Read 2508 times)

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Theft from motor car / Hollins Green Road / Weds/Thurs 4/5 May 2016
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 08:06:39 PM »
Theft from motor car in Hollins Green Road night of Wednesday/Thursday 4/5 May 2016.

Two males (prob 20s or 30s) caught on nearby house's domestic CCTV acting suspiciously 02.22 am ("suspiciously" as in looking through garage windows and casing other vans in the road). Not brilliant pictures in infra-red, but one had a jacket with a lighter-coloured horizontal bar across the chest.

Almost certainly the same as the pair doing a recce along the same route at 01:49 am and, possibly, returning by the same route at 02:30 am.

Entry to the road (first two times) at the bottom end via the footpath from Station Road. Exit (earliest time above) by either main road junction to Station Road or via passageway to Wren Close and ASDA. The last time above would be a return along the footpath.

Obviously not many god-fearing folk likely to be about at that hour, but if anybody else in the Station Road/Hollins Green Rd area has CCTV please check your cameras near those times. Otherwise, make sure all valuables are well-secured.