Ah Dickie Leese.. yes.. he used to be a good man... most politicians start off that way....

but its MCC.. we are powerless to stop or change what goes on over there. Yes of course its wrong, but the fact the expenses system is more generous than Stockports doesn't make it right in Stockport, doesn't make our councillors better, nicer kinder, more effective!
I can affect change here, as can you. So we should concentrate on that
"engage with them in a rationale way".. what like email issues, suggestions requests? talk to them on the phone in a rational manner, on the street ant meetings? yeah..tried that! Andrew Bispham is the only one i can say has; 1 responded to any email; 2. entered into valuable and interesting dialogue. As a result hes the only lib dem I would consider voting for. ( note theres a couple of newish councillors since I last had to email that I dont have an opinion on yet except that gauged from this site)