I have read lots of the opinions of the 'yes' and the 'no' campaigners. However, on balance I think it would be a good idea to have a new supermarket in Marple. To the 'no' campaigners.....Is the issue one of a new supermarket in Marple or is it a new supermarket on Hibbert Lane? Some of the opinions from the 'no's' seem to suggest that it would be ok to have a supermarket in Marple but not on Hibbert Lane.
On another point - I am sure that CMSFC would not be selling the site if they didn't need the money and surely the education of our 16+ children is a pretty important factor in all this..............?
MIA's campaign is 'No to supermarket on Hibbert Lane'. There should be no ambiguity about this. MIA would welcome a new supermarket within the district centre of Marple to provide competition for the Co-op and choice for local residents. This would bring more people into Marple which can only be seen as a good thing for the community and local businesses. The issue with Hibbert Lane is that it is not within the retail zone, as laid down by the council and is just far enough away from the centre to draw shoppers away from other shops.
The 'Yes' campaign seems to be confusing people because they just say 'Yes to a new supermarket in Marple' so they are not actually in direct opposition with MIA. This seems to have been in their favour as, some people without all the background may choose to support the 'Yes' campaign believing that MIA must, by the very fact that they are saying 'No' to something, not be 'for' a new supermarket. This simply is not the case. The 'No' is to the location and potential size of store, based on the size of the plot.
As for the college needing to sell the land to improve educational facilities, MIA are not suggesting the site is not sold. The argument is that the college should be selling the site to an alternative developer that would be acceptable within the core planning strategy as developed by the council.
But in reality MIA are suggesting that M&Co move location to accomadate a supermarket or that the sorting office be removed and a supermarket put there. And why are they suggesting this? Because they have to provide a location within the retail boundry for the arguement to stop a development on Hibbert Lane. If they can provide this then the supermarket can not use it to their advantage. But if you read the many post's some no supperters say they dont want the increase in traffic, they dont want the small shops to close down etc etc, so to me personally means they don't want 1 full stop. The yes campaign was set up to say yes to a supermarket in Marple because they would like one.
As has been stated before Tina, it was the council who suggested that the sorting office could be seen as a suitable alternative to Hibbert Lane. MIA would support this but did not suggest it themselves. As for M&Co moving, that must just be one person's suggestion. If you read the MIA website, you will see that none of these ideas are quoted. Yet again, people are confusing ideas, suggestions and opinions of individuals who post on this forum, with what it is that MIA are actually saying.
MIA believe that a reasonable sized supermarket within the retail zone will bring more shoppers into the heart of Marple and not draw them away, as a huge supermarket outside the retail zone would. A reasonable sized store would simply improve choice for local residents and not bring more shoppers from the surrounding areas so traffic would not increase on the scale that it would if there was a large, out of town type store.
I really hope that I've made this clear, not just to you, but to anyone else who reads this because so many people don't seem to 'get' what it is that MIA is trying to achieve! It seems to be getting lost in the individual bickering, personal opinions and allegations of scaremongering and exaggeration! 
Its the contradictions i and many others are confused with. If a supermarket were to build in the 'retail zone' (not like there is anywhere for it) would MIA still argue about increased traffic, shops suffering etc? There is no suitable place in marple up for sale other than hibbert lane.
he growing population of marple need a DECENT sized shop not a tiny express shop where prices are just as bad as co-op as it is classed as a convenience store.
It has also been mentioned somwhere on this site that MIAwould be hppy to have a suoermarket..if it didnt sell (wait for it) newspapers, flowers, clothes etc....
any of you counted the amounf newsagts in marple? They seem to be doing pretty good!!
The reason us 'yes campaigners' say yes to a supermarket in marple is because we beleive nomatter where it could be built MIA would always have something to complain about.
I understand a lot of shops shut at 5-5:30pm...which is fair enough as the people working in them are doing regular job hours like yourselves....but we do need another cheaper than the co-op, decent sized shop that is open for longer to save tired people travelling (dangerous!) and people with little moneget moreaffordable things so ybe theyan afford to splash out on a cafe lunch one in a while