Marple Glass and Glazing

Author Topic: A shop that does not open when I wish to shop might as well not be there…  (Read 17792 times)

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I thought it was interesting to see the comments made about the Co-op and trader opening times but was saddened to see politics on Yes or No taking over yet again a thread discussing a legitimate subject.

For years I have had to put up with the poor service and stocking within the Co-op. I would hate to calculate just how much money I've spent in a store that quite frankly I consider to be an advert for just how not to run a retail operation. Personally, I would never shop there again if I could help it and shop on-line or from outside the area (supported jobs for other regions rather than Marple) whenever possible.

It would be interesting to know just what buildings and car park space is actually owned by the company, rather than just perceiving the detail.

My understanding was that the Co-op bought Hanbury's to stop any other competition from opening, which has ensured that a key retail opportunity has remained pretty much empty since and become a 'blot' on Marple centre. Does anyone actually know just what they own or lease?


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I have to agree with the OP. Today I went to Iceland just after 5.30pm only to find it was closed. I was even more surprised to find they don't open til 9.30am! There must be plenty of parents who who like to pop in after dropping their kids off to school. I also don't see why they can't open til at least 6pm!


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The Hibbert lane site is fit for purpose.

I think people may grow tired of this, Duke!  But as you are going over old ground yet again, I suppose I'll have to do the same ....    ::)

I guess we've just got to choose who to believe.  One the one hand, the college's expensive consultants, Turner & Townsend, Bond Bryant, and Walsingham Planning, have developed for the college an accommodation strategy.  As part of that, using tried and tested methods such as space occupancy analysis, and benchmarking of heating, lighting and maintenance costs against other comparable organisations in their databases, the consultants have advised that Hibbert Lane is an inefficient building, and that the college would both save money and improve the facilities by consolidating on to the Buxton Lane site.

On the other hand, we have a guy who drives along Hibbert Lane on his way home from work, and who believes that he therefore knows better

Duke Fame

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"CMSFC would not be selling the site if they didn't need the money" They might not need the money if they hadn't been totally incapable of managing their finances properly for years out of mind.

The college needs the money in order to replace poor quality 80-year-old buildings which were designed for a different purpose and are expensive to run.  AFAIK it has nothing whatsoever to do with any mismanagement of finances.   On the contrary, investing in new buildings which are purpose built, environmentally friendly and cheap to run is an example of excellent financial management. 

Yes Dave, the record is stuck. The Hibbert lane site is fit for purpose. As mentioned before, Oxford & Cambridge do ok in older buildings, it's the quality of people that counts.


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I think the point is, is that if the local shops want more business, they need to adapt their opening hours to the requirements of the customer they want to attract.

Good point. I often want to pop into Marple for something but then realise it is Wednesday or too near to 5pm. Another thing is that it is hard to get around many shops with a pram or toddler. People can be quite rude if they have to wait or let you past. So going to a big supermarket can seem easier than struggling. In all honesty, too, in these economic times you often have to go where is cheapest. Eg. books at Amazon etc. Competition drives people out of business, and it isn't fair, no. That is the way our free market system works, no feeling in it for people or their livelihoods -not really our fault that it is this way. Some people simply cannot afford to shop local.


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With regard to the finances of CMSFC, I can't comment as I don't have access to their financial reports and thereby couldn't say how they have been managing them. 

If of interest, we all have access to their financial reports, to a certain extent.  See, where accounts for the last few years are broken down across a variety of colleges.


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Yes I do think shop assistants should work unsocial hours to suit me and everyone else who can't shop between 9 and 5.  Many people who are employed in the commercial sector work shifts (not only shop assistants) in order to maximise the profits of whoever employs them and thereby keep them in work and for the world to keep turning.  What's the issue with that? I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to work beyond the regulated hours (unless they wanted to do extra overtime and thereby earn extra money)

With regard to the finances of CMSFC, I can't comment as I don't have access to their financial reports and thereby couldn't say how they have been managing them. 

I think the point is, is that if the local shops want more business, they need to adapt their opening hours to the requirements of the customer they want to attract.


  • Guest
Yes I do think shop assistants should work unsocial hours to suit me and everyone else who can't shop between 9 and 5.  Many people who are employed in the commercial sector work shifts (not only shop assistants) in order to maximise the profits of whoever employs them and thereby keep them in work and for the world to keep turning.  What's the issue with that? I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to work beyond the regulated hours (unless they wanted to do extra overtime and thereby earn extra money)

With regard to the finances of CMSFC, I can't comment as I don't have access to their financial reports and thereby couldn't say how they have been managing them. 


  • Guest
"CMSFC would not be selling the site if they didn't need the money" They might not need the money if they hadn't been totally incapable of managing their finances properly for years out of mind.

The college needs the money in order to replace poor quality 80-year-old buildings which were designed for a different purpose and are expensive to run.  AFAIK it has nothing whatsoever to do with any mismanagement of finances.   On the contrary, investing in new buildings which are purpose built, environmentally friendly and cheap to run is an example of excellent financial management. 


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The yes person that was collecting signature at Rose Hill Station make it very clear the main issue was the small shops that I was destroying by even thinking about wanting a reel, modem, full sized supermarket in Marple.

PS, I felt lot of people singed as it was quicker than explaining why they were not signing, but this can never be proved one way or the other

(The only signature for the “No” I consider to be of value is people who live in Maple and never drive outside of Marple do to food shopping (or do an on-line order).

My login is Henrietta

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Without  sounding rude I will try to explain myself a little better. When I was at the rally the other Saturday I was told by 2 different MIA members that M & Co should move across the road to the Handburys building and a supermarket take its place and also use the offices upstairs. I've not made it up, it was said by 2 people at different times in the same afternoon.
I really am tired of all the arguing what is going on. Can we not just agree to disagree?
M&Co's premises was formerly the Co-op supermarket. I seem to remember at the time hearing that it was moving because the store was too small.

My login is Henrietta

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I totally agree with this - why can't shops be open when we want to shop? 

On another point - I am sure that CMSFC would not be selling the site if they didn't need the money and surely the education of our 16+ children is a pretty important factor in all this..............?
"Why can't shops be open when we want to shop?" Shop assistants are very badly paid and much put-upon (I know, I've been one in my time). They should be made to work even more unsocial hours just to suit you?

"CMSFC would not be selling the site if they didn't need the money" They might not need the money if they hadn't been totally incapable of managing their finances properly for years out of mind.

Miss Marple

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Tina I have spoken face to face with you and you are not at all rude.  Sadly I think you are like myself and come across better on face to face interaction rather than virtual faceless type communication.  All I think is that it would be better if you looked on the facts page and then you can be sure what is fact and what is someones opinion  MIA is not a totalitarian group we do allow personal views and ideas and this I feel is where the confusion stems from.


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Without  sounding rude I will try to explain myself a little better. When I was at the rally the other Saturday I was told by 2 different MIA members that M & Co should move across the road to the Handburys building and a supermarket take its place and also use the offices upstairs. I've not made it up, it was said by 2 people at different times in the same afternoon.

I really am tired of all the arguing what is going on. Can we not just agree to disagree?

You don't sound rude, why would you think that? I expect somebody asked where else MIA suggested the supermarket could go and Hanbury's was offered as a possible suggestion. Don't forget that members of MIA are still individual people and have their own opinions in all of this. BUT, what MIA as a group believe and stand for is clearly stated on the website. They make no suggestion as to alternative sites for a supermarket, that is down to the council as and when they need to show that alternatives do exist.

I am amazed that you thought we were arguing! Our exchange seems to be one of the least heated of late! ???

I feel everytime I write something I get attacked or told I'm being rude.
I understand people have their own views, I was talking to 2 different MIA members who was representing MIA on the day, and they both said the same thing to me, In 2 different locations and not in the same company as each other. This is what led me to believe it was the MIA view. If I am wrong then I am sorry but you can't help thinking that when it was said the way it was said to me.

Belle Star

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Without  sounding rude I will try to explain myself a little better. When I was at the rally the other Saturday I was told by 2 different MIA members that M & Co should move across the road to the Handburys building and a supermarket take its place and also use the offices upstairs. I've not made it up, it was said by 2 people at different times in the same afternoon.

I really am tired of all the arguing what is going on. Can we not just agree to disagree?

You don't sound rude, why would you think that? I expect somebody asked where else MIA suggested the supermarket could go and Hanbury's was offered as a possible suggestion. Don't forget that members of MIA are still individual people and have their own opinions in all of this. BUT, what MIA as a group believe and stand for is clearly stated on the website. They make no suggestion as to alternative sites for a supermarket, that is down to the council as and when they need to show that alternatives do exist.

I am amazed that you thought we were arguing! Our exchange seems to be one of the least heated of late! ???