Estate agency, done differently in Marple and District

Author Topic: Cubs, Scouts etc (split from Tesco Topic)  (Read 5774 times)

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Miss Marple

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Re: Cubs, Scouts etc (split from Tesco Topic)
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2011, 03:17:45 PM »
Miss Marple

As a scout leader I have to say that scouting and guiding is not a middle class pursuit, indeed we make many allowances for any child who wants to join where money is an issue. The same applies fpr the Rugby club, the yearly subs are low and very good value for your money, as are the cricket clubs.

Hi Scout I did not  make myself very clear I was referring to older YPs who need skills to acquire confidence and skills to enable them to gain employment. And also a youth club for older YPs to keep them out of the parks at night and give them an organised meeting point.  I spend a lot of time speaking to youth workers who say that there are no resources for older YPs in Marple, hence the congregating of youths  in the Memorial Park
I was not aware that when money was an issue groups like yours could assist low income families.  It may be a good idea if you were to set up a different post in events or whatever to advertise that assistance is given so that parents on low income are aware and can take the opportunity to enrol their child


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Re: Cubs, Scouts etc (split from Tesco Topic)
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2011, 02:01:52 PM »
Miss Marple

As a scout leader I have to say that scouting and guiding is not a middle class pursuit, indeed we make many alowances for any child who wants to join where money is an issue. The same applies fpr the Rugby club, the yearly subs are low and very good value for your money, as are the cricket clubs.

Miss Marple

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Cubs, Scouts etc (split from Tesco Topic)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 10:35:01 PM »
When I said I wanted something for the youth of Marple to do I didn't mean middle class pursuits that cost money.  I was thinking of a centre that gave the less advantaged in our community the chance to gain skills and be given the opportunity to take part in other worthy pursuits that most of us can afford but take for granted.  
But I digress !  Say no to TESCO  :-*