OK here's my tuppenceworth (and it is a "use it or lose it" thing, but to be fair, I am not sure how representative of the whole of Marple are posters to this forum?)
Regular use
Co-op - yes I do my main food shop here (occasionally supplemented by forays to Aldi and Sainsbury's the latter because it has a slightly wider range of veggie food) - it may be slightly more expensive, but this is weighed off by the saving in petrol either because I walk or because it is a shorter drive. I prefer their more ethical stance as a supermarket.
Iceland (more to supplement my co-op shop)
KayDee (hair cut!)
Hollins hardware
Pink Parrot
Toast (not tried the new wine shop yet!)
The tea shop near Littlewoods (All things Nice?)
Stationery Shop
Greengrocers (I can't remember the name, how bad is that!?)
The Health Food shop (opp Post Office)
The Book Shop.
Couple of others whose names I can't remember!
I don't use Littlewoods (see above), but do try to encourage meat eating friends to buy there (note your comments Lisa - I suggest that the expense would be worth it - would your lot accept the occasional veggie meal if the pay off were tastier meat?)
By the way, in relation to the survival of the traditional high street, and the relentless onslaught of the big supermarkets, I highly recommend Joanna Blythman's "Shopped".