Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 757093 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #863 on: August 31, 2011, 04:19:48 PM »
That's the whole area yes.... I was there at the demonstration in the park.

But that's the footfall, what size would the building be? Or is that the building?, how much of that space is car park and service roads?

Sorry to be a pain, but I truly can't get my head round this.....

Victor M

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #862 on: August 31, 2011, 03:28:45 PM »
For an idea of the size of site that can be built on excluding the existing car park, Mellor Sports Club playing fields (cricket & lacrosse) is 4.5 acres, 4.8 acres can be built on at Hibbert lane initially.

4.8 acres = 20,000 sq metres.

The only other place in Marple that you can measure that on is the Memorial Park. It is the area from the Bowling Green, around the two children's play areas, along Station Road and back up to the Bowling Green. (with the play areas and bowling green being inside the area).

Hope this helps.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #861 on: August 31, 2011, 10:09:34 AM »
Hi it's not scaremongering, do you think I am of that low an intelligence !  This is based on the colleges financial situation, leaks from reliable people and working on this day after day , watching, questioning and evaluating.

I think you might be missing my point. If you get everyone in Marple outraged over an unlikely (in my opinion), worst-case situation, when the actual plans are revealed, if they aren't worst-case, many people will feel like we "won" because they all feared it would be worse, and the actual planning process will be easier for Asda/Tesco etc to navigate.

However, if you get everyone outraged over more modest (and in my opinion more likely) proposals, they'll be outraged if that's what is proposed, and even more so if the proposals are worst-case.

I'm not questioning your sources. In this case, your sources are saying that the college might end up selling both sites. And they are saying that Asda (and therefore a supermarket of some description) are the preferred bidders for Hibbert Lane. No arguments from me so far. However, your sources haven't said anything about the size of any supermarket - that is all guess-work by people based on what is physically possible on the site. Your sources also haven't said that Buxton Lane would also be sold to a supermarket chain, just that they're considering it, that was conjecture on the part of Maria. It's that guess-work and conjecture that I think is potentially dangerous scaremongering.

I picked this up from an earlier post..... the way I see it, and I'm prepared to be wrong here, is that the campus site can only be half built on - with the car park area as is being protected.  Of the remaining half, only half can be built on, as the supermarket would have to provide parking (or would they be able to use the existing car park???), of that part they can build on, there will have to be access to the rear, for deliveries etc,,, and space around anyway....

My question then is... how big actually would it be?  Twice the size of the co-op maybe.

I'm not saying this supermarket is a good thing, I'm trying in my own mind to get it all in perspective


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #860 on: August 31, 2011, 09:58:27 AM »
Maria, you write 'Re the Buxton site proposals nothing is confirmed either way you are of course right but it has been confirmed a sale is being considered'.

Confirmed? By whom?

I am sorry but the person has asked not to be named therefore I cannot say. 

Maria, have another look at this:  http://www.camsfc.ac.uk/assets/file/Govenors/Minutes%20of%20meetings/Estates%2017_06_10m%20amended%20F&G%2001_12_10.pdf

The key section is this:

'The options for each site and the possibility of moving to a single site were
discussed in detail, including planning considerations, different proposals for
buildings and facilities and the options for funding. The four funding
scenarios presented ranged from self funding, where energy saving works
and student retention works were undertaken, to extensive new build with a
£44-48 million gap in funding.'
[my italics]

That last bit means that if the college were to dispose of all three campuses, in Cheadle and in Marple, and build a single completely new mega-college on a new site somewhere else (say, Hazel Grove, for example), the cost of the new build would be £44 - £48 million more than the proceeds raised from disposing of the three existing sites!  That is a huge and completely unbridgeable funding gap, and that is why we can be certain that that option is a total non-starter.

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #859 on: August 30, 2011, 11:46:02 PM »
what they want.  I have a friend who lives five streets away from a  smaller site than HIbbert Lane  and the noise at night is dreadful..... beep beep noise constantly when the delivery lorries are backing up

Is that to cover the swearing?

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #858 on: August 30, 2011, 11:06:40 PM »
Hi Marpleexile we do know for a fact that they can build on nearly 5. Something  acres now then after 10 years build on the remaining 3.something acres.  So we could see the development grow and grow.  Once the land has been sold the owners can do basically what they want.  The site is as big as the Portwood Site, I have a friend who lives five streets away from a  smaller site than HIbbert Lane  and the noise at night is dreadful she is always contacting the council about noise levels but the supermarket is a law unto itself.  There are car alarms going off, trucks unloading, car doors slamming , noise from the freezers, beep beep noise constantly when the delivery lorries are backing up, lights so bright that her bedroom is lit up at night and an increased crime rate due to gangs of youths hanging around not to mention her road being used as a rat run at all hours of the night. 


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #857 on: August 30, 2011, 10:23:13 PM »
The point about a new supermarket is that it is NOT 5 or 6 miles away - it's a few hundred yards away! I honestly believe that apart from the Co-op and Iceland, the currently thriving retailers in Marple (Littlewoods, White's, Neal's, Wilson's, Hollins, Archers, the pet shop, Harmony Decor, Edel Carpets, the car spares shops and many more) have nothing to fear from Tesco or Asda and evrything to gain. As for the views of these businesses themselves, I realise that their group has come out against the supermarket, but I wonder whether all members really share that views, or whether they may be closing ranks to protect their weaker members. I was in Scotland recently: Tesco are planning a new supermarket on the edge of Fort Wiliam, and the local chamber of commerce is all in favour. Interesting contrast there!   

I think you have a rose-tinted view here Dave. The bottom line is those shops you list (and others) very much believe their business would be affected by a supermarket moving in on Hibbert La. It's their business, it''s their jobs, it's their families jobs and more than likely it's their houses on the line and they are worried.

It's all very well for someone in a cushy public sector job who's never had to worry about anything more than choosing a nice sunny day to go on strike, business owners have taken a huge risk in setting up, growing their business or only to survive, they did not counter on a large superstore opening 10  mins up the road.

I'm not so sure about your observation Littlewoods, White's, Neal's, Wilson's, Hollins, Archers, the pet shop, Harmony Decor, Edel Carpets, the car spares shops etc are all thriving. I'd not be surprised if they are finding it as hard as other retailers and worried about going bust.

You may think people will shop in an identikit superstore, walk the 5 metres to their identikit car having brought some identikt shopping and then all of a sudden think "you know, I wonder if Littlewoods have some 24 day Aberdeen Angus in?, I'll walk the 10 minutes up the road to see.!" - I'm sorry, I just don't see it. Furthermore, those who actually put their money where their mouth is don't see it that way either.
Maybe, just maybe this is because these proprietors have been scared witless by the MIA campaign

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #856 on: August 30, 2011, 09:25:24 PM »
I am sorry Dave but with your constant questioning which is getting oh so predictable, you are eventually going to stop the small amount of MIA members from posting on this site.  If I was being drip fed information as it came to light I would be very pleased not constantly shooting the messenger.  I have nothing to gain by telling lies but a lot to loose by saying too much which would cause our information to dry up, because peoples jobs are at risk if their identities are revealed   So please stop constantly slating the posts or I think MIA will stop posting which would be a shame as it has enlightened a lot of the community to what's happening.  Always remember Dave NO ONE would be any the wiser to all this if MIA had not alerted the public.  You come across as an intelligent man so surely you must understand that this is more than a supermarket being built on Hibbert Lane it's about the legalities of what the college is doing with land that was gifted, it's about the colleges past financial difficulties, it's about a private company being able to sell a plot of land that should be for our childrens education and failing to inform the community what it's plans are.  Because like it or not if any other private company were struggling financially, you can be as sure as hell that the people of MARPLE would not be bailing it out.  So ask yourself why are we bailing out a private company and giving them an easy ride so that our children may have to travel half way across Stockport to attend a college.  So if I can prevent all the children of MARPLE having to go to an out of area college with the increased costs that would place on families I will, because this land was for education not a flipping supermarket or housing,  I still  struggle to understand why you appear to think it's ok that the college has mis managed it's finances, for goodness sake Dave you must also be  asking yourself where has all the money gone, because from the looks of it it's not been invested in the buildings. 


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #855 on: August 30, 2011, 09:19:48 PM »
Just spotted some "vote tesco" graffiti on the canal bridge near the farm at the top of hawk green, the one that shares a road with the golf course. looked fairly fresh to


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #854 on: August 30, 2011, 09:15:30 PM »
I have received complaints about certain posts in this topic and they have been removed to a hidden area. As I am at work at the moment that is all I can currently do. People need to calm down, be more polite in what they post and also less ready to take offence when none may be intended. I will try to provide some guidelines about complaining later as I suspect we are going to need them. Admin

Nevermind, just spotted the new thread :)


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #853 on: August 30, 2011, 09:14:40 PM »
I have received complaints about certain posts in this topic and they have been removed to a hidden area. As I am at work at the moment that is all I can currently do. People need to calm down, be more polite in what they post and also less ready to take offence when none may be intended. I will try to provide some guidelines about complaining later as I suspect we are going to need them. Admin

Any news on these complaining guidelines? It would be useful to know for future reference for those needing it


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #852 on: August 30, 2011, 06:59:43 PM »
Maria, I very much doubt whether your anonymous source is reliable. The college governors minutes quoted elsewhere on this forum clearly show that the option of consolidating all three camsfc campuses on to one site was ruled out on cost grounds. Your source may not know that - or may be one of the scaremongers, of course.

Duke, I guess we"ll just have to agree to differ as usual ;-) But you might find it instructive to pop over to Glossop some time and see how Mettrick's butchers and other local shops are doing, along the street from Tesco. They seem to be doing just fine.

You may believe what you wish Dave but I know my source is reliable.  Not all the minutes are published and elements of some are omitted.  As I have said however whether they choose to go ahead with it is another matter. 


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #851 on: August 30, 2011, 06:56:12 PM »
Trixie, do you think Glossop has been 'killed'? I don't.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #850 on: August 30, 2011, 06:20:21 PM »
Dave ,why don't you just pop off to the towns that have been killed by major supermarkets?A lot of them shop in Marple.They call it a nice day out and say how lucky we are to live in a place that still has a thriving town centre.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #849 on: August 30, 2011, 06:13:35 PM »
Maria, I very much doubt whether your anonymous source is reliable. The college governors minutes quoted elsewhere on this forum clearly show that the option of consolidating all three camsfc campuses on to one site was ruled out on cost grounds. Your source may not know that - or may be one of the scaremongers, of course.

Duke, I guess we"ll just have to agree to differ as usual ;-) But you might find it instructive to pop over to Glossop some time and see how Mettrick's butchers and other local shops are doing, along the street from Tesco. They seem to be doing just fine.