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Author Topic: How are we all finding the new bin service .  (Read 28202 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #67 on: January 10, 2011, 01:24:48 PM »
I hope the govt put further caps on local authority spending.

Be careful what you wish for, Duke.  Make sure you don't need a pothole in the road to be mended, or need your kids to be educated, or need your ailing granny to have a home help.   ::)

My father has had home help, it was cheaper to go private!!

In that case his council assessment must have showed he had enough money or assets to afford to pay.  But many people are less fortunate than your dad, Duke. In fact, to coin a phrase:
Well I think that's a very selfish attitude.
Shame on you.


Quite another issue but my father has altheimers, if he had any other illness the NHS would provide support. Lung cancer through smokleng, the NHS will help etc. If you've put a little aside through life and unfortunate enough to develop altheimers, you're screwed.

MOral of the story, don't bother saving, don't get a pension as you pay it all back in hte end.


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #66 on: January 10, 2011, 10:58:25 AM »
I hope the govt put further caps on local authority spending.

Be careful what you wish for, Duke.  Make sure you don't need a pothole in the road to be mended, or need your kids to be educated, or need your ailing granny to have a home help.   ::)

My father has had home help, it was cheaper to go private!!

In that case his council assessment must have showed he had enough money or assets to afford to pay.  But many people are less fortunate than your dad, Duke. In fact, to coin a phrase:
Well I think that's a very selfish attitude.
Shame on you.



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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #65 on: January 10, 2011, 10:35:13 AM »
Blue bins just been emptied, paper blowing all around the street.

Steptoe and Son

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #64 on: January 10, 2011, 08:10:00 AM »
Pointless or unviable businesses fold Duke.  I don't detect much thought on your part for the many local authority employees you seem keen to put out of work either.  Personally, I find the greed and corruption of laissez faire capitalism rather shameful but each to his own.   In keeping with the thread, apart from the issue you had when you put out a bin that was was overflowing, are you happy with the new bin service?

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2011, 10:46:40 PM »

They are not vital, what are they doing to help residents and business? It's just a non-job for the council

 And where is your evidence for these so called none vital non-jobs, as it seems most people on here are satisfied with the service level at present, so these non-jobs seem to be doing a job.....

I received a note on my bin about a recycling officer. I called to find out what this genius was going to do for me. It turned out, nothing. That is why it's a non-job. It has no outcome, cannot produce any income and totally pointless.

It's Ok for some perhaps well-off people to see council waste as a bit of fun. Council taxes form 8-10% of my income, therefore, I see every bit of unnecessary spending as a hit on my spending – power, it’s like a thief stealing off me every month and wondering why I’m making a fuss.

Neil Smith

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2011, 09:57:59 PM »

They are not vital, what are they doing to help residents and business? It's just a non-job for the council

 And where is your evidence for these so called none vital non-jobs, as it seems most people on here are satisfied with the service level at present, so these non-jobs seem to be doing a job.....

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2011, 09:47:47 PM »
Business hasn't done anything to carry out recycling in Stockport so the local authority has stepped in...that would fit with your view wouldn't it Duke?  There's many businesses that can go to the wall as far as I'm concerned so long as someone is at least trying to change behaviour and attitudes towards preserving this lump of rock we're on.

Well I think that's a very selfish attitude. No thought for the owners & employees of that business nor their suppliers.

Shame on you.

Steptoe and Son

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2011, 08:15:25 PM »
Business hasn't done anything to carry out recycling in Stockport so the local authority has stepped in...that would fit with your view wouldn't it Duke?  There's many businesses that can go to the wall as far as I'm concerned so long as someone is at least trying to change behaviour and attitudes towards preserving this lump of rock we're on.

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #59 on: January 09, 2011, 06:57:38 PM »
I hope the govt put further caps on local authority spending.

Be careful what you wish for, Duke.  Make sure you don't need a pothole in the road to be mended, or need your kids to be educated, or need your ailing granny to have a home help.   ::)

My father has had home help, it was cheaper to go private!!

I'm aware there is a role for the local council, whereever there is market failure the state (be it local or national) needs to step in to provide the service (if it's essential).

THe key is, it should only be providing essential services, not wasing £140k on useless jobs and taxing us to cover the waste.


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #58 on: January 09, 2011, 06:14:22 PM »
I hope the govt put further caps on local authority spending.

Be careful what you wish for, Duke.  Make sure you don't need a pothole in the road to be mended, or need your kids to be educated, or need your ailing granny to have a home help.   ::)

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #57 on: January 09, 2011, 05:51:10 PM »
I agree that SMBC is putting an excellent service in place and I've had no problems at all.  Recycling officers are probably vital to 'encouraging' residents to engage with the scheme...many people say they want to recycle but then seem to have a major issue dividing their waste up between 4 containers. 

They are not vital, what are they doing to help residents and business? It's just a non-job for the council to justify making the working people of Stockport poorer, with less money to spend in local business, restricting growth in the real economy meaning less employment and more reliance on the local authority which is what the local council want.

I hope the govt put further caps on local authority spending.


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2011, 01:07:37 PM »
Cant be bothered sorting some of them .easy to just dump everything in the bin .

Steptoe and Son

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #55 on: January 09, 2011, 11:55:42 AM »
I agree that SMBC is putting an excellent service in place and I've had no problems at all.  Recycling officers are probably vital to 'encouraging' residents to engage with the scheme...many people say they want to recycle but then seem to have a major issue dividing their waste up between 4 containers. 


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #54 on: January 09, 2011, 10:23:15 AM »
if you loose the  cardboard  chart showing which bins need to go out, you can get the chart from the stockport council recycling website , you just enter your postcode, and it comes up with your road and what bins go out which day :)


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #53 on: January 09, 2011, 09:28:44 AM »
Mine were emptied on the bank holiday Monday immediately following Christmas. Considering the recent kerfuffle about cuts and limiting of services this seems a little extreme

Extreme?  What's 'extreme' about that?  Surely it's just excellent service?