Good morning. I have raised this question with the democratic services department, this is the answer I received:
Good Afternoon Councillor Gribbon, thank you for your email.
We have four area committees that would ordinarily take place outside the Town Hall during area committee week. Most of these venues would be unable to accommodate the committee, officers and members of the public while socially distanced.
Accommodation within the civic complex for this first cycle of meetings also has the benefit of being appropriately staffed and covid-19 risk assessed to ensure that each meeting room is covid-secure and has been appropriately sanitised before anyone has been admitted to the meeting. Moreover, there is on-site staffing in place at town hall reception to manage members of the public should numbers exceed the stated capacity of the room.
The capacity limitations of external venues, coupled with the above logistical issues has led us to conclude that it would be helpful for us to apply a consistent approach to the management of risk across all area committees, and therefore conclude that until such a point that social distancing rules have been relaxed, (which may be post 21 June 2021) the civic complex is the most appropriate venue.
I can see the point from a ‘safety first’ side but we will be looking forward to coming home for the following meetings and I have made this clear to the services department.
Kind regards and stay safe