Extraordinary, Marple Area Committee: Wednesday, 2nd September, 2020 6.00 pmCouncillor Call for Action (CCfA) - Temporary Withdrawal of the rail service on the on the Rose Hill LineUnder the provisions of CP12 in the Constitution ‘Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) – Protocol’, Councillor Lisa Smart has submitted a CCfA in connection with the announcement that Northern Trains are withdrawing the rail service on the Rose Hill line for three months from 14 September 2020. This will mean no service from Rose Hill or Woodley stations and a substantial reduction in service from Romiley station.
Over 5,400 people have signed a petition against this withdrawal of service.
Under the terms of the Constitution: the Area Committee may decide to:-
(a) Assist with the resolution of the issue if it has the necessary power within its terms of reference and delegated budgets.
(b) Make recommendations to the appropriate Cabinet Member or Corporate Director.
(c) Establish a working group to look at the issue in more detail i.e. undertake a local scrutiny review of the issue.
(d) Take no further action but give reasons as to why it has decided to take no further action.
(e) A combination of the above.
Members are invited to debate the issue and agree the way forward as set out at (a) – (e) above.
This will be a webcast remote meetingWatch live or on catch-up here: