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  • Marple Area Committee: September 13, 2023
  • Marple Area Committee: October 18, 2023
  • Marple Area Committee: November 29, 2023
  • Marple Area Committee: January 24, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: March 06, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: April 17, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: June 19, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: July 31, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: September 11, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: October 30, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: December 04, 2024
  • Marple Area Committee: January 25, 2025
  • Marple Area Committee: March 12, 2025
  • Marple Area Committee: April 09, 2025

Author Topic: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]  (Read 61989 times)

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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2021, 01:37:16 PM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 3 February has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely.

The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting.

Items that may be of interest include a significant development at the former Compstall Printworks being considered for planning approval.

Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up: http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=27222&EVT=101&DT=A

Note that the Web Casts are embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #72 on: December 11, 2020, 07:17:56 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 16 December has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting.

Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up: http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=27221&EVT=101&DT=A

Note that the Web Casts are embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #71 on: November 06, 2020, 05:38:12 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 11 November has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting.

Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up: http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=27220&EVT=101&DT=A

Note that the Web Casts are embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #70 on: September 26, 2020, 08:47:42 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 30 September has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting.

One the interesting items on this agenda is the Open Forum: 

Churches Together in Marple and Marple, Mellor & Marple Bridge Energy Saving Strategy (MESS) indicated that they wished to address the Area Committee as part of the Open Forum arrangements regarding “Litter in Marple”.

Another is that the Sportsman in Strines has been nominated as an Asset of Community Value, which could be the precursor to a community take-over if we're lucky!

Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up: http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=27219&EVT=101&DT=A

Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2020, 06:53:23 AM »
Extraordinary, Marple Area Committee: Wednesday, 2nd September, 2020 6.00 pm

Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) - Temporary Withdrawal of the rail service on the on the Rose Hill Line

Under the provisions of CP12 in the Constitution ‘Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) – Protocol’, Councillor Lisa Smart has submitted a CCfA in connection with the announcement that Northern Trains are withdrawing the rail service on the Rose Hill line for three months from 14 September 2020. This will mean no service from Rose Hill or Woodley stations and a substantial reduction in service from Romiley station.

Over 5,400 people have signed a petition against this withdrawal of service.

Under the terms of the Constitution: the Area Committee may decide to:-

(a)  Assist with the resolution of the issue if it has the necessary power within its terms of reference and delegated budgets.
(b)  Make recommendations to the appropriate Cabinet Member or Corporate Director.
(c)  Establish a working group to look at the issue in more detail i.e. undertake a local scrutiny review of the issue.
(d)  Take no further action but give reasons as to why it has decided to take no further action.
(e)  A combination of the above.

Members are invited to debate the issue and agree the way forward as set out at (a) – (e) above.

This will be a webcast remote meeting

Watch live or on catch-up here: http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=27839&EVT=101&DT=A
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #68 on: August 14, 2020, 04:00:52 PM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 19 August has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting.

One very interesting item on this agenda is the planning application for development of the former RBS building on Market Street: 

"Conversion of ground floor from Bank (Use Class A2) to Restaurant/Bar (Use Class A3/A4), together with demolition of existing first floor and replacement with new extension to provide 4 no. apartments at first floor and second floor level."

Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up: http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=27218&EVT=101&DT=A

Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #67 on: July 20, 2020, 08:21:47 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 22 July has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting. Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #66 on: June 14, 2020, 07:48:10 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 17 June has been published.

The meeting starts at 6pm and in the light of government guidance on social-distancing and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The press and public are able to follow the proceedings by watching the live webcast of the meeting. Watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #65 on: March 05, 2020, 06:07:36 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 11 March has been published.

As usual doors open around 5.30pm and the meeting starts at 6pm in the Marple Senior Citizens' Hall.

There are some traffic regulation orders around the Peacefield / Cross Lane areas that may generate the most interest.

If you can't get there you can watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #64 on: January 29, 2020, 09:11:51 AM »
District Centres Report will be of interest to local shops and businesses in Marple

At Marple AC tonight a 73 page report will be considered by local councillors. While hard work to read, this report may be of great interest to local shops and businesses in Marple Town Centre.

Hopefully this link will work but I do wish Stockport Council would learn not to uses spaces in their file names:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2020, 10:19:42 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 29 January has been published.

As usual doors open around 5.30pm and the meeting starts at 6pm in the Marple Senior Citizens' Hall.

This month it's quite a big agenda with a lot about District Town Centres too.

If you can't get there you can watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2019, 04:49:05 PM »
Thank you


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2019, 11:42:18 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 11 December has been published.

As usual doors open around 5.30pm and the meeting starts at 6pm in the Marple Senior Citizens' Hall.

Development applications include the Canal and River Trust Yard, which of course includes the Wharf Marple Project too.

If you can't get there you can watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #60 on: November 04, 2019, 08:59:09 AM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 6 November has been published.

As usual doors open around 5.30pm and the meeting starts at 6pm in the Marple Senior Citizens' Hall.

There are no development applications being considered, so it may be a quiet one, or perhaps something interesting will pop-up during Public Questions?

If you can't get there you can watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Reply #59 on: September 23, 2019, 05:35:41 PM »
The agenda for the Marple Area Committee Meeting on Wednesday 25 September has been published.

As usual doors open around 5.30pm and the meeting starts at 6pm in the Marple Senior Citizens' Hall.

One of the items being considered is the Friends of Memorial Park's request (first made in December 2017!) for the CCTV camera to be relocated to cover the skatepark.

If you can't get there you can watch LIVE via this link, or afterwards on catch-up:


Note that the Web Casts are now embedded in the meeting agendas.

There's a page about Marple AC that tries to explain in simple terms what they do and how you can get involved here:


The page includes a map of the Marple Wards so you can see exactly where the boundaries of Marple North and Marple South and High Lane are. It also features a live feed from the Stockport Council web site at the bottom that shows links to the latest agendas issued, meetings held etc.

There is also a shortcut link to the Marple Area Committee page on the council site: www.stockport.gov.uk/mac
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website